Ent Multiple choice Questions & Answers

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Best Ent Objective type Questions and Answers

Dear Readers, Welcome to Ent Objective Questions and Answers have been designed specially to get you acquainted with the nature of questions you may encounter during your Job interview for the subject of Ent Multiple choice Questions. These Objective type Ent Questions are very important for campus placement test and job interviews. As per my experience good interviewers hardly plan to ask any particular question during your Job interview and these model questions are asked in the online technical test and interview of many Medical Industry. 

1.Caloric test has

a) Slow component only                                     

b) fast component only

c) Slow + Fast components

d) fast components occasionally

Ans: c


2.Carhart's notch is characteristically seeh at  





Ans: b


3.Gradenigo's syndrome does not consist of

a) abducent nerve palsy        

b) Retro orbital pain

c) aural discharge

d) Palatal palsy

Ans: d


4.In Acoustic neuroma the following is not seen

a) Auditory defect     

b) Sensory aphasia

c) Motor aphasia

d) Changes in audiometry

Ans: c


5.Myringotomy is done on the ...quadrant of the tympanic membrane  

a) Postero inferior      

b) Postero superior           

c) antero inferior                

d) antero superior

Ans: a


6.In unsafe CSOM with cholesteatoma and sensorineural deafness treatment choice        

a) simple mastoidectomy

b) modified radical mastoidectomy

c)radical mastoidectomy

d) tympanoplasty

Ans: c


7.Organ of corti is situated in

a) scala media        

b) ScalaTympanum                  

c) Scala Vestibule        

d) Saccule



8.Endolymphatic hydrops is associated with

a) Otosclerosis         

b) CSOM             

c) wax impacted ear              

d) presbycusis

Ans: d


9.Positive Rinnetest is seen in

a) Otosclerosis

b) csom

c) wax impacted ear

d) Presbycusis

Ans: d


10.Pulsatile otorrhea seen in

a) Glomus tumour    

b) CSF otorrhea                 

c) ASOM             

d) fistula

Ans: c


11.Commonest cause of deafness in childhood is

a) ASOM                  

b) CSOM                           

c) deaf-mutism     

d) foreign body

Ans: b


12.Otosclerosis is associated with all except

a) conductive deafness      

b) common in males       

c) Mostly affects stapes       

d) Run in families

Ans: b


13.Common cause of facial palsy is

a) Bell's palsy

b) Mastoid surgery      

c) Guillian Barre syndrome

d) Injury to facial nerve

Ans: a


14.The land mark on the lateral surface of temporal bone which acts as a guide to surgeryto the antrum is the

a) trauman's triangle

b) temporal line

c) suprameatal spine of Henle

d) notch of Rivinus

e) None of the above

Ans: c


15.Destruction of right labyrinth causes nystagmus to

a) right side       

b) Left side           

c) rotatory nystagmus            

D) No nystagmus

Ans: b


16.The secretomotor nerve fibres of sphenopalatine ganglion supply the

a) Lacrimal gland   

b) Parotid gland      

c) submandibular gland   

d) sublingual gland

Ans: a


17.In conductive deafness Weber test is lateralized to:

a) deaf ear       

b) normal ear               

c) Both ears         

d) Any of the above

Ans: a


18.Hyposthesia of the posterior aspect of the external auditory canal may be an early sign of 

a) Trigeminal neuralgia

b) costens syndrome

c) Lateral sinus thrombosis

d)  Multiple sclerosis

e) acoustic neuroma

Ans: e


19.Pulsatile tinnitus in ear is due to

a) Malignant otitis media          

b) osteoma          

c) mastoid reservoir   

d) glomus jugulare tumour

Ans: d


20.Impairment of hearing due to noise starts at




d)4000 Hz

Ans: d


21.Management of otogenic cerebral abscess is

a) radical mastoidectomy

b) drainage of abscess followed by mastoidectomy

c) conservative treatment with antibiotics

d) drainage of abscess only

Ans: b


22.Absolute bone conduction test (ABC) is shortened in

a) conductive deafness            

b) perceptive deafness       

c) both a&b        

d) none of the above

Ans: b


23.All of the following are the features of cholesteatoma except

a) filled with keratinized stratified squamous epithelium

b) Deafness

c) erodes bone

d) lymphatic permeation

Ans: d


24.In majority of the cases with otosclerosis the tympanic membrane is

a) normal                   

b) flamingo pink                

C) blue                 

d) yellow

Ans: a


25.The syndrome of sensorineural hearing loss together with hereditary nephritis is        

