Dear Readers, Welcome to Flash Objective Questions and Answers have been designed specially to get you acquainted with the nature of questions you may encounter during your Job interview for the subject of Flash Multiple choice Questions. These Objective type Flash are very important for campus placement test and job interviews. As per my experience good interviewers hardly plan to ask any particular question during your Job interview and these model questions are asked in the online technical test and interview of many IT & Non IT Industry.
A. Dashboard
B. Flash Stage (Correct Answer)
C. Tools Palette
D. Layers Panel
Ans: B
A. Dashboard
B. Layers Panel
C. Library Panel (Correct Answer)
D. Property Inspector
Ans: C
A. Timeline
B. Photo Story
C. Comic book
D. Storyboard (Correct Answer)
Ans: D
A. View
B. Edit
C. Window (Correct Answer)
D. None of the above
Ans: C
A. Flick Per Scene
B. Frames Per Second (Correct Answer)
C. Frames Per Scene
D. Flick Per Second
Ans: B
A. Tweening (Correct Answer)
B. Shape Tween
C. Motion Tween
D. Transition
Ans: A
A. Improvement of design
B. Action Scripting (Correct Answer)
C. Polishing
D. Create a storyboard
Ans: B
A. Adobe Collection
B. All Programs (Correct Answer)
C. Run
D. Open
Ans: B
A. Importing
B. Exporting
C. Convert to text
D. Convert to Symbol (Correct Answer)
Ans: D
A. Text Box
B. Text Tool (Correct Answer)
D. Key frames
Ans: B
A. Library Panel
B. Property Inspector Panel
C. Layers Panel (Correct Answer)
D. All of the above
Ans: C
A. Debug View
B. Classic View (Correct Answer)
C. Twining
D. Transition View
Ans: B
A. .FLA (Correct Answer)
B. .Doc File
C. .FLV File
D. .ASF File
Ans: A
A. Brainstorming
B. Refining (Correct Answer)
C. Action Scripting
D. Adding sound
Ans: B
A. Keyframes (Correct Answer)
B. Special Frames
C. Master Frame
D. None of the above
Ans: A
A. Merge Drawing
B. Flash Tool
C. Oval Tool
D. Object Drawing (Correct Answer)
Ans: D
A. Merge Drawing (Correct Answer)
B. Flash Tool
C. Oval Tool
D. Object Drawing
Ans: A
A. Rectangle tool
B. Square tool
C. Rectangle primitive tool (Correct Answer)
D. Oval tool
Ans: C
A. StarPoly tool
B. PolyStar (Correct Answer)
C. Custom shape tool
D. . Polygon tool
Ans: B
A. Ink and Pencil
B. Brush and Spray (Correct Answer)
C. Oval and Shape
D. Fill and Autofill
Ans: B
A. Paint Inside
B. Paint Selection
C. Paint Behind (Correct Answer)
D. Paint Normal
Ans: C
A. Powerline
B. Line Tool
C. Powertool
D. Pen Tool (Correct Answer)
Ans: D
A. Merge Tool
B. Free Convert Tool
C. Free Transform tool (Correct Answer)
D. Object tool
Ans: C
A. object align with another object
B. object fill the entire stage (Correct Answer)
C. object fill another object
D. object fill the entire screen
Ans: B
A. Merge Drawing
B. Flash Tool
C. Gradient Transform Tool (Correct Answer)
D. Object Drawing
Ans: C
A. Alpha Value Settings (Correct Answer)
B. Transparency Settings
C. Color Settings
D. Object Settings
Ans: A
A. Merge Tool
B. move Tool
C. Hand Tool (Correct Answer)
D. Zoom Tool
Ans: C
A. Merge Tool
B. Move Tool
C. Hand Tool
D. Eyedropper Tool (Correct Answer)
Ans: D
A. Erase Objects
B. Erase Only Shapes
C. Erase Selected Fills (Correct Answer)
D. Erase Normal
Ans: C
A. Ctrl + O
B. Ctrl + Q
C. Ctrl + T
D. Ctrl + N (Correct Answer)
Ans: D
A. scenes
B. frames
C. layers (Correct Answer)
D. actions
Ans: C
A. Morphing
B. Tweening
C. Stacking
D. Masking (Correct Answer)
Ans: D
A. Distribute to layers. (Correct Answer)
B. Break apart
C. frame-by-frame
D. Convert to symbol
Ans: A
A. Mask
B. Shape tween
C. Guided layer (Correct Answer)
D. Gravity effect
Ans: C
A. Advertisments
B. Sound (Correct Answer)
C. Commericals
D. Tweens
Ans: B
A. Tools
B. Actions
C. Frames
D. Properties (Correct Answer)
Ans: D
A. hollow
B. black (Correct Answer)
C. blue
D. gray
Ans: B
A. Zoom
B. Masking
C. Fade Effect (Correct Answer)
D. Morphing
Ans: C
A. Layer
B. vector
C. bitmap
D. object (Correct Answer)
Ans: D
A. library (Correct Answer)
B. timeline
C. properties
D. tools panel
Ans: A
A. layer
B. mask
C. button (Correct Answer)
D. tween
Ans: C
A. Mask
B. Shape tween (Correct Answer)
C. Motion tween
D. Morphing
Ans: B
A. hollow (Correct Answer)
B. black
C. open eye
D. closed eye
Ans: A
A. Motion Tween (Correct Answer)
B. Mask
C. Shape Tween
D. Action Script (Your Answer)
Ans: A
A. frame rate (Correct Answer)
B. key frame
C. mask
D. layer
Ans: A
A. Actions
B. Properties
C. Tools (Correct Answer)
D. Layers
Ans: C
A. Shape Tween
B. Motion Tween
C. Mask
D. Frame-by-Frame (Correct Answer)
Ans: D
A. layer
B. symbols (Correct Answer)
C. clip art
D. tween
Ans: B
A. Scenes
B. Key frames (Correct Answer)
C. Blank frames
D. Graphic symbols
Ans: B
A. toolbar
B. Properties pane
C. timeline (Correct Answer)
D. scene
Ans: C
A. a frame that is the same as the keyframe before it - it looks like a gray rectangle without a dot
B. a frame that represents a change in content, be that scale, movement, rotation, color, etc - it looks like a gray rectangle with a black dot.
