DHCP Multiple choice Questions & Answers

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Best DHCP Objective type Questions and Answers

Dear Readers, Welcome to DHCP Objective Questions and Answers have been designed specially to get you acquainted with the nature of questions you may encounter during your Job interview for the subject of DHCPMultiple choice Questions. These Objective type DHCP are very important for campus placement test and job interviews. As per my experience good interviewers hardly plan to ask any particular question during your Job interview and these model questions are asked in the online technical test and interview of many IT & Non IT Industry.


1. RDBMS should focus on: | Database Testing Mcqs

A. Logic only 

B. Mission Critical Business functionality

C. Both A. and B. 

D. None of the above.

Ans: B

Objective Type Questions On DHCP

2. Database Regression testing can be done: | Database Testing Mcqs

A. Sometimes 

B. Not required

C. Regular basis 

D. None of the above.

Ans: C


3. A process of making a small change to a database schema, which improves its design without changing its semantics is known as | Database Testing Mcqs

A. Refactoring 

B. Regression testing

C. Unit testing 

D. None of the above

Ans: A


4. Regression testing allows an extensive testing of: | Database Testing Mcqs

A. Conceptual level. 

B. Logical level and physical level 

C. Conceptual, logical and physical level

D. None of the above

Ans: C


5. Which of the following is true: | Database Testing Mcqs

A. TDD = TFA + Refactoring 

B. TDD = TFA - Refactoring


D. None of the above

Ans: A


6. The copy of a database is called: | Database Testing Mcqs

A. Instance 

B. Alias

C. Sandbox 

D. None of the above

Ans: C


7. A load testing CASE TOOL is: | Database Testing Mcqs

A. SQL Unit 

B. Rational Suite Test Studio

C. Turbo Data 

D. None of the above

Ans: B


8.  What type of join is needed when you wish to return rows that do have matching values? | Database Testing Mcqs

A. Equi Join

B. Natural Join

C. Outer Join

D. All of the Above

Ans: D



A. Equi Join

B. Natural Join

C. Outer Join

D. Cartesian Join

Ans: A


10.   How many tables may be included with a join? | Database Testing Mcqs

A. One

B. Two

C. Three

D. All of the Above

Ans: D


11.    The following SQL is which type of join: SELECT CUSTOMER_T. CUSTOMER_ID, ORDER_T. CUSTOMER_ID, NAME, ORDER_ID FROM CUSTOMER_T,ORDER_T ; | Database Testing Mcqs

A. Equi Join

B. Natural Join

C. Outer Join

D. Cartesian Join

Ans: D


12.  Triggers are stored blocks of code that have to be called in order to operate. | Database Testing Mcqs



Ans: B


13.  The entity integrity rule states that: | Database Testing Mcqs

A. no primary key attribute may be null.

B. no primary key can be composite.

C. no primary key may be unique.

D. no primary key may be equal to a value in a foreign key | Database Testing Mcqs

Ans: A


14.   A foreign key is which of the following? | Database Testing Mcqs

A. Any attribute

B. The same thing as a primary key

C. An attribute that serves as the primary key of another relation

D. An attribute that serves no purpose

Ans: C


15.  Which of the following is NOT a type of SQL constraint? | Database Testing Mcqs

A. Primary Key

B. Foreign Key

C. Alternate Key

D. Unique

Ans: C


16.  In which case would you use a FULL OUTER JOIN? | Database Testing Mcqs

A. Both tables have NULL values.

B. You want all unmatched data from one table.

C. You want all matched data from both tables.

D. You want all unmatched data from both tables.

E. One of the tables has more data than the other.

Ans: D


17.  "Evaluate this SQL statement: SELECT e.EMPLOYEE_ID,e.LAST_NAME,e.DEPARTMENT_ID, d.DEPARTMENT_NAME FROM EMP e, DEPARTMENT d WHERE e.DEPARTMENT_ID = d.DEPARTMENT_ID; In the statement, which capabilities of a SELECT statement are performed?" | Database Testing Mcqs

