100+ TOP Internet Interview Questions and Answers

Posted On:October 25, 2021, Posted By: Latest Interview Questions, Views: 4020, Rating :

 Best 100+ Internet Interview Questions

1. What is the Internet?

Alternatively referred to as the net or web, the Internet was initially developed to aid in the progress of computing technology by linking all the best academic computer centers. The Internet as we know it today first started being developed in the late 1960’s and transmitted its first message on Friday, October 29, 1969. In 1993, the Internet experienced one of its largest growths to date and today is accessible by people all over the world.

The Internet basics :

  1. The Internet and the WWW are not the same thing.
  2. The Internet utilizes the TCP/IP protocol and is accessed using a computer modem, broadband, 3G, 4G, or network that is connected through an ISP.
  3. In the case of broadband, many computers and devices use Wi-Fi to connect to router that is connected to the ISP.
  4. The Internet is explored, which is more commonly referred to as surfing, using a browser.
  5. Finding information on the Internet is achieved by using a search engine.
  6. Users browse web pages by following hyperlinks.
  7. Files, pictures, songs, and video can be shared downloading (receiving) and uploading (sending).
  8. The Internet is also used for communicating with others through social networks, online games, forums, chat, e-mails, IM, and VoIP.

2. What is the WWW?

Short for World Wide Web, WWW, W3, or Web is a graphical interface for the Internet that was first introduced to the public on August 6, 1991 by Tim Berners-Lee. A few days later on August 23, 1991 it was available to everyone.

3. What is deadlock?

A deadlock is a situation when a process in the system has acquired some resources and waiting for more resources which are acquired by some other process which in turn is waiting for the resources acquired by this process. Hence, none of them can proceed and OS cant do any work.

4. What is ASCII – American Standard Code for Information Interchange?

ASCII (pronounced as-key) is short for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It is a standard code that assigns a binary number to all the alphanumeric characters (upper and lower case), all the symbols on the keyboard, and some other symbols not on the keyboard (such as the cents symbol: ¢). All computers have been using this standard code for more than a decade, and this is how plain text is saved on a disk. This standard does not define any formatting however (except end of line), so word processors each have their own file type that includes formatting information as well.

5. What is Web Page?

A web page is a rich document that can contain richly formatted text, graphics, animation, sound, and much more. Some web pages are generated dynamically (such as the results of a search). You are currently viewing a (static) web page. Every web page on the Internet has a unique address which starts with the name of the computer that holds that page. Within a web page, words and pictures can be linked to other pages. When you activate a link, you will be taken to another page automatically. See also: Web, Web Browser, Understanding Internet Addresses.


6. Explain is Winsockts?

Acronym for Windows Sockets. A set of standards and specifications for programmers who are programming a TCP/IP application to use in Windows.

7. What is WAIS (Wide Area Information Service)?

A search engine and distributed information service that allows indexed searching and natural language input.

8. What is URL (Universal Resource Locator)?

A Universal Resource Locator refers to the universal address of an Internet web page. A URL consists of three things. First, it starts with letters such as http, ftp, or gopher that identify the resource type, followed by a colon and two forward slashes. Next, the computer’s name is listed. And finally, the filename and directory of the remote resource is listed as well.

9. Explain Telnet?

This is the standard Internet protocol to connect to remote terminals.

10. What is T1 and T3?

  • A connection of a host to the Internet where data is transferred at 1.544 megabits per second.
  • A connection of a host to the Internet where data is transferred at 44.746 megabits per second.

11. Explain SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)?

A standard protocol used to transfer e-mail messages.

12. Explain a Router?

A device that forwards traffic between networks.

13. What is a Protocol?

A protocol is a method of communication between two devices. You can think of it as the language the devices use to communicate with each other, although it is not the same as a programming language (by which a human programmer controls a computer). Different brands of printers, for example, each use their own protocol (or “language”) by which a computer can communicate with the printer. This is why a driver program must be written for each printer.

14. What is POP (Post Office Protocol)?

A protocol that allows single users to read mail from a server.

15. What is OpenURL?

The OpenURL standard is a syntax to create Web-transportable packages of metadata and/or identifiers about an information object

16. Explain NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol)?

A standard industry protocol for the inquiry, distribution, retrieval, and posting of news articles.

