Dear Readers, Welcome to SAP PLM Objective Questions and Answers have been designed specially to get you acquainted with the nature of questions you may encounter during your Job interview for the subject of SAP PLM Multiple choice Questions. These Objective type SAP PLM are very important for campus placement test and job interviews. As per my experience good interviewers hardly plan to ask any particular question during your Job interview and these model questions are asked in the online technical test and interview of many IT & Non IT Industry.
a. AS
b. LS
c. FF
d. FS
Ans: d
a. AF
b. EF
c. ES
d. TF
Ans: b
a. REL
b. CN24N
c. TF
d. PDC
Ans: b
a. Milestones
b. SS
c. Reduction
d. LS
a. Project Definition
b. Shift Order Indicator
c. Sales Order
d. What is an activity?
Ans: b
a. Forward Scheduling | SAP PLM Questions
b. What is an activity?
c. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
d. Backward Scheduling
Ans: c
a. Comparison or evaluation of data?
b. What period will be evaluated?
c. A production order used in discrete manufacturing.
d. CJ29 - Project Scheduling Transaction
Ans: c
a. Internal Order
b. Actual Dates
c. Claim
d. Cost Center
Ans: b
a. A request or instruction from a purchasing organization to a vendor (external supplier) or a plant to deliver a quantity of material or render a service at a certain point in time.
b. Overall Network Scheduling Transaction with selection options
c. The smallest organization unit within a company, used to represent a closed system for cost accounting purposes. A controlling area may include single or multiple company codes that may use different currencies.
d. A request or instruction to Purchasing to procure a quantity of a material or service so what it is available at a certain point in time.
Ans: a
a. Company Code”
b. Profit Center
c. Actual Dates
d. Cost Center
Ans: d
a. Standard Network
b. Network
c. Customer Inquiry
d. Budget
a. Goods Issue
b. Customer Inquiry
c. Cost Center
d. Control profile
Ans: b
a. SS
b. AF
d. SF
a. Forward Scheduling
b. Purchasing
c. Backward Scheduling
d. Work Center
Ans: c
a. Company Code
b. Forward Scheduling
c. Work Center
d. Scheduling type
Ans: b
a. Purchase Order
b. Project Definition
c. Purchase Requisition
d. Cost Center
Ans: c
a. Profit Center
b. Work Center
c. Cost Center
d. WBS Element
Ans: b
a. Period profile
b. Evaluation profile
c. Selection profile
d. Production Order
Ans: b
a. Standard Network
b. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
c. Standard Work Breakdown Structure
d. Work Center
Ans: c
a. Purchase Order
b. Sales Order
c. Maintenance Order
d. Internal Order
Ans: c
a. A term from Inventory Management denoting a physical inward movement of goods or material from a company, usally with reference to a purchase order or production order.
b. A component of Materials Management with the following tasks; procuring materials and services externally, determining possible sources of supply for a requirement, monitoring goods deliveries and payment.
c. A request or instruction to Purchasing to procure a quantity of a material or service so what it is available at a certain point in time.
d. Overall Network Scheduling Transaction with selection options
Ans: b
a. Finish Start
b. Finish Finish
c. Finally Confirmed
d. Earliest Finish
Ans: c
a. Plant Data Collection
b. Total Float
c. Start Start
d. Actual Start Date
a. CJ29 - Project Scheduling Transaction
b. Are entered in networks using confirmations.
c. Internal Processing External Processing General Costs Activity
d. Internal processing External processing costs service
Ans: c
a. Project Definition
b. Purchase Order
c. Purchase Requistion
d. Purchasing
Ans: c
a. WBS Element
b. Profit Center
c. Work Center
d. Project Definition
Ans: b
a. Control profile
b. Company Code
c. CNF
d. BOM
Ans: b
a. Production Order
b. Profit Center
c. Sales Order
d. Purchase Order
Ans: a
a. Selection profile
b. Control profile
c. List Profile
d. Time profile
Ans: b
a. ES
b. Network
c. Reduction
d. Milestones
Ans: d