A. Selection, projection, join

B. Difference, projection, join

C. Selection, intersection, join

D. Intersection, projection, join

E. Difference, projection, product

Ans: A


18.  The DBMS acts as an interface between what two components of an enterprise-class database system? | Database Testing Mcqs

A           Database application and the database

B Data and the database

C The user and the database application

D Database application and SQL

Ans: A


19.    A DBMS that combines a DBMS and an application generator is ________ . | Database Testing Mcqs

A Microsoft SQL Server

B             MS Access


D Oracle Corp

Ans: B


20.    The advantage of using a spreadsheet is ____________ . | Database Testing Mcqs

A. Calculations can be done automatically

B. Changing data automatically updates calculations

C. More flexibility

D. All of the Above

Ans: D


21.   There are three types of data found in a spreadsheet:

A. Numbers, formulas, labels

B. Data, words, numbers

C. Words, numbers, labels

D. Equations, data, numbers

Ans: A


22.   How we save database file in MS Access 2007 for Ms Access 2000?

A           Save As MS Access 2000 Database

B Save Only

C Save Object As

Ans: A


23.   When creating a new database in Microsoft Access, at what point is the user REQUIRED (i.e., the latest possible time) to name the database file within the Access software program?

A      After some data has been entered into the tables for that database.

B      Before the user exits the program, after having completed the desired work.

C       Before the user creates any tables, immediately after giving the command to create a new database.

D After the tables and the relationship layout have been created, but before data is entered into the tables.

E After the tables have been created, but before the relationship layout is created

Ans: C


24.   When creating a database in Microsoft Access _________________.

A    Referential integrity is only enforced for those relationships for which the database designer or user places a check mark in a box for "enforce referential integrity" during or after creation of the relationships in the relationship layout.

B In Access it is impossible to create a table without designating a primary key.

C Foreign keys must be specified for each table.

D To delete a relationship, simply deleting one of the tables involved in the relationship will do the trick.

E All data entry problems will result in error messages

Ans: A


25.   The view in which the field data types and field properties for a database table can be seen in Microsoft Access is called the __________.

A    Datasheet View

B       Design View

C SQL View

D Dashboard view

E Field View

Ans: B


26.   You can add a row using SQL in a database with which of the following?

A. Add

B. Create

C. Insert

D. Make

Ans: C


27.   The command to remove rows from a table 'CUSTOMER' is:





Ans: C


28.  What does White box database testing Involves?

A. testing of database triggers and logical views

B. performs module testing of database functions, triggers, views, SQL queries

C. validates database tables, data models, database schema etc

D. checks rules of Referential integrity.

E. All of the above

Ans: E


29. Database Checkpoints are Supported in All Environments.



Ans: A


30.  Database checkpoint are displayed in the Expert View as a checkpoint.

A. Dbtable.checkpoint

B. Datatable.check

C. Dbtable.check

D. Dtable.check

Ans: C


31.  In the Database checkpoint properties dialogbox, the -------------- displays the data that was captured from the checkpoint

A. lotusdb area

B. table area

C. spreadsheet area

D. grid area

Ans: D


32.   In the Database checkpoint properties dialogbox, you can select to check the ___________.

A. entire results set

B. specific rows

C. specific columns

D. specific cells

E. All of the above

Ans: E


33.  Database checkpoint enables you to test database.

A.           TRUE


Ans: A


34.   You cannot modify the SQL query Definition and the expected data in the database checkpoint.



Ans: B


35.  In Database checkpoint properties dialog box, the default setting is to treat cell values as ----------- and to check the exact text while ignoring spaces.

A. Numeric

B. String

C. Variant

D. Array

Ans: B


36.  You can modify the value of the cell or you can parameterize it to use a value from an external source, such as ____________.

A. Data table

B. Environment Variable

C. Both A