Dear Readers, Welcome to Ophthalmology Objective Questions and Answers have been designed specially to get you acquainted with the nature of questions you may encounter during your Job interview for the subject of Ophthalmology Multiple choice Questions. These Objective type Ophthalmology Questions are very important for campus placement test and job interviews. As per my experience good interviewers hardly plan to ask any particular question during your Job interview and these model questions are asked in the online technical test and interview of many Medical Industry.
A. Preauricular lymphadenopathy
B. large central geographic corneal erosions
C. Multifocal subepithelial infiltrates
D. Enlarged corneal nerves
Ans: D
A. is appropriate to correct superior oblique muscle palsy
B. can result in Brown syndrome
C. is the procedure of choice when the symptoms and measurements indicate principally a torsional misalignment
D. a and b
E. b and c
Ans: D
A. temporal coherence
B. spatial coherence
C. polarization
D. directionality
Ans: A
A. Ora serrata
B. Scleral spur
C. internal ostia of vortex veins
D. peripapillary tissue
Ans: A
A. Follow the case to see whether head nodding develops
B. Follow the case to see whether abnormal head position develops
C. Undertake drug toxicology screening
D. Undertake neuroimaging (perferably MRI)
Ans: D
A. vascular pannus and pnctate epithelial erosions involving the superior cornea
B. An oval epithelial ulceration with underlying stromal opacification in the central cornea
C. Limbal follicles
D. Conjunctical symblephara
Ans: D
A. Neisseria meningitidis
B. Corynebacterium diphtheriae
C. Shigella
D. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Ans: D
A. indirect ophthalmoscopy
B. computed tomography
C. electrophysiology
D. magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
E. echography
Ans: D
A. arcuate visual field defects
B. high reflective signal on b-scan ultrasonography
C. visual acuity loss
D. optic disc elevation and blurred margins
Ans: C
A. as the power of the cornea increases and the axial length increases
B. as the power of the cornea decreases and the axial length increases
C. as the power of the cornea increases ans the axial length decreases
D. as the power of the cornea decreases and the axial length decreases
Ans: D
A. Temporal parietal
B. Zygomatic
C. Infraorbital
D. Zygomaticofacial
Ans: B
A. is usually associated with previous lens trauma
B. is typically located superiorly
C. is typically associated with normal zonular attachments
D. is often associated with cortical lens opacification
Ans: D
A. is beyond infinity, optically speaking
B. is between infinity and the cornea
C. is behind the eye
D. is beyond minus infinity, optically speaking
E. cannot be determined without additional information
Ans: E
A. Epiblepharon is well-tolerated and only occaionally requires surgical correction
B. telecanthus indicates increased separation between the bony orbits
C. Amblyopia resulting from ptosis is usually a result of induced astigmatism rather than occlusion
D. The blepharophimosis syndrome is often inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion
Ans: B
A. current smoking
B. white race
C. lower education
D. all of the above
Ans: D
A. The disease never occurs bilaterally
B. DUSN is a common casue of incorrectly diagnosed "unilateral retinitis pigmentosa"
C. Eradication of the subretinal nematode often results in an intense inflammatory reaction
D. Visual loss typically continues after successful eardication of the subretinal nematode
E. The condition is seen only in individuals with a history of travel to endemic areas