C. a frame without any content - it looks like a white box
D. a frame without any content - it looks like a white box with a white dot (Correct Answer)
Ans: D
A. select the shape, open the dialogue box in the properties window for ink color and make a selection. From there you can edit the weight and style in the properties window.
B. select the ink tool in the tool box, select the ink color in the color picker and click on the shape near the outside of its fill. From there you can edit the weight and style in the properties window. (Correct Answer)
C. select the paint bucket in the tool box, select the ink color in the color picker and click on the shape near the outside of its fill. From there you can edit the weight and style in the properties window.
D. go to the actions window and add the "addStroke()" method to the fill. Be sure to also set the "strokeColor" and "strokeWeight" properties.
Ans: B
A. the black arrow allows us to manipulate the shape as a whole by repositioning it on the stage or fluidly transforming its shape by selecting the curves that define it and repositioning those. The white arrow allows us to have more precise control of the points that define the shape by allowing us to manipulate their anchor points and beizier curves. (Correct Answer)
B. the black arrow allows us to manipulate the shape as a whole by repositioning it on the stage or fluidly transforming its shape by selecting the curves that define it and repositioning those. The white arrow allows us to transform the shape by scaling, rotating, skewing and distorting it.
C. the white arrow allows us to manipulate the shape as a whole by repositioning it on the stage or fluidly transforming its shape by selecting the curves that define it and repositioning those. The black arrow allows us to have more precise control of the points that define the shape by allowing us to manipulate their anchor points and beizier curves.
D. the white arrow allows us to manipulate the shape as a whole by repositioning it on the stage or fluidly transforming its shape by selecting the curves that define it and repositioning those. The black arrow allows us to transform the shape by scaling, rotating, skewing and distorting it.
Ans: A
A. With a movie clip selected, use the Free Transform tool and go to its options in the toolbox. The Envelop Distort tool is located at the bottom of the box.
B. With a shape selected, use the Free Transform tool and go to its options in the toolbox. The Envelop Distort tool is located at the bottom of the box. (Correct Answer)
Ans: B
A. It is the order in which Flash executes actionscript. Listeners are run first in order to "catch" any events that may occur so that all functions may run correctly without causing any TypeErrors.
B. It is the order in which Flash renders a scene - elements are stacked within layers and layers are stacked with the movie. Shapes fall to the "bottom" of the stack within a layer, allowing for symbols and text objects to "rise to the top." Likewise, layers at the "top" of the "stack" of layers in the timeline will be rendered first - being more visible - and those at the bottom will be obscured by any content in layers above it. (Correct Answer)
C. The order in which you have to nest symbols within movie clips in order for motion tweens to work correctly.
D. The order in which you have to nest movie clips within symbols in order for motion tweens to work correctly.
Ans: B
A. graphic
B. bitmap (Correct Answer)
C. button
D. movie clip
Ans: B
A. make a graphic symbol, then edit its timeline to animate a movie clip with shape tweens. Then on the main stage, you could motion tween the graphic symbol.
B. make a movie clip symbol, then edit its timeline to animate a movie clip with motion tweens. Then on the main stage, you could motion tween the movie clip symbol.
C. make a shape symbol, then edit its timeline to animate a graphic with shape tweens. Then on the main stage, you could motion tween the shape symbol.
D. make a movie clip symbol, then edit its timeline to animate a shape clip with shape tweens. Then on the main stage, you could motion tween the movie clip symbol.
