Respiratory System Multiple choice Questions & Answers

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Best Respiratory System Objective type Questions and Answers

Dear Readers, Welcome to Respiratory System Objective Questions and Answers have been designed specially to get you acquainted with the nature of questions you may encounter during your Job interview for the subject of Respiratory System Multiple choice Questions. These Objective type Respiratory System Questions are very important for campus placement test and job interviews. As per my experience good interviewers hardly plan to ask any particular question during your Job interview and these model questions are asked in the online technical test and interview of many Medical Industry.

1)Your body couldn't breathe without this system.Which one is it? 

  A. It is the Perspiration system.

  B. It is the Respiratory system. 

  C. It is the Photosynthsis

  D. It is the Urinary system.

   Ans: B

 MCQs on Respiratory System

2)The Respiratory system is made up of trachea, the lungs, and the ______________.  

  A. liver.

  B. diaphragm. 

  C. esophagus.

  D. pancreas.

   Ans: B


3)When you breath in  air, you bring oxygen into your lungs and blow out_________________. 

  A. carbon dioxide. 

  B. carbon monoxide.

  C. oxygen.

  D. hydrogen.

   Ans: A


4)When you inhale, your lungs _________________. 

  A. inflate 

  B. turn purple

  C. deflate

  D. disappear.

   Ans: A


5)What is the name of the tiny air sacs in the lungs? 

  A. The name of the tiny air sacs in the lungs is called Bronchioles.

  B. The name of the tiny air sacs in the lungs is called Ravioli.

  C. The name of the tiny air sacs in the lungs is called Alveoli. 

  D. The name of the tiny air sacs in the lungs is called Bronx.

   Ans: C


6)_________________ is not good for lungs. 

  A. Exercising

  B. Singing

  C. Smoking 

  D. Yelling

   Ans: C


7)The trachea is also called the ________________. 

  A. lungs.

  B. Diaphragm.

  C. Windpipe. 

  D. Bronchus.

   Ans: C


8)The tiny hairs that keep mucus and dirt out of your lungsare called _____________. 

  A. lung hairs.

  B. stubble.

  C. Bronchioles

  D. Cilia 

   Ans: D


9)The vioce box is also known as the ______________________. 

  A. Alveoli

  B. Larynx 

  C. Trachea

  D. Motormouth

   Ans: B


10)As you breathe, this contracts and flattens to give your lungs room to fill up with air ____________________.  

  A. Laxynx.

  B. Lung balloon.

  C. Diaphragm 

  D. Bronchiole

   Ans: C


11)What happens when you breathe in?


  A. When you breathe in your diaphragm expands and your ribcage contracts.

  B. When you breathe in your diaphragm contracts and your ribcage expands. 

  C. When you breathe in your diaphragm explodes and your ribcage contradicts.

  D. When you breathe in your diaphragm does not move and your ribcage expands.


   Ans: B


12)Air enters your lungs through the _________________.


  A. Trachea. 

  B. Esophagus.

  C. Alveoli.

  D. Laxynx.


  Ans: A


13)How many lungs do humans have?


  A. Humans have four lungs.

  B. Humans have one lung.

  C. Humans have three lungs.

  D. Humans have two lungs. 


   Ans: D


14)What are bronchial tubes?


  A. Bronchial tubes are air passages inside your lungs. 

  B. Bronchial tubes are blood vessels inside your body.

  C. Bronchial tubes are tiny air sacs that deliver oxygen to the blood .

  D. Bronchial tubes are large air sacs that deliver oxygen to the blood.


   Ans: A


15)What muscles allow you to breathe in and out?


  A. The muscles that allow you to breathe in and out is the nose.

  B. The muscles that allow you to breathe in and out is the trachea.

  C. The muscles that allow you to breathe in and out is the tongue.

  D. The muscles that allow you to breathe in and out is the diaphragm. 


   Ans: D


16)Which can not be stored by the body?


  A. Vitamin s can not be stored by the body.

  B. Energy can not be stored by the body.

  C. Minerals can not be stored by the body.

  D. Oxygen can not be stored by the body. 


   Ans: D


17)When you breathe out, what gas does the body get rid of? 


  A. When you breathe out your body gets rid of nitrigen gas.

  B. When you breathe out your body gets rid of carbon dioxide gas. 

  C. When you breathe out your body gets rid of oxygen gas.

  D. When you breathe out your body gets rid of carbon monoxide gas.


   Ans: B


18)What are capillaries?