a) alports syndrome   

b) fabry's syndrome

C) Nail patella syndrome     

d) Edward syndrome

Ans: a


26.Ototoxic drugs are all except

a) Kanamycin

b) streptomycin        

c) gentamicin    

d) ampicillin

Ans: d


27.A patient hears better in Noise the diagnosis is

a) Hyperacusis           

b) Hypoacusis    

c) presbycusis         

d) paracusis

Ans: d


28.Dryness of eyes is caused by injury to facial nerve at

a) chorda tympani      

b) cerebellopontine angle       

c) tympanic canal   

d) geniculate ganglion

Ans: a


29.The   aost mobile part at the tympanic membrane

a) central                    

b) peripheral        

c) both                

d) none of the above

Ans: a


30.The commonest site of otogenic brain abscess occurring due to CSOM is

a) frontal lobe            

b) parietal lobe     

c) temporo petrosal lobe                  

d) occipital lobe

Ans: c


31.In blast injury most common organ affected

a) eardrum

b) stomach

c) lungs

d) all of the above

Ans: a


32. Condition where a pulsatile tumour is found in external auditory meatus which bleeds to touch

a) cholesteatoma        

b) polyp

c) glomus tumour

d) malignancy middle ear

Ans: c


33. Organ of cortt is arranged along the inner edge of

a) Reissners membrane

b) Basilar membrane

c) stria vascularis      

d) none of the above

Ans: b


34.Cochlear implant used in

a) sensory neural deafness       

b) conductive deafness     

c) Mixed

d) None

Ans: a


35.Tone decay test is done to find out

a) Otosclerosis            

b) Cochlear lesions            

c) Retrocochlear lesions    

d) Menier's disease

Ans: c


36.Which of the following statement regarding eustachian tube dysfunction is wrong?      

a) Un Distorted light image on the anterior quadrant of tympanic membrane

b) No movement of the tympanic membrane on Seagul's method

c) Malleus is easily visible

d) Lusterless tympanic membrane

Ans: a


37.Bell's palsy not responding to steroid what will be the further line of management?  

a) Increase the dose of steroid

b) Vasodilators and ACTH

c) surgical decompression

d) electrical nerve stimulation

Ans: c


38. The facial nerve

a) Is motor to the tensor tympani muscle

b) In the internal auditory canal lies inferior to the cochlear nerve

c) Is the nerve in the internal auditory meatus to the most frequently affected by a neuroma

d) Medial wall of the middle ear

Ans: d


39.Otosclerosis occurs in the

a) Lateral wall of the middle ear                            

b) Roof of the middle ear

c) Floor of the middle ear

d) Medial wall of the ear

Ans: d


40.Acute suppurative otitis media is treated using

a) erythromycin         

b) penicillin         

c) streptomycin   

d) chloramphenicol

Ans: b


41.Before attempting tympanoplasty operation the surgeon must look for

a) Disruption of ossicular chain                          

b) no infection in the sinuses

c) the ear has been dry

d) cochlear reserve

Ans: d


42.A patient of CSOM with cholesteatoma present with acute onset of vertigo treatment is 

a) Immediate exploration

b) antibiotics steroids

c) Labyrinthine sedatives

d) Labyrinthine sedatives only

Ans: a


43.  Monoaural diplacusis is present in a lesion of

a) acoustic nerve        

b) pontine glioma

c) cochlea

d) efferent auditory neurons

Ans: c


44.Blue drum is seen in

a) tympanosclerosis       

b) secretory otitis media       

c) otosclerosis   

d) myringitis bullosa

Ans: b


45.Nerve supply of tympanic membrane is

a) auriculo temporal      

b) auricular branch of vagus      

c) lesser occipital       

d) greater occipital

Ans: a


46.Appreciation of sound occurs in

a) organ of corti     

b) Basilar membranae m     

c) cochlear nuclei      

d) transverse temporal gyrus

Ans: c


47.Meniers disease is associated with  

a) cochlear deafness   

b) conductive deafness      

c) retrocochlear deafness          

d) mixed

Ans: d


48.Acoustic neuroma commonly affects the cranial nerve

a) 5th

b) 6th   '

c) 7tb

d) 8th

Ans: d


49.Common cause of eustachian tube disease is due to

a) adenoids

b) sinusitis

c) otitis media      

d) pharyngitis

Ans: a


50. A 3year old child presents with fever and earache on examination there is congested tympanic membranae with slight bulge . the treatment of choice is