Ans: B
A. unilateral or asymmetric fundus involvement
B. recurrent or relentless progression of fundus lesions leading to permanent loss of central vision
C. associated cerebral vasculitis
D. prompt response to oral steroids
Ans: D
A. 20%
B. 30%
C. 40%
D. 50%
Ans: B
A. Exophthalmos
B. Exernal ophthalmoplegia
C. Eyelid Retraction
D. Optic neuropathy
Ans: C
A. IV sedation
B. intracameral lidocaine
C. lidocaine jelly
D. tetracain drops
E. all of the above
Ans: E
A. 1%
B. 6%
C. 18%
D. 40%
Ans: B
A. Herpes simplex virus
B. Herpes zoster virus
C. Chlamydia trachomatis
D. All of the Above
Ans: D
A. finish phacoemulsification on the nucleus
B. convert to extracapsular extraction
C. freeze the action and assess
D. perform a vitrectomy
Ans: C
A. simultaneous bilateral facial palsy
B. recovery of facial nerve function that occurs 3 weeks after the facial palsy
C. facial palsy occuring in a patient older than 50 years of age
D. upper and lower facial musculature equally affected
Ans: A
A. is usually bilateral
B. is always inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern
C. is more common in males
D. is rarely associated with glaucoma
E. may be associated with glaucoma in infants
Ans: E
A. nonarteretic ischemic optic neuropathy
B. migraine
C. giant cell arteritis
D. pseudotumor cerebri
Ans: A
A. and the fovea are corresponding points
B. is posterior to the eye, optically speaking
C. is nearer to the eye than the point of focus of the fully accommodated eye
D. cannot be moved by placing a lens in front of the eye
Ans: A
A. 520 um
B. 540 um
C. 560 um
D. 580 um
E. 600 um
Ans: B
A. posterior embryotoxon
B. Peters anomaly
C. Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome
D. posterior keratoconus
E. iris colomboas
Ans: E
A. HLA-B27
B. HLA-B51
D. HLA-B54
Ans: A
A. It can recur in a diffuse manner
B. it can transform to a malignant tumor if present long enough.
C. recurrences can transform to malignancy
D. it can resolve spontaneously
Ans: D
A. Chronic alcoholism
B. Cystic Fibrosis
C. Bowel resection
D. Glomerulonephritis
Ans: D
A. conjunctival lymphoma, choroidal melanoma
B. conjunctival lymphoma, intraocular lymphoma
C. eyelid sebaceous carcinoma, intraocular lymphoma
D. basal cell carcinoma, retinoblastoma
Ans: C
A. a testing chart with symbols arranged in rows of decreasing size that are equally legible
B. nonstandardized room illuminations
C. a snellen visual acuity chart
D. a +1.00 D lens placed over the patient's distance refraction
Ans: C
A. View of bone and calcium
B. View of the orbital apex and orbitocranial junction
C. Elimination of motion artificat
D. Comfort for claustrophobic patients
E. Safety to patients with prosthetic implants
Ans: B
A. beta carotene
B. cupric oxide
C. zinc oxide
D. vitamin e
Ans: A
A. 13.75x
B. 15.00x
C. 10.75x
D. 5.00x
Ans: A
A. lateral rectus
B. medial rectus
C. superior rectus
D. inferior rectus
Ans: B
A. more susceptible to wound burn
B. more difficult to construct
C. less likely to be watertight
D. less incidence of endophthalmitis
Ans: D
A. Pulfrich phenomenon
B. metamorphopsia
C. micropsia
D. palinopsia
Ans: D
A. neutrophils
B. basophils
C. eosinophils
D. macrophages
Ans: C
A. diabetes mellitus
B. flexible open-loop anterior chamber IOL implantation
C. ruptured posterior capsule
D. marked postoperative inflammation
E. vitreous loss
Ans: B
A. Herpes simplex virus
B. Adenovirus
C. Human immunodeficiency virus
D. Epstein-Barr Virus
Ans: B
A. Patients with diabetes enrolled in the ETDRS who underwent cataract surgery did not show an immediate imporvement in visual acuity.