  A. Capillaries are tiny lung sacs in your lungs.

  B. Capillaries are tiny blood vessels in your lungs. 

  C. Capillaries are tiny blood cells in your lungs.

  D. Capillaries are large blood cells in your lungs.


   Ans: B


19)What are alveoli?


  A. Alveoli are tiny cells.

  B. Alveoli are large blood vessels.

  C. Alveoli are tiny blood vessels.

  D. Alveoli are tiny sacs in the lungs. 


   Ans: D


20)What disease can be caused by smoking?


  A. The disease that can be caused by smoking is Emphysema. 

  B. The disease that can be caused by smoking is Bronchitis.

  C. The disease that can be caused by smoking is Alveolitis.

  D. The disease that can be caused by smoking is Diabetes.


   Ans: A


21)Labored breathing from lying down is?


  A. apnea

  B. hyperpnea

  C. tachypnea

  D. orthopnea (Your Answer)



   Ans: D


22)Severe chest pain, fever and shallow breathing are symptoms of?


  A. cleft palate

  B. tonsillitis

  C. pleurisy 

  D. hypoxia


   Ans: C


23)To clear the upper respiratory tract, one would?


  A. cough

  B. hiccup

  C. sneeze 

  D. yawn


   Ans: C


24)During inspiration,


  A. there is decreased thoracic volume

  B. the thoracic pressure decreases 

  C. external intercostals relax

  D. diaphragm relaxes and lowers


   Ans: B


25)Actual gas exchange takes place in the?


  A. trachea

  B. diaphragm

  C. bronchi

  D. alveoli 


   Ans: D


26)The job of the concha is?


  A. to separate the nasal and oral cavities

  B. to increase surface area to allow more air movement 

  C. trap pathogens and debris

  D. warm air and removes water


   Ans: B


27)Chemoreceptors for oxygen are not found in the?


  A. carotid artery

  B. aorta

  C. lungs 


   Ans: C


28)Barrel chest is from?


  A. alveoli losing elasticity 

  B. overexchange of gases

  C. TB


   Ans: A


29)What does oxygen bind to on a blood cell?


  A. the antigen

  B. the hemoglobin 

  C. the antibody

  D. the nucleus


   Ans: B 

30)When standing, respiration is?


  A. higher 

  B. lower

  C. unchanged


   Ans: A


31)Gas exchange between the blood and the cells is?


  A. pulmonary ventilation

  B. external respiration

  C. gas transport

  D. internal respiration 


   Ans: D


32)How does the larynx produce sound?


  A. vibrations 

  B. folds flip open and close

  C. swells

  D. relaxes and contracts


   Ans: A 

33)The part of the body that consists of the nose, mouth, pharynx, epiglottis, larynx, and trachea is the..?


  A. Upper Quadrant

  B. Lower Respiratory System

  C. Upper Respiratory System 

  D. Nasal Cavity


   Ans: C


34)What is the lid-like structure that closes to allow food to pass through the esophagus?


  A. Tonsils

  B. Epiglottis 

  C. Larynx

  D. Pharynx


   Ans: B


35)How many lobes does the right lung contain?


  A. 4

  B. 2

  C. 1



   Ans: D


36)What are the thin hairs inside the nostrils?


  A. Cilia 

  B. Mucus

  C. Tonsils

  D. Mucous membrane


   Ans: A


37)The medical term for the Voice Box?


  A. Tonsils

  B. Larynx 

  C. Trachea

  D. Pharynx


   Ans: B


38)Medical term for Windpipe?


  A. Trachea 

  B. Bronchi

  C. Epiglottis

  D. Esophagus


   Ans: A


39)The act of bringing air into and out of the lungs?


  A. Exhaling

  B. Coughing

  C. Breathing 

  D. Inhaling


   Ans: C


40)Breathing disorder characterized by coughing and wheezing.


  A. Emphysema

  B. Asthma 

  C. Bronchitis

  D. Smoker's Respiratory Syndrome


   Ans: B


41)Acute Respiratory Syndrome in children?


  A. Influenza

  B. Allergic Rhinitis

  C. Pertussis

  D. Croup 


   Ans: D


42)A nosebleed?


  A. Epistaxis 

  B. Rhinorrhea

  C. Sinusitis

  D. Diphtheria


   Ans: A


43)Medical term for a runny nose?


  A. Pertussis

  B. Sinusitis

  C. Rhinorrhea 

  D. Dysphoria


   Ans: C


44)Inflammation of the Bronchial walls?