a) myringotomy with penicillin

b) myringotomy with grommet

c) only antibiotics

d) wait and watch

Ans: a


51. Not a feature of acute mastoiditis

a) clouding of air cells

b) Deafness

c) outward and downward displacement of pinna

d) obliteration of retroauricular sulcus

Ans: c


52.   Medication which may prevent rapid progress of cochlear otosclerosis is

a) steroids

b) antibiotics       

c) Fluorides        

d) vitamins

Ans: c


53. The commonest extra cranial complication following mastoidectomy includes

a) facial nerve palsy    

b) dislocation of incus     

c) post operative haematoma      

d)  cochlear injury

Ans: a


54.At birth the following structures are of adult size except

a) tympanic cavity

b) Mastoid antrum          

c) Malleus

d) tympanic ring

Ans: b


55.Commonest occurrence of acoustic neuroma is in

a) cochlear nerve

b) superior vestibular  nerve

c) facial nerve

d) inferior vestibular nerve

Ans: b


56.Fungus causing otomycosis most commonly Is

a) Aspergillus fumigatus

b) Candida

c) mucor

d) pencillium

Ans: a


57.Mastoid infection which erodes through die outer cortex of bone results in

a) sub periosteal abscess

b) epidural abscess

c) perichrondritis

d) Lateral sinus thrombosis

Ans: a


58. The normal length of external auditory meatus is

a) 7mm

b) 10mm

c) 24mm

d) 36mm

Ans: c


59.Meniers disease is manifested by all of the symptoms except

a) Tinnitus

b) vertigo

c) deafness

d) otorrhoea

Ans: d


60.An U- shaped audiogram suggests

a) otosclerosis        

b) Adhsive otitis media     

c) Mumps deafness

d) Congenital deafness

Ans: d


61. Mc Evans triangle is the landmark for:

a) Maxillary sinus       

b) Mastoid antrum

c) Frontal sinus

d) None

Ans: b


62. Macewen's triangle (suprameatal triangle) can be felt through the

a) Superior conchae

b) Middle conchae

C) Cymba conchae

d) Posterior part of the auricle

Ans: c


63. In a classical case of Meniere's disease which one of the following statements is true: 

a) Carhart's Notch is a characteristic feature in pure tone audiogram

b) Schwartz" sign is usually present in the Tympanic membrane

c) Low frequency sensory neural deafness is often seen in pure tone audiogram

d) Decompression of Fallopian Canal is the treatment of choice

Ans: c


64.   Stapedial reflex is mediated by

a) V and VII nerves       

b) V and VIII nerves

c) VII and VI nerves

d) VII and VII nerves

Ans: d


65. In Monoaural diplacusis the lesion is in the

a) Cochlea

b) Auditory nerve

c) Brain stem

d) Cerebrum

Ans: a


66. Sensory nerve supply of middle ear cavity is provided by

a) Facial

b) Glossopharyngeal

c) Vagus

d) Trigeminal

Ans: b


67. The Kobrak test is used for:

a) Minimal caloric stimulation 

b) Measuring taste

c) Demonstrating recruitment

d) Demonstrating mucosal area of leukoplakia

Ans: a


68. Most reliable landmark in otoscopy is

a) Cone of light

b) Umbo

c) Handle of malleus

d) Lateral process of malleus

Ans: b


69.   The feature of Gradenigo's triad is

a) Abducent nerve palsy 

b) Oculomotor nerve palsy

c) Facial nerve palsy

d) Hypoglossal nerve palsy

Ans: a


70.Treatment of choice in deafness associated with Attico antra! perforation

a) Simple mastoidectomy

b) Modified radical mastoidectomy

c) Watch and wait

d) Instillation of antibiotic drops

Ans: b


71.Myringoplasty is plastic repair of

a) Middle ear

b) Internal ear

c) Eustachian tube

d) Tympanic membrane

Ans: d


72.Increased threshold of air conduction and decreased direshold of bone conduction aie  associate with

a) Middle ear disease 

b) VIII Cranial nerve disease

c) Cochlear disease

d) External ear disease

Ans: a


73.Bezolds abscess is located in

a) Submandibular region 

b) Sternomastoid muscle 

c) Digastric triangle

d) Infratemporal region

Ans: b


74.Myringitis bullosa is caused by

a) Virion

b) Fungus

c) Bacteria

d) Virus

Ans: d


75.  Which of the following tests the resistance in middle ear

a) Pure tone audiometry

b) Impedance audiometry

c) Caloric test      


Ans: c


76.Unsafe otitis media in a child with high fever and convulsion, the diagnosis is