17. What is Mirror site?

A mirror site is usually set up due to overwhelming traffic on an existing web site. A mirror site is a site that is kept separate from the original site but contains the same information as that site. This is an alternative to users who attempt to go to a web site but cannot due to traffic problems.

18. What is Mailing list?

A mailing list is a list of e-mail addresses used to have messages forwarded to groups of people.

19. What is LAN (Local Area Network)?

Local Area Network. A LAN allows users to share files between computers, send e-mail and access the Internet. Most companies use Local Area Networks so that users can access information within or outside the LAN.

20. What is ISP (Internet Service Provider)?

An organization or company that has a network with a direct link to the Internet. This is done by using a dedicated line connection, usually through a link known as a T1 connection. Users can dial into to that network using their modem. Most ISP’s now charge a monthly fee.

21. What is IRC (Internet Relay Chat)?

Internet Relay Chat, or IRC, allows users to chat on different channels over the Internet. IRC channels are preceded by a # sign and are controlled by channel operators. Channel operators can kick people out of the channel if he or she feels necessary.

22. What is the IP (Internet Protocol)?

A packet switching protocol that is used as a network layer in the TCP/IP protocol suite.

23. What is Gopher?

A search and retrieval tool for information used mostly for research.

24. What is Finger?

A finger is a UNIX command that displays information about a group or user on the Internet.

25. What is Encryption?

Encryption is a procedure used in cryptography to convert plain text into ciphertext to prvent any but the intended recipient from reading that data.

26. What is DNS (Domain Name Service)?

A name service used with TCP/IP hosts. A DNS exists on numerous servers over the Internet. It is a database for finding host names and IP addresses on the Internet and trying to figure them out.

27. What is Dedicated line?

A communications line used solely for computer connections, such as T1 and T3 lines. An additional phone line solely for your modem is a dedicated line as well.

28. What is DDN (Defense Data Network)?

The United States Department of Defense global communications network.

29. What is Datagram?

A block of data that can travel from one Internet site to another without relying on an earlier exchange between the source and destination computers.

30. What is Data Encryption Standard (DES)?

Standardized encryption method used most on the Internet.

31. What is Cookies?

Provide a simple way to identify session among a group of HTTP/HTML requests. The cookie value is often an index into a table stored in the memory of a Web server that points to an inmemory object holding the user’s records. This has many potential problems: If the user’s request is routed to a different server in a subwequent request, the session information is unknown to the server. If the user is rounted to a different server and the server is part of an application cluster, then all the servers that could receive the user’s request must have a way to synchronize the session data. Storing cookies and synchronizing sessions among clusters of server usually requires configuration, storage space, and memory.

32. What is Data Encryption Key (DEK)?

Used for encryption and decryption of message text.

33. What is the Bandwidth?

  • Bandwidth is the rate at which data that can be transferred through a connection. A standard PC modem has a very low bandwidth of about 3,000 to 5,000 bytes per second.
  • The very high speed lines that make up the backbone of the Internet are much faster, at least 1,000,000 bytes per second! Note that bandwidth is not exactly the same as speed.
  • If you only want to transfer one byte, it may not get where it is going any faster with high-bandwidth than it would with low-bandwidth.
  • However, if you want to transfer a million bytes, then high-bandwidth will definitely help! You can think of high-bandwidth as like drinking juice with a fat straw, whereas low bandwidth is like drinking juice with one of those thin coffee straws.

34. What is Bounce?

This term refers to when you send an e-mail to a non-existent recipient and the e-mail is “bounced” back to you.

35. What is Archie?

A method of automatically collecting, indexing, and retrieving files from the Internet.

36. What is Web Browser?

A web browser is a program that you use to view web pages. The two most popular web browsers are Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator.

37. What is White Pages?

Databases containing postal addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of users on the Internet.

38. What is UUCP (UNIX to UNIX Copy)?

A protocol that passes e-mail and news through the Internet. Originally, UUCP allowed UNIX systems to send and receive files over phone lines.

