PROPERTIES OF STEAM Lab VIVA Questions & Answers

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Best PROPERTIES OF STEAM Lab VIVA Questions and Answers

Dear Readers, Welcome to PROPERTIES OF STEAM Lab VIVA Questions and Answers have been designed specially to get you acquainted with the nature of questions you may encounter during your Job interview for the subject of PROPERTIES OF STEAM Lab VIVA Questions. These PROPERTIES OF STEAM Lab VIVA Questions are very important for campus placement test and job interviews. As per my experience good interviewers hardly plan to ask any particular questions during your Job interview and these model questions are asked in the online technical test and interview of many IT & Non IT Industries.



1. At a pressure of 0.006112 bar, the melting and boiling temperature become equal and the change of phase ice-water-steam is shown on T-v diagram by ________.

2. At a pressure of 0.006112 bar and temperature of 273.16°K, ice, water and steam coexist and such a condition is represented by ________.

3. At pressures lower than 0.006112 bar, the ice ______to steam.

4. At a pressure of 221.2 bar and temperature of 374.15°C, the change of volume accompanying evaporation is _______.

5. The condition of p = 221.2 bar and t = 374.15°C is called_______.

6. At critical point, the latent heat of vaporisation is ______.

7. There is no definite transition from liquid to vapour and two phases can’t be distinguished visually.

8. Superheated steam behaves like______gas.

9. At very high pressures, the volumes of saturated water _______ by omitted from calculations.

10. During throttling process________remains unchanged.

11. Diagram showing properties of steam on enthalpy vs. entropy chart.

12. With increase in pressure, the enthalpy of evaporation ________.

13. With increase in pressure, the enthalpy of dry saturated steam ________.

14. For measuring dryness fraction of the order of 0.98, _______calorimeter is used.

1. a straight line

2. triple point line

3. sublimates

4. zero

5. critical point

6. zero

7. at critical point and above

8. perfect

9. can not

10. enthalpy

11. Mollier diagram

12. decreases

13. decreases

14. throttling

PROPERTIES OF STEAM Lab VIVA Questions and Answers:

1. a straight line

2. triple point line

3. sublimates

4. zero

5. critical point

6. zero

7. at critical point and above

8. perfect

9. can not

10. enthalpy

11. Mollier diagram

12. decreases

13. decreases

14. throttling