  A. Bronchorrhea

  B. Bronchitis 

  C. Bronchioles

  D. Bronchorrhagia

   Ans: B


45)Pain in the Pleura.


  A. Pleuralgia 

  B. Pleurisy

  C. Pleuritis

  D. Pleuroma


   Ans: A


46)Infection that attacks the lungs and results in the coughing up of blood.


  A. Hemothorax

  B. Tuberculosis 

  C. Pneumorrhagia

  D. Hemoptysis


   Ans: B


47)The 3 lobes of the right lung are..?


  A. Top, Middle, Bottom

  B. 1, 2, 3

  C. uno, dos, tres

  D. Superior, Middle, Inferior 


   Ans: D


48)Inflammation of lungs where air sacs fill with pus and other liquid.


  A. Pneumonia 

  B. TB

  C. Cystic Fibrosis

  D. Pulmonary Edema


   Ans: A


49)Also known as Black Lung Disease.


  A. Silicosis

  B. Byssinosis

  C. Anthracosis 

  D. Abestosis


   Ans: C


50)Genetic disorder in which the lungs are filled with thick mucus.


  A. Anoxia

  B. Cystic Fibrosis 

  C. Pulmonary Fibrosis

  D. Silicosis


   Ans: B


51)Another term for suffocation.


  A. Aphyxia

  B. Anoxia

  C. Airway Obstruction

  D. Asphyxiation 


   Ans: D 

52)Visual examination of the Larynx.


  A. Bronchoscopy

  B. Laryngoscopy 

  C. Laryngectomy

  D. Laryngitis


   Ans: B


53)Medical term for the mucus that is secreted by tissues in the Respiratory Passages.


  A. Mucus

  B. Cilia

  C. Phlegm 

  D. Mucous


   Ans: C


54)Surgical reconstruction of the Nasal Septum.


  A. Septoplasty 

  B. Pharyngoplasty

  C. Laryngoplasty

  D. Sinusotomy


   Ans: A 

55)An opening on a body surface.


  A. Pore

  B. Stoma 

  C. Lobe

  D. Ventilator


   Ans: B


56)Surgical removal of the Larynx.


  A. Laryngectomy 

  B. Larngotomy

  C. Laryngoplasty

  D. Laryngalgia


   Ans: A


57)Suturing of the Trachea.


  A. Tracheostomy

  B. Tracheotomy

  C. Tracheorrhaphy 

  D. Tracheoplasty



   Ans: C



58)The mechanism that establishes the medullary osmotic gradient depends most on the permiebility properties of    the?


  A. loop of henle 

  B. glomerular filtration membrane

  C. collecting duct

  D. distal convoluted tubule


   Ans: A


59)Urine passes through the?


  A. renal hilum to the bladder to the ureter

  B. pelvis of kidney to ureter to bladder to urethra 

  C. glomerulus to ureter to renal tubule

  D. hilum to urethra to bladder


   Ans: B


60)Which of the following is not associated with the renal corpuscle?


  A. podocyte

  B. vasa recta 

  C. a fenestrated capillary

  D. an efferent arteriole


   Ans: B


61)An increase in the permeability of the cells of the collecting tubule to water is due to a(n)


  A. decrease in the production of ADH

  B. increase in the production of ADH 

  C. increase in the production of aldosterone

  D. decrease in the conentration of the blood plasma


   Ans: B


62)The urinary bladder is composed of __________ epithelium?


  A. transitional 

  B. simple squamous

  C. stratisifed squamous

  D. pseudostratified columnar


   Ans: A


63)The kidneys are stimulated to produce renin?


  A. when the pertibular capillaries are dialted

  B. when the pH of the urine decreases

  C. by a decrease in the blood pressure 

  D. when the specific gravity of urine rises above 1.10


   Ans: C


64)Which of the choices below is not a function of the urniary system?


  A. helps maintain homeostatis by controlling the compositon, volume, and pressure of blood

  B. regulates blood glucose levels and produces hormones

  C. maintains blood osmolarity

  D. eliminates solid, undigested wastes and excretes carbon dioxide, water, salts, and heat 


   Ans: D


65)Which gland sits at top of kindeys?


  A. adrenal 

  B. thymus

  C. pituitary

  D. pancreas


   Ans: A


66)The _____________ artery lies on the boundry between the cortex and medulla of the kidney?


  A. lobar

  B. arcuate 

  C. interlobar

  D. cortical radiate


   Ans: B


67)The glomerulus differs from other capillaries in the body in that it?


