Metabolism Multiple choice Questions & Answers

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Best Metabolism Objective type Questions and Answers

Dear Readers, Welcome to Metabolism Objective Questions and Answers have been designed specially to get you acquainted with the nature of questions you may encounter during your Job interview for the subject of Metabolism Multiple choice Questions. These Objective type Metabolism Questions are very important for campus placement test and job interviews. As per my experience good interviewers hardly plan to ask any particular question during your Job interview and these model questions are asked in the online technical test and interview of many Medical Industry.

1)The final electron acceptor in the ETS is ATP synthetase? 

  A. True

  B. False 

   Ans: B

 MCQs on Metabolism

2)Oxygen gas is used to oxidize the last organic component of the ETS? 

  A. True 

  B. False

   Ans: A


3)Cytochromes are not found in the Krebs cycles but are important in transporting electrons derived from the Krebs   cycles? 

  A. True 

  B. False

    Ans: A


4)Urea is a byproduct of protein synthesis? 

  A. True

  B. False 

   Ans: B


5)Sulfur is an element found in the ETS? 

  A. True 

  B. False

  Ans: A


6) ATP synthetases form ATP in the mitochondrion's outer compartment as H+ ions diffuse into that compartment? 

  A. True

  B. False 

    Ans: B


7)Chemiosmosis production of ATP occurs in the Kreb’s cycle? 

  A. True

  B. False 

 Ans: B


8)An oxygen debt results if too much oxygen is used up in the Kreb's cycle reactions? 

  A. True

  B. False 

   Ans: B


9)Glyceraldehyde phosphate is a part of the citric acid cycle? 

  A. True

  B. False 

   Ans: B


10)The specific carrier through which glucose enters mucosal cell is GLUT-5? 

  A. True

  B. False 

  Ans: B


11)Beta-oxidation gives rise to acetyl compounds that can enter the Kreb cycle reactions?

  A. True 

  B. False

  Ans: A


12)In the Krebs cycle, ATP is made when a phosphate is transferred from GTP to ADP? 

  A. True 

  B. False

  Ans: A


13)Glycogen synthase (or synthetase) builds glycogen by linking together glucose molecules? 

  A. True 

  B. False

  Ans: A


14)Coenzyme Q is formed when pyruvic acid is reduced? 

  A. True

  B. False 

 Ans: B


15)A person’s metabolic rate is positively affected by body temperature? 

  A. True 

  B. False

  Ans: A


16)Pyruvic acid is more reduced than lactic acid 

  A. True

  B. False 

  Ans: B


17)Glycogen phosphorylase hydrolyzes (breaks down) glycogen, giving rise to glucose-phosphate molecules? 

  A. True 

  B. False

  Ans: A


18)Substrate-level phosphorylation of ADP occurs at the end of the ETS? 

  A. True

  B. False 

  Ans: A


19)NAD can become oxidized in the cytosol and in the mitochondrion? 

  A. True 

  B. False

  Ans: A


20) Glucose-phosphate molecules lose their phosphate groups when the glucose becomes part of glycogen? 

  A. True 

  B. False

    Ans: A


21)Lipogenesis is more common during starvation? 

  A. True

  B. False 

   Ans: B


22)Iron is an element found in the ETS? 

  A. True 

  B. False

    Ans: A


23)Decarboxylation occurs in the Kreb’s cycle and during the time when pyruvate is oxidized? 

  A. True 

  B. False

    Ans: A


24) The fermentation reaction allows NADH to be oxidized? 

  A. True 

  B. False

  Ans: A


25) Gluconeogenesis primarily involves the conversion of glycerol and amino acids to glucose in the liver? 

  A. True 

  B. False

  Ans: A


26) Alpha-ketoglutarate is made inside the mitochondrion? 

  A. True 

  B. False

   Ans: A


27) An acetyl compound is formed when pyruvic acid becomes reduced by NADH? 

  A. True

  B. False 

    Ans: B


28)Coenzyme A binds with citric acid to begin the Kreb’s cycle? 

  A. True

  B. False 

  Ans: B


29)Niacin (or nicotinic acid) is part of an electron carrier in glycolysis and the Kreb’s cycle? 