B. Patiens with diabetes with CSME should have cataract surgery performed prior to focal laser
C. Patients with diabetes and high risk proliferative changes visible through their cataract should ideally have scatter laser immediately before cataract extraction
D. Patients with diabetes and high risk proliferative changes visible through their cataract should have scatter laser 1 to 2 months prior to cataract extraction
E. Preoperative phenylephrine drops for dilation are contraindicated in patients with diabetes undergoing cataract surgery
Ans: D
A. cocaine 10 %
B. pilocarpine 0.1%
C. pilocarpine 1%
D. pilocarpine 2.5%
Ans: A
A. hypotony
B. bleb hyperemia
C. bleb leaks and infections
D. all of the above
E. a and c only
Ans: E
A. vitamin a
B. vitamin c
C. beta carotene
D. leutin
Ans: D
A. congenital glaucoma
B. infantile cataract
C. chlamydial conjunctivitis with corneal scarring
D. rentinoblastoma
Ans: A
A. It demonstrated that topical corticosteroids given together with a prophylactic antiviral reduce persistence or progression of stromal inflammation and shorten the duration of herpes simplex stromal keratitis
B. It showed that long term suppressive oral acyclovir theraphy reduces the rate of recurrent HSV keratitis and helps to preserve vision
C. It showed some additional benefit of oral acyclovir in treating active HSV stromal keratitis in those patients also receiving concomitant topical cortiscosteroids and trifluridine
D. It deomstrated that oral acyclovir did not appear to prevent subsequent HSV stromal keratitis or iritis when it was given briefly along with trifluridine during an episode of epithelial keratitis
Ans: C
A. removal of vitreous from the wound
B. removal of vitreous so that a posterior chamber lens can be placed
C. prevention of CME
D. removal of vitreous anterior to the posterior lens capsule
Ans: D
A. 1%
B. 10%
C. 25%
D. 50%
E. 75%
Ans: E
A. Topical trifluridine 1% drops 8 times per day for 14 days
B. Oral famciclovir 500 mg two times per day for 10 days
C. Oral valacyclovir 1000mg three times per day for 10 days
D. Oral acyclovir 800mg three times per day for 10 days
Ans: C
A. medulla
B. medial portion of CN III
C. posterior communicating artery
D. pons
Ans: B
A. Eyebrow ptosis
B. Blepharoptosis
C. Lower eyelid ectropion
D. Epiphora
E. Ocular exposure symptoms
A. Bowman's layer
B. zonules of Zinn
C. Descemet's membrane
D. anterior border layer of iris
Ans: C
Ans: A
A. Superior rectus
B. inferior rectus
C. inferior oblique
D. superior oblique
Ans: C
A. sickle cell disease
B. marfan syndrome
C. galactosemia
D. wilson disease
Ans: A
A. Lockwood's ligament
B. Sommerring's ligament
D. Whitnall's ligament
Ans: D
A. It is a relatively common complication of allogeneic bone marrow transplantation in which the grafted cells can attack the patient's tissues.