E. either b or d (Correct Answer)
Ans: D
A. You need to have content on all four keyframes (Up, Over, Down and Hit).
B. The "Over" keyframe represents what the button will look like when a user clicks on it.
C. The "Hit" keyframe represents what the button will look like when a user clicks on it.
D. You need to write some actionscript to get the mouse over and down states to work properly.
E. The hit area will never been seen by the end user. (Correct Answer)
Ans: E
A. be used to tween between one shape on one frame and another shape on another frame, but on the same layer. (Correct Answer)
B. be used on the main stage.
C. change the shape of a symbol.
D. eat bunnies.
Ans: A
A. the animation principle that deals with the motion at the end of an action.
B. the animation principle that deals with the effect on the surrounding environment as an action occurs.
C. the animation principle that deals with the motion at the beginning of an action. (Correct Answer)
D. the animation principle that deals with the transformation of object as it moves through its action and reacts with gravity.
Ans: C
A. 1thumb_mc
C. *thumb01_mc
D. $01thumb (Correct Answer)
Ans: D
A. Refers to when a dot or period (.) is used in actionscript to conclude a line of code.
B. Refers to when a dot or period (.) is used in actionscript to access a property or method of an object. (Correct Answer)
C. Refers to when a dot or period (.) is used in actionscript to being a function.
D. Refers to when a dot or period (.) is used in actionscript to set a parameter.
Ans: B
A. 0
B. on (Correct Answer)
C. false
D. 1
E. true
Ans: B
A. sandbox_mc.addeventlistener(, buildCastle);
B. sandbox_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.Click, buildCastle);
C. sandbox_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, buildCastle); (Correct Answer)
D. sandBox_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.Click, buildCastle);
E. sandBox_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, buildCastle);
Ans: C
A. gotoandplay(1, "replay");
B. gotoAndPlay("replay", 1);
C. gotoAndStop("replay", 1);
D. gotoAndStop(1, "replay"); (Correct Answer)
E. gotoandstop(1, "replay");
Ans: D
A. set the property .alpha = 0 (Correct Answer)
B. set the property .visible = true
C. set the property .alpha = 1;
D. set the property .visible = false;
Ans: A
A. you need to give it an instance name in the property window.
B. you need to give it an instance name in the library.
C. you need to set its linkage properties to export for actionscript and assigning it a class by right clicking on the sound in the library and pulling up the "linkage" dialogue box. (Correct Answer)
D. you need to set its linkage properties to export for actionscript and assigning it a class in the properties window by pulling down the "linkage" option.
Ans: C
A. symbol name
B. instance name (Correct Answer)
Ans: B
A. [...]
B. (...)
C. {...} (Correct Answer)
D. :...; (Your Answer)
Ans: C
A. forgetting to name your instances
B. misspelling an instance name or variable
C. forgetting a { or }
D. all of the above (Correct Answer)
Ans: D
A. ...the width of the paintbrush.
B. ... the color of the paintbrush.
C. ... the outline around a shape. (Correct Answer)
D. ... the fill of a shape.
Ans: C
A. True (Correct Answer)
B. False
Ans: A
A. ... Commands Menu.
B. ... Properties Inspector. (Correct Answer)
C. ... Behaviors Menu.
Ans: B
A. shift (Correct Answer)
B. option
C. control
D. command
Ans: A
A. ... Oval Tool.
B. ... Oval Primitive Tool and adjust the Start Angle.
C. ... Oval Primitive Tool and adjust the Inner Radius. (Correct Answer)
Ans: C
A. ... select the entire stroke. (Correct Answer)
B. ... select the entire object.
C. ... delete the entire stroke.
Ans: A
A. ...strokes. (Correct Answer)
B. ...fills.
C. ...the background.
Ans: A
A. ... draw the shape with "object drawing" selected in the tools panel. (Missed)
B. ... group the shapes into an object. (Missed)
C. ... change the color of the shapes.
Ans: A,B
A. ... the fading in a color gradient.
B. ... the phase at which an object is rendered.
C. ... the point from which an object or shape is rotated or scaled. (Correct Answer)
Ans: C
A. ... no color. (Correct Answer)
B. ... do not enter.
C. ... no data.
Ans: A
A. ... color menu.
B. ... swatches menu.
C. inspector.
D. ... all of the above. (Correct Answer)
Ans: D
A. True
B. False (Correct Answer)
Ans: B
A. a straight line.
B. a curved line. (Correct Answer)
Ans: B
A. ...edit an anchor point
B. ...create an anchor point. (Correct Answer)
C. ...delete an anchor point.
Ans: B
A. ...close a shape. (Correct Answer)
B. a shape.
C. ...delete a shape.
Ans: A
A. true (Correct Answer)
B. false
Ans: A
A. True (Correct Answer)
B. False
Ans: A
A. stage size
B. background color
C. frame rate
D. all of the above (Correct Answer)
Ans: D
A. testing.
B. ...onionskinning. (Correct Answer)
C. ...dull opacity.
Ans: B