First Aid Multiple choice Questions & Answers

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Best First Aid Objective type Questions and Answers

Dear Readers, Welcome to First Aid Objective Questions and Answers have been designed specially to get you acquainted with the nature of questions you may encounter during your Job interview for the subject of First Aid Multiple choice Questions. These Objective type First Aid are very important for campus placement test and job interviews. As per my experience good interviewers hardly plan to ask any particular question during your Job interview and these model questions are asked in the online technical test and interview of many IT & Non IT Industry.


1) How many compressions and breaths should you do for each cycle of CPR?


  A. 15 compressions, 2 breaths

  B. 30 compressions, 5 breaths

  C. 30 compressions, 2 breaths 

  D. 15 compressions, 5 breaths

  E. 30 compressions, 15 breaths

Ans: C

 Objective Type Questions On First Aid

2) What causes Anaphylactic shock?


  A. Choking

  B. Insect sting or spider bites 

  C. 3rd degree burns

  D. Heart attack

  E. Stroke

Ans: B


3) What are the symptoms of third degree burn?


  A. Charred skin, no pain 

  B. Charred skin, pain

  C. Blisters and pain

  D. Red and pain

  E. Grey and pain

Ans: A

4) What is the first thing you should do for severe bleeding?


  A. Put the victim in the recovery position

  B. Direct pressure with clean cloth or hand 

  C. cover with clean cloth

  D. Give oxygen

  E. Give him water if conscious Explanation Stop the bleeding as soon as possible

Ans: B

5) Witch of the first aid duties below has the highest priority for you as a Cabin attendant?


  A. Re-assure the passenger

  B. Arange medical attention

  C. Be aware of danger 


Ans: C

6) What is the main purpose of the "Route"emergency transportation technique when providing treatment to a passenger?


  A. To relocate (move) the passenger 

  B. To administer rescue breathing

  C. To remove a blockage in the victims airway

  D. To remove a blockage in the victims airway

  E. To treat the absence of a victims breathing


Ans: A


7) What is your FIRST action when examining the condition of a patient?


  A. Check for breathing

  B. Check for insurance

  C. Speak to the victim and shake his shoulders 

  D. Check for external injuries,

Ans: C


8) What is the main purpose of the "Heimlich" procedure


  A. To remove a blockage in the victims airway 

  B. To treat the absence of a victims breathing

  C. To treat an insufficient breathing

Ans: A


9) What's happens with the carbonic acid dioxide (CO2) produced by the human body?


  A. It remains in the body cells

  B. It is transferred to the heart muscle

  C. It is exhausted via the blood and breathing system 

Ans: C


10) What can you do to avoid that a person experiences a short period of uncousciousness "Fainting"


  A. Speak to the victim and administer a pain stroke

  B. Let the victim remain in its chair

  C. Apply fresh air, let the victim lay-down and reassure the victim 

Ans: C


11) What applies to a victim with a reduced counsciousness?


  A. The victim is still capable to speak 

  B. The victim is in shock

  C. The victim does not react to speaking and shacking

  D. The victim is still alert

Ans: A


12) How can you recognize a vein bleeding?


  A. Blood flows equally out of the wound 

  B. Blood flows with pulses out of the wound

  C. Blood flows slowly out of the wound

Ans: A


13) Where do you position the knot in the end of the bandages of a emercengy bandage?


  A. Always on top of the bandage

  B. Crossed over the wound

  C. Clearly away from the wound 

Ans: C


14) Witch of the items mentioned below can cause a shock?


  A. a short periode of unconsciousness "Fainting"

  B. a heart attack 

  C. a feeling of nausea

Ans: B


15) What should yo do for shock?


  A. Give the passenger something to drink

  B. Let the passenger sleep

  C. Give nothing to drink, re-assure the passenger and seek medical assistance 

Ans: C


16) What do you do for small cut.


  A. Wash with soap and water, cover with a sterile bandage 

  B. Only cover with a sterile bandage

  C. Clean the wound with cotton wool

Ans: A


17) What is included in the CPR procedure?


  A. Rescue breathings only

  B. Compression of the chest only

  C. Rescue breathing and chest compressions 

Ans: C


18) What can cause the blood circulation stop?


  A. a heart attack 

  B. a bleeding in the smaller veins

  C. a head wound


Ans: A


19)  What do you do if someone suddenly begins to bleed severely?



  A. Tell them to lick out the blood

  B. Apply pressure to the wound 

  C. Scream and run

  D. Remove foreign object

Ans: B


20) What are the symptoms of Hypothermia?


  A. Warm and sweaty

  B. Cold and sweaty

  C. Cold, tired, shivering and acting abnormally 

  D. Just very sweaty

Ans: C



21) What is the best treatment of second degree burn?


  A. Put Aloe vera lotion on it

  B. Water 

  C. Put ice on the burn

Ans: B


22) How  do you check for breathing?


  A. Listen

  B. Look for rising chest

  C. Feel with the cheek

  D. Look, Listen an Feel 

Ans: D


23) A nosebleed can be stopped by:


  A. Waiting

  B. Pinching briefly the nostrils 

  C. Give something cold to drink

  D. Put some cotton wool into the nose

Ans: B


24) Wich of the first aid duties below has the highest priority for you as a Cabin Attendant?


  A. Be aware of danger 

  B. Re-assure the passenger

  C. Arrange medical attention

Ans: A


25) What is your FIRST action when examining the condition of a patient?


  A. Check for breathing

  B. Check for external injuries

  C. Speak to the victim and shake his shoulders 

Ans: C


26) What is the correct procedure when treating with the AED?