  A. True 

  B. False

Ans: A


30)Glucose and galactose, and some fructose molecules exit intestinal mucosal cells through GLUT-2 carriers? 

  A. True 

  B. False

  Ans: A


31)Vitamin B2 is in the coenzyme called NAD? 

  A. True

  B. False 

Ans: B


32)FAD becomes oxidized in the Kreb’s cycle? 

  A. True

  B. False 

Ans: B


33)A calorimeter more directly measures the amount of heat liberated in the body than does a respirometer? 

  A. True 

  B. False

  Ans: A


34)To hydrolyze glycogen and release glucose into the blood, the liver uses glucokinase and glucose phosphatase? 

  A. True

  B. False 

    Ans: B


35)Vitamin B5 is important to getting energy-containing compounds into the Krebs cycles? 

  A. True 

  B. False

  Ans: A


36) Carbon dioxide in humans forms when pyruvate is converted to lactate? 

  A. True

  B. False 

   Ans: B


37) Cytochromes are found in the Kreb’s cycle?

  A. True

  B. False 

   Ans: B


38) Acetyl CoA forms in the cytosol and then enters the mitochondrion to bind to citric acid? 

  A. True

  B. False 

   Ans: B


39)Beta-oxidation is associated with the catabolism of fatty acids? 

  A. True 

  B. False

     Ans: A


40)Copper is an element in the ETS? 

  A. True 

  B. False

   Ans: A


41)Malate-aspartate is a system that shuttles electrons from cytosolic NADH to the ETS? 

  A. True 

  B. False

    Ans: A


42)The TCA cycle is responsible for making urea? 

  A. True

  B. False 

  Ans: B


43)Ornithine is in a series of reactions whereby the liver uses CO2 and NH3 to make urea, which is excreted? 

  A. True 

  B. False

    Ans: A


44)The minimum amount of energy required to keep a person alive when they are not exercising, digesting food, or under any stress is called basal metabolic rate? 

  A. True 

  B. False

Ans: A


45)Glycerol phosphate shuttles electrons from NADH molecules in the cytoplasm to the ETS in the mitochondrion? 

  A. True 

  B. False

   Ans: A


46)Citrulline is an important compound when considering how the body eliminates ammonia? 

  A. True 

  B. False

Ans: A


47)The hydrolysis of fatty acids is called transamination and results in the formation of coenzyme A molecules? 

  A. True

  B. False 

Ans: B


48)Glucose and galactose enter mucosal cells in the intestine by passing through carriers simultaneously with    sodium ions? 

  A. True 

  B. False

   Ans: A


49)A cell must expend energy in the form of ATP to get a pyruvate into the mitochondrion for further oxidation? 

  A. True 

  B. False

   Ans: A


50)Reporting BMR as Kcal/hour allows logical comparison of different-size individuals? 

  A. True

  B. False 

Ans: B


51)The Kreb's cycle does not use O2 directly but will eventually cease if O2 is not present in the mitochondrion? 

  A. True 

  B. False

Ans: A


52)Glucokinase phosphorylates glucose after glucose enters the cell? 

  A. True 

  B. False

Ans: A


53)Piloerection is a heat-loss mechanism? 

  A. True

  B. False 

   Ans: B


54)The Krebs cycles would eventually cease if oxygen is not available for the ETS? 

  A. True 

  B. False

    Ans: A


55)A person's metabolic rate increases as outside temperature increases toward room temperature? 

  A. True

  B. False 



56)Fumaric acid is one of the glycolysis compounds? 

  A. True

  B. False 

  Ans: B


57)Fermentation would occur if the ETS stopped working, even if oxygen is still available? 

  A. True 

  B. False

  Ans: A


58)Thyroxine secretion would be part of a heat-producing mechanism? 

  A. True 

  B. False

   Ans: A


59)Electrons coming out of the Krebs cycle reactions are not transported by the malate-aspartate or glycerol phosphate shuttles? 

  A. True 

  B. False

    Ans: A


60)Oxygen is not used directly in the Kreb’s cycle? 

  A. True 

  B. False

   Ans: A