Drupal Multiple choice Questions & Answers

Posted On:December 8, 2018, Posted By: Latest Interview Questions, Views: 5489, Rating :

Drupal Objective type Questions and Answers for Freshers & Experienced pdf

Dear readers, these Drupal Multiple choice Questions have been designed specially to get you acquainted with the nature of questions you may encounter during your Job interview for the subject of Drupal. As per my experience good interviewers hardly plan to ask any particular question during your Job interview, normally questions start with some basic concept of the subject and later they continue based on further discussion and what you answers:

1. Include PHP code in posts is ________?

A. Trigger

B. PHP Filter

C. Tracker

D. Filter

Ans:  B

2. A CSS file (or files) replacing the default CSS of a theme or engine. Appears in the theme selection list with the same precedence as themes and templates.

A. Page

B. Story

C. Style

D. Node

Ans:  C

3. Which is publishing syndicated content?

A. Legacy

B. Trigger

C. Category

D. Aggregator

Ans:  D

4. Which is a way to organize your content?

A. Category

B. Taxonomy

C. Theme

D. Term

Ans:  B

5. Which is Notifications about new versions of Drupal and contributions?

A. Page

B. Update status

C. Permissions

D. Template

Ans:  B

6. ------ is a multi-language support?

A. Locale

B. Profile

C. Module

D. Vocab

Ans:  A

7. Which is extending user account information?

A. Locale

B. Poll

C. Module

D. Profile

Ans:  D 

8. Which is the name of the whole system and the name of the module that implements it. This used to be the name of the menu item in the admin menu.?

A. Node

B. Taxonomy

C. Category

D. Color

Ans:  B 

9. Which is a blog for every user?

a. Dblog

b. Block

c. Color

d. Blog

Ans:  D

10. _______ is Capture system events in log?

A. Dblog

B. Blog

C. Book

D. Syslog

Ans:  A

11. Which is remapping of old-style URLs?

A. Locale

B. Vocab

C. Search

D. Legacy

Ans:  D

12. Which is congestion control?

A. Roles

B. Throttle

C. Theme

D. Profile

Ans:  B

13. Which refers to the Drupal files and modules included with the Drupal project download?

A. Core or Drupal core

B. Code Freeze

C. Content translation

D. None of the above

Ans:  A

14. Which is Drupal sites directory server?

A. Vocab

B. Drupal

C. Page

D. Dblog

Ans:  B 

15. Which is collaborate with files?

A. Dblog

B. Upload

C. Poll

D. Blog

Ans:  B

16. ------  is create threaded discussions?

A. Story

B. Forum

C. Term

D. Vocab

Ans:  B

17. Which is used for handling filtering of content?

A. PHP Filter

B. Roles

C. Filter

D. User

Ans:  C

18. What is Input formats for user content?

A. Filter

B. User

C. Term

D. System

Ans:  A 

19. Which is used to notify services of changes?

A. Ping

B. Path

C. Blog

D. Menu

Ans:  A

20. Which is controlling content in the sidebars?

A. Book

B. Blog

C. Dblog

D. Block

Ans:  D

21. Which is monitor your site?

A. Category

B. Color

C. Path

D. Watchdog

Ans:  D

22. Which is OS-integrated logging?

A. Blog

B. Syslog

C. System

D. Dblog

Ans:  B

23. Which is a collection of terms that share some sort of relationship with each other.The vocab isn't part of any hierarchy as such.?

A. Forum

B. Poll

C. Color

D. Vocab

Ans:  D

24. Which is customize site navigation?

A. Help

B. Menu

C. Term

D. Ping

Ans:  B

25. Assign actions to system events is _______?

A. Tracker

B. Filter

C. Term

D. Trigger

Ans:  D

26. Which is a HTML-writer-readable file that is mostly HTML with special codes to substitute in values provided by a engine.?

A. Path

B. Template

C. Theme

D. Page

Ans:  B

27. Which allows the user to change the color scheme of certain themes?

A. Dblog

B. Blog

C. Color

D. Poll

Ans:  C

28. _______viewing new and updated content?

A. User

B. Tracker

C. Trigger

D. Theme

Ans:  B

29. Which of the following is access and management setting?

A. Book

B. Node

C. Term

D. User

Ans:  D

30. Which is translating posts to different languages?

A. Permissions

B. Contact

C. Comment

D. Content translation

Ans:  D

31. Which of the following is used to post from blog tools?

A. Blog

B. Dblog

C. BlogApi

D. None of the above

Ans:  C

32. Drupal installation needs ?

A. Full control over database

B. No need of MySql

C. Both of the above

D. None of the above

Ans:  A