  A. Remove clothing, dry the passengers skin (when necessary) attach electrodes and turn on the AED

  B. Call for assistance, turn on the AED and follow the instructions provided by the AED. 

  C. Dry the passengers skin (when necessary), attach electrodes, start rescue breathing, call for assistance and tun on the AED

Ans: B


27) What are the requirements for a cover bandage?


  A. It may not absorb any fluids

  B. It may not be older than 1 year

  C. It must be sterile 

Ans: C


28) What do you have to do when a passenger has no breathing?


  A. Start CPR immediately 

  B. Put the victim in the recovery position

  C. Continue with the breathing check

  D. Count pulsations

Ans: A


29) What is the purpose of the "Heimlich" procedure?


  A. To treat the absence of a victims breathing

  B. To remove a blockage in the victims airway 

  C. To treat an insufficient breathing

  D. To re-locate (move) the person

Ans: B


30) How can you recognize a arterial bleeding


  A. Blood flows equally out of the wound

  B. Blood flows slowly out of the wound

  C. Blood flow with pulses out of the wound 

Ans: C


31) List what FAST stand for:


  A. Face, Arms, Speech an Time 

  B. Fracture, Arm, Speech and Time

  C. Face, Abdomen, Sleep and Time

  D. Face, Arms, Speech and Treatment

Ans: A


32) How many compressions and breathings should you do for each cycle of CPR?  (adult)


  A. 15 compressions and 2 breaths

  B. 15 compressions and 1 breaths

  C. 30 compressions and 2 breaths 

  D. 30 compressions and 1 breaths

  E. 5 compressions and 2 breaths

Ans: C


33) A passenger has been stung by a honey bee. The stinger is still under the skin and needs to be removed to prevent anaphylactic shock. What do you do next?


  A. Remove the stinger using a pair of sterile tweezers 

  B. Remove the stinger using a credit card or a butter knife to scrape it out

Ans: A


34) A person is alergic for peanut butter an is going into anaphylactic shock. What do you do next?


  A. Have them sit with their head between her knees and have them breathe deeply

  B. Give them some water to cool the throat

  C. Arrange medical attention 

  D. Give them some sweet drinks

  E. Give them some aspirin immediately 

Ans: C,E


35) What does ABC stand for? (more answers)


  A. Airway 

  B. Back

  C. Breathing 

  D. C-Spine

  E. Circulation 

Ans: A,C,E


36) When performing chest compressions on an adult we press the chest:        


  A. 2 - 3 cm

  B. 2,5 - 3,5 cm

  C. 4 - 5 cm 

  D. 1- 2 cm

  E. 5 - 6 cm

Ans: C


37) When dealing with an unconscious casualty, you should check up to ?? seconds for normal breathing.                     


  A. maximum 2 seconds for normal breathing

  B. maximum 5 seconds for normal breathing

  C. maximum 10 seconds for normal breathing 

  D. maximum 30 seconds for normal breathing

  E. maximum 60 seconds for normal breathing

Ans: C


38) Having a  ..................pulse is a sign of medical shock.


  A. slow

  B. rapid  


Ans: B


39) What is a scold?


  A. A burn by liquid or gas 

  B. A burn by fire

  C. A break in your leg

  D. Being beaten with a stick

Ans: A


40) What do you do when someone breaks an arm?


  A. Scream and run

  B. Put a plaster on it

  C. Use an antisceptic wipe

  D. Put the arm in a sling 

Ans: D


41) Choose all of the factors in the list below that contribute to date rape:


  A. Incompatible verbal and body language 

  B. Gender stereotypes 

  C. Hanging out with friends

  D. Using straight talk

  E. Unclear communication 

Ans: A,B,E


43) abuser promise to change


  A. tension building phase

  B. incident/explosive stage

  C. honeymoon stage 

Ans: C


44) the victim believes the abuser will change


  A. tension building phase

  B. incident/explosive stage

  C. honeymoon stage 

Ans: C


45) victim is edgy and tries not to upset the abuser


  A. tension building phase 

  B. incident/explosive stage

  C. honeymoon stage

Ans: A


46) abuser feels sorry and guilty


  A. tension building phase

  B. incident /explosive stage

  C. honeymoon stage 

Ans: C


47) abuser has mood swings and is ver unpredictable


  A. tension building stage 

  B. incident/explosiv stage

  C. honeymoon stage

Ans: A


48) abuser physcially, verbally, or sexually assaults the victim


  A. tension building phase

  B. incident/explosive stage 

  C. honeymoon stage

Ans: B


49) abuser emphasizes how much they love the victim


  A. tension building stage

  B. incident/explosive stage

  C. honeymoon stage 

Ans: C


50) abuser constantly criticizes the victim


  A. tension building phase 

  B. incident/explosive stage

  C. honeymoon stage

Ans: A


51) Most poisoning take place in the home


  A. true 

  B. false

Ans: A


52) The risk or rape is higher for women ages 30-40 than for women of other ages


  A. true

  B. false 

Ans: B


53) Most acquaintance rapes involve the use of alcohol on the part of the victim, the assailant or both


  A. true 

  B. false

Ans: A


54) kids who are victimzed by bullies tend to get lower grades


  A. true 

  B. false

Ans: A


55) the difference between playful teasing and harassment is the person's intent


  A. true 

  B. false

Ans: A


56) comments can be considered sexual harassment even if the target welcomes the comments


  A. true 

  B. false

Ans: A


57) the First Responder Law helps protect people hwne they render first aid


  A. true

  B. false 

Ans: B


58) gossiping and spreading rumors is an attempt to damage a person's reputation


  A. true 

  B. false

Ans: A


59) if someone is having a seizure you should put something in their mouth so they don't bite their tongue


  A. true

  B. false 

Ans: B


60) harassment is all about power and control


  A. true 

  B. false


Ans: A