a) Temporal lobe abscess

b) Cerebellar abscess

c) Meningitis

d) Lateral sinus thrombosis

Ans: a


77. In the external auditory meatus, the cartilaginous portion is

a) Smaller than bony portion

b) Larger than bony portion

c) Both are equal

d) Devoid of ceruminous glands

Ans: a


78. Which is true of cholesteatoma

a) Physiological

b) Erodes bone 

c) Benign neoplasm

d) contains cholesterol 

Ans: b


79. The prominent eminence seen over medial wall of middle ear is

a) Utricle

b) Cochlea (basal turn)

c) Superior semicircular canal

d) Posterior semicircular canal

Ans: b


80.Rinne's test negative is seen in

a) Presbycusis


c) Labyrinthitis

d) Menieres disease

Ans: b


81.Mastoid tip appears at the age of:

a) lyear

b) 2years

c) 3years

d) 4years

Ans: b


82.Scantly, purulent offensive discharge from the ear is due to

a) Tubotympanic otitis media

b) Otomycosis

c) Atticoantral disease

d) Secretory otitis media

Ans: c


83.Malignant Otitis externa is caused by

a) S.aureus

b) S.albus

c) P.aeroginosa

d) E.coil

Ans: c


84.Commonest cause of suppurative otitis media is

a) Streptococcus

b) Pneumococcus

c) Staphylococcus

d) Pseudomonas

Ans: b



85.In 8 year old child with bilateral conductive deafness, the diagnosis is

a) Glue ear

b) Otosclerosis

c) Tympanosclerosis

d) Bilateral atresia of auditory canal

Ans: a


86.Fitzgerald's caloric test uses temperature at

a) 30"cand44°c

b) 34°cand 41°c

c) 330cand21°c      

d) 37° c and 41°c

Ans: a


87.The most common cause of cerebrospinal otorrhoea is:

a) Rupture of tympanic membrane

b) Fracture or petrous ridge

c) Fracture of mastoid air cells

d) Fracture parietal bone

Ans: b


88.The usual location of glomus jugulare tumour is:

a) Epitympanum

b) Hypotympanum

c) Mastoid tip cells

d) Promontory

e) Internal auditory meatus

Ans: b


89.  Acute otitis media can be very serious in children if associate with                            

a) Infection by pneumococcus 

b) Infection by H.influenza

c) Perforation in pars tensa

d) Very large adenoids

Ans: a


90.Commonest complication in CSOM is

a) Conductive deafness 

b) Meningitis 

c) Temporal lobe abscess

d) Cholesteatoma

Ans: a


91.Tobey Ayer test is useful for diagnosing

a) Lateral sinus thrombosis                               

b) Medial sinus thrombosis 

c) Serous otitis media

d) Eustachian tube defects

Ans: a


92.True Statement about malignant external otitis is

a) Not painful

b) Common in diabetics & Old age

c) Caused by streptococcus

d) All of the above

Ans: b


93.Flat tympanogram is a feature of

a) Ossicular discontinuity

b) Serous otitis media

c) Perforation of eardrum

d) Otosclerosis

e) CSOM 

Ans: b


94. Acute mastoiditis is characterized by all except

a) Clouding of air cells

b) Obliteration of retroauricular sulcus

c) Deafness

d) Outward & downward deviation of the pinna

Ans: d


95. Following are components of epitympanum except

a) Head of Malleolus

b) Body of incus

c) A and B

d) Foot plate of stapes

Ans: d


96. Fistula test is after the operation of labyrinth fenestration:

a) Negative

b) Positive

c) No definite response

d) None of the above

Ans: b


97.Commonest indication for myringotomy is

a) Myringitis bullosa

b) Serous otitis media 

c) Middle ear defect

d)  Mastoiditis

Ans: b


98.Processes cochleaformis attaches to

a) Tendon of tensor tympani 

b) Basal turns of helix

c) Handle of malleus

D) incus.

Ans: b


99.Early symptom of an Acoustic nerve tumor is

a) Tinnitus

b) Vertigo

c) Unilateral hearing loss

d) Headache

Ans: c


100.Multiple perforations of Tympanic membrane

a) TB otitis media       

b) Pneumococcus

c) Pseudomonas

d) Streptococcus 

Ans: c