39. What is Token ring?

  • A token ring is a kind of LAN that consists of computers that are wired into a ring. Each computer is constantly in direct contact with the next node in the ring.
  • A token, which is a type of control message, is sent from one node to another, allowing messages to be sent throughout the network.
  • A Token Ring network cannot communicate within itself if one ring is broken.

40. What is TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)?

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, or TCP/IP, is the basic communications protocol required for computers that use the Internet.

41. What is Subnet mask (Address Mask)?

This is used to recognize the sections of an IP address that concur with the different parts. Also known as the “subnet mask”.

42. What is SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol)?

A standard protocol which is used to run TCP/IP over a serial line.

43. What is URL rewriting?

Instead of storing a cookie value in the HTTP header of a request, the URL is rewritten to include a session parameter. URL rewriting might avoid cookies but it share the same set of potential problems just mentional above. Plus, with URL rewriting there are no static URLs in your Web-Enabled application, which often makes caching and indexing more difficult. Finally, every Web page needs to be dynamically generated so all hyperlinks include the session parameter.

44. What is PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol)?

A PPP is a protocol that provides a method for sending and receiving packets over serial point-to-point links.

45. What is PING?

PING, is a simple way to time or test the response of an Internet connection.

46. What is Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP)?

A standard industry protocol for the inquiry, distribution, retrieval, and posting of news articles.

47. What is NFS (Network File System)?

A Network File System allows a computer to access and use files over a network, just as if it were a local network.

48. What is MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)?

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions, or MIME, is the standard way to organize different file formats. For example, if you receive an e-mail, which is in a different format than yours, the file will be decoded so you can read it using MIME.

49. What is Listserv?

An automated mailing list distribution system.

50. What is Intranet?

An intranet is a local area network(LAN), which may not be connected to the Internet but which has similar functions.

51. What is window?

a personal computer operating system.

52. What is ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)?

Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) combines digital network services and voice into one. Users can access digital services at 115,200 bps.

53. What is IP Address (Internet Protocol Address)?

Each computer is assigned an IP address. These are similar to phone numbers. When you attempt to connect to an IP address, you will connect to the computer with that IP address.

54. Explain HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)?

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. This is the standard method of publishing web documents onto the World Wide Web (WWW). HTML consists of tags surrounded by brackets.

55. Explain FTP (File Transfer Protocol)?

FTP’s are the most widely used format to uploading and downloading files on an Internet connection. FTP’s are used so computers can share files between each other.

56. What is E-mail?

E-mail stands for electronic mail. Most networks support some form of email. The most popular, of course, is Internet email. E-mail allows you to send text (such as a letter) to another person on another computer. In order to send an email, you have to know the email address of the recipient. Internet email addresses always start with the user’s account name, then the at sign (@), then the name of the computer where the user gets his or her email. You can never have spaces in email or Web addresses. For example, my email address is: w@wdell.com

57. What is DSL (Digital subscriber line)?

The DSL offers high-band width connections to small businesses and homes via regular telephone lines

58. What is Common Gateway Interface (CGI)?

The CGI is a communications protocol that Web servers use to communicate with other applications. Common Gateway Interface scripts allow Web servers to access database (among other things); CGI applications, on the other hand, receive data from servers and return data through the CGI.

59. What is BBS (Bulletin Board System)?

A computer which provides file archives, email, and announcements of interest. Users usually dial in with a terminal program to access these.

60. Explain Authentication?

A method of identifying the user to make sure the user is who he says he is.

61. What is ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode)?

A transfer mode that designates bandwidth using a fixed-size packet or cell. Also called a “fast packet”.

62. What is anonymous FTP?

This is a method of bypassing security checks when you logon to an FTP site. This is done by typing “anonymous” as your user ID and your e-mail address as the password.

63. What is DECnet?

A proprietary network protocol designed by Digital Equipment Corporation.

64. What is Alias?

A nickname that refers to a network resource.

65. What is Defense Data Network (DDN)?

The United States Department of Defense global communications network.

66. What is Web server?

A Web server is a server on the Internet that holds Web documents and makes them available for viewing by remote browsers.

67. What is Firewall?

A firewall is a hardware and/or software boundary that prevents unauthorized users from accessing restricted files on a network.