  A. has a basement membrane

  B. is impermeable to most substances

  C. is drained by an efferent arteriole 

  D. has a blood pressure much lower than other organ systems


   Ans: C


68)The descending limb of the loop of henle?


  A. is not permeable to water

  B. is freely permeable to sodium and urea

  C. pulls water by osmosis into the lumen of the tubule

  D. contains fluid that becomes more concentrated as it moves down into the medulla 


   Ans: D


69) Select the correct statement about ureters?


  A. ureters contain sphincters at the entrance to the bladder to prevent the backflow or urine

  B. the epithelium is stratified squamous like the skin, which allows a great deal of stretch

  C. the ureters are capable of peristalsis like that of the gastrointestinal tract 

  D. the ureter is innervated by parasympathetic nerve endings only


   Ans: C


70)The fatty tissue surrounding the kidneys is important because it?


  A. ensures adequate energy for the adrenal glands to operate efficiently

  B. stabalizes the position of the kidneys by holding them in their normal position 

  C. is necessary as a barrier between the adrenal glands and kidneys

  D. produces vitamin D



   Ans: B


71)The renal corpsucle is made up of?


  A. bowmans capsule and glomerulus 

  B. the descending loop of henle

  C. the renal pyramid

  D. the renal papilla


   Ans: A


72)The functional and stuctural unit of the kidneys is the?


  A. nephron 

  B. loop of henle

  C. glomerular capsule

  D. basement membrane of the capillaries


   Ans: A


73)The juxtaglomerular apparatus is responsible for?


  A. the secretion of drugs

  B. the secretion of acids and ammonia

  C. reabsorption of organic molecules, vitamins, and water

  D. regulating the rate of filtrate formation and controlling systemic blood pressure (Correct Answ

   Ans: D


74)The cheif force pushing water and solutes out of the blood across the filtration membrane is?


  A. the design and size of the podocytes

  B. the thickness of the capillary endothelium

  C. glomerular hydrostatic pressure (glomerular blood pressure) 

  D. the size of the pores in the basement membrane of the capillaries


   Ans: C


75)Which of the following statements desbribes the histology of th ureters?


  A. they are trilayered (mucosa, muscularis, and adventitia) 

  B. they are actually an extension of the visceral peritoneum

  C. they are made up of several layers of endothelium

  D. they are made up entirely of muscle tissure because they need to contract in order to transport urine efficiently.


   Ans: A


76)Which of the following statements is a false or incorrect statement?


  A. the male urethra services both the urinary and reproductive systems at the same time 

  B. the male urethra serves both the urniary and reproductive systems but at different times

  C. the male urethra is longer than the female urethra

  D. the male urethra is a passageway for both urine and semen

   Ans: A


77)Which of the following acts as the trigger for the intitiation of micturition (voiding)?


  A. the stretching of the bladder wall 

  B. motor neurons

  C. the pressure of the fluid in the bladder

  D. the sympathetic efferents


   Ans: A


78)The filtration membrane includes all except?


  A. glomerular endothelium

  B. podocytes

  C. renal fascia 

  D. basement membrane


   Ans: C


79)The mechanisms of water reabsortption by the renalubules is?


  A. active transport

  B. osmosis 

  C. solvent drag

  D. cotransport with sodium ions


   Ans: B


80)Most electrolyte reabsorption by the renal tubules is?


  A. not Tm limited

  B. in the distal convoluted tubule

  C. hormanally controlled in distal tubule segments 

  D. completed by the time of the loop of henle is reached


   Ans: C


81)The macula densa cells respond to?


  A. aldosterone

  B. antidiuretic hormone

  C. changes in the pressure in the tubule

  D. changes in solute content of the filtrate 


   Ans: D


82)Which of the following is not reaborbed by the proximal convoluted tublue?


  A. Na+

  B. K+

  C. glucose

  D. creatine 


   Ans: D


83)The fluid in the glomerular (bowmans) capusle is similar to plasma except that it does not contain a     significant amount of?


  A. glucose

  B. hormones

  C. electrolytes

  D. plasma protein 


   Ans: D


84)Alcohol acts as a diuretic because it?


  A. is not reabsorbed by the tubule cells

  B. increases the rate of glomerular filtration

  C. increases secretion of ADH

  D. inhibits the release of ADH 


   Ans: D


85)The function of angiotensin II is to?