B. Conjunctival inflammation and severe sicca are the main features
C. Cicatrical lagophthalmos can occur
D. Aggressive lubrication is adequate even in severe cases of GVHD
Ans: D
A. enlargement of the physiologic blind spot on visual field testing
B. individual hyperfluorescent spots on fluorescein angiogrpahy arranged in a wreathlike patter around the fovea
C. typically presents with unilateral photopsias and loss of vision in young females with myopia
D. absence of cell in the anterior chamber
E. granular appearance of the fovea
Ans: B
A. they are more prevalent in those under 65 years of age
B. they are more prevalent in women
C. they occur only as a consequence of age
D. they rarely lead to blindness
Ans: B
A. sarcoidosis
B. juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
C. Fuchs heterochromic iridocyclitis
D. Reiter syndrome
Ans: C
A. It can be restrictive
B. it can be caused by extraocular muscle weakness
C. it usually is surgically corrected early after onset
D. it is unrelated to the degree of thyroid function
E. both b and c are correct
Ans: C
A. downbeat nystagmus
B. upbeat nystagmus
C. superior oblique myokymia
D. opsoclonus
Ans: D
A. is not affected by alteration in scleral rigidity
B. is unaffected by laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK)
C. may give an artificially high IOP measurement with increased central corneal thickness
D. may give pressure measurements taken over a corneal scar that are falsely low
Ans: C
A. Lacy vacuoliztiaon of the iris
B. retinal hemorrhages
C. iris hemorrhages
D. thickened basement membranes
Ans: C
A. pain for greater than 2 years
B. ipsilateral facial numbness
C. normal neuroimaging of the brain and orbits
D. poor reponse to tricyclic antidepressants
Ans: B
A. +3.00 D
B. +3.50 D
C. +7.00 D
D. a 3.5x magnifer
Ans: B
A. nonspecific urethritis
B. poly arthritis
C. conjunctivitis
D. ankylosing spondylitis
Ans: D
A. topical beta blockers
B. topical bromonidine
C. trabeculotomy or goniotomy
D. oral acetazolamide
Ans: C
A. presents with a mass above the medical canthal ligament
B. usually responds to systemic antibiotics alone
C. can be associated with an intranasal mucocele
D. is best treated with incision and drainage through the skin
E. usually indicates stenoisis of the bony nasolacrimal canal
Ans: C
A. cataracts
B. optic nerve hypoplasia
C. amblyopia
D. corneal scarring
Ans: D
A. Reactive lymphoid hyperplasia
B. Lymphoma
C. sebaceous carcinoma
D. melanoma
E. Apocrine hidrocystoma
Ans: B
A. Behcet syndrome
B. Reiter syndrome
C. psoriatic arthritis
D. ankylosing spondylitis
Ans: A
A. The lacrimal gland fossa is located within the lateral orbital wall.
B. The optic canal is located within the greater wing of the sphenoid bone
C. The medial wall of the optic canal is formed by the lateral wall of the spenoid sinus.
D. The nerve to the inferior rectus muscle travels anteriorly along the medial aspect of the muscle and innervates the muscle on its posterior surface
Ans: C
A. a birth weight less than 1500 grams
B. a gestational age of 28 weeks or less
C. a birth weight between 1500 and 2000 grams and an unstable clinical course
D. all of the above (Your Answer.
Ans: D
A. within, fibrosarcoma; outside, osteosarcoma
B. within, osteosarcoma; outside, melanoma
C. within, osteosarcoma; outside, pinealoblastoma
D. within, osteosarcoma; outside, osteosarcoma
Ans: D
A. aphthous stomatitis
B. arthritis
C. gential ulceration
D. retinal vasculitis
Ans: B
B. P1TX2
Ans: D
A. True
B. False
Ans: A
A. There is a reduction in hemidesmosome density
B. Level of glucose availability in the corneal epithelium is reduced
C. There is increased production of CO2 in the epithelium
D. There is a reduction in glucose utilization by corneal epithelium
Ans: B
A. Enophthalmos
B. Miosis
C. Ptosis
D. Anhydrosis
E. Loss of ciliospinal reflex
F. Exophthalmos
Ans: F
A. Retinoblastoma
B. Progressive Supranuclear palsy
C. Multiple scelerosis
D. Retinal coloboma
Ans: B
A. Circulus iridis major
B. Circulus iridis minor
C. Short posterior ciliary vessels
D. Iris vessels
A. Ocular trauma
B. Marfan’s syndrome
C. Homocystinuria
D. Hyperlysinemia
A. Trauma
B. Hypertension
C. Diabetes
D. Pathological myopia
A. Calcification of the lens
B. Thickened sclera
C. Size of the globe is reduced
D. I.O.P is increased
A. As early as possible
B. After 5 years
C. After 10 years
D. symptomatic
A. visualization of retina alone
B. visualization of retina and all other posterior segment contents
C. objective measurement of the refractive error of patient
D. subjective measurement of the refractive error of patient
A. Optic glioma
B. Thyroid cancer
C. Pap CA thyroid
D. Osteosarcoma
A. calcium phosphate
B. magnesium phosphate
C. magnesium sulphate
D. Iron
A. Keratoconus
B. Leprosy
C. Herpes simplex keratitis
D. Neurofibromatosis
A. accumulation of keratinized epithelial debris
B. appear on the conjunctiva
C. appear on the cornea
D. develop into xerophthalmia if not treated
A. Latanoprost
B. Brimonidine
C. Acetazolamide
D. Dorzolamide
A. Surgery
B. Antifungals
C. Facial cleanliness
D. Environmental mprovement
A. Virtual, erect
B. Virtual, inverted
C. Real, erect
D. Real, inverted
A. painful, blind eye
B. endophthalmitis
C. Congenital cystic eye
D. retinoblastoma
A. Ptosis
B. Diplopia
C. Miosis
D. Outwards Deviation of eye
A. Preauricular lymphadenopathy
B. large central geographic corneal erosions
C. Multifocal subepithelial infiltrates
D. Enlarged corneal nerves