  A. constrict arterioles and increase blood pressure 

  B. decrease the production of aldosterone

  C. decrease arterial blood pressure

  D. decrease water absorption


   Ans: A 

86)A disease caused by inadequate secretion of anitdiuretic hormone (ADH) by pituitary  glands with symptoms    of ployuria is?


  A. diabetes mellitus

  B. diabetes insipidus 

  C. diabetic acidosis

  D. coma


   Ans: B


87)An important characteristic of urine is its specific gravity or density which is?


  A. 1.0041-1.073

  B. 1.001 - 1.035 

  C. 1.030 - 1.040

  D. 1.000 - 1.015


   Ans: B


88)Place the following in correct sequence from the formation of a drop of urine to its elimination from the body.


     1. major calyx

     2. minor calyx

     3. nephron

     4. urethra

     5. ureter

     6. collecting duct


  A. 3,1,2,6,5,4

  B. 6,3,2,1,5,4

  C. 2,1,3,6,5,4

  D. 3,6,2,1,5,4 


   Ans: D


89)Select the correct statement about the nephrons?


  A. the parietal layer of hte glomerular capsule is simple squamous epithlium 

  B. the glomerulus is correctly described as the proximal end of the proximal convoluted tublue

  C. podocytes are the branching epitheilal cells that line the tubules of the nephron

  D. filtration slits are the pores that give fenestrated capillaries their name


   Ans: A


90)What would happen if the capsular hydrostatic pressure were increased above normal?


  A. net filtration would increase above normal

  B. net filtration would decrease 

  C. filtration would increase in proportion to the increase in capsular pressure

  D. capsular osmotic pressure would compensate so that filatration would not change


   Ans: B


91)Which of the following is not a part of the juxtaglomerular apparatus?


  A. granular cells

  B. macula densa

  C. podocyte cells 

  D. mesangial cells


   Ans: C


92)Tubular reaborption?


  A. includes substances such as creatiinine

  B. by active mehanisms usually invovlves movement against an electrical and or chemical gradient 

  C. by passive processes requires ATP to move solutes form the interior of the tubule to the blood

  D. is a way for the body to get rid of unwanted wast


   Ans: B


93)Which of the following is not a reason why substances are either not reaborbed or are incompletley reabsorbed from the nephron?


  A. they lack carriers

  B. they are not lipid soluble

  C. they are too lare too pass thorugh the fenestrations

  D. they are extremely complex molecules 


   Ans: D


94)Reabsorbption of high levels of glucose and amino acids in the filtrate is accomplished by?


  A. facilitated diffusion

  B. passive transport

  C. countertransport

  D. secondary active transport 


   Ans: D


95)Which of the choices below is a function of the loop of henle?


  A. form a large volume of very concentrated urine or a small volume of very dilute urine

  B. form a large volume of very dilute urine or a small volume of very concentrated urine 

  C. absorb electrolytes activley with an automatic absorption of water by osmosis

  D. none of these


   Ans: B


96)Fetal kidneys do not have to work very hard because?


  A. fetuses do not have any waste to excrete

  B. there are not functional nephrons until after birth

  C. the placenta allows the mothers urniary system to clear the waste from fetal blood 

  D. there is no way a fetus could excrete urine until the seventh month of development


   Ans: C


97)Which of the following best describes kidney function in older adults (70 yrs or older)?


  A. kidney function remains the same throughout life, regardless of age

  B. only about 3% of older adults have any loss of kindey function

  C. only obese and diabetic older adults have any kidney dysfunction

  D. kidney function decreases due to kidney atrophy 


   Ans: D


98)The factor favoring filtrate formation at the glomerlus is the?


  A. colloid osmotic pressure of the blood

  B. glomerular hydrostatic pressure 

  C. capsular hyrodtatic pressure

  D. myogenic mechanism


   Ans: B


99)If the Tm for a particular amino acid is 120 mg /100ml and the concentration of that amino acid in the blood is 230 mg/ 100ml the amino acid will? 

  A. be actively secreted into the filtrate

  B. be completly reabsorbed by the tubule cells

  C. appear in the urine 

  D. be reabsorbed by secondary active transport

   Ans: C


100)If one says that the clearance value of glucose is zero, what does that mean? 

  A. the glucose molecule is too larege to be filtered out of the blood

  B. most of the glucose is filtered out of the blood and is not reaborbed in the convoluted tublues

  C. normally all the glucose is reabsorbed 

  D. the clearance value of the glucose is realtively high in a healthy adult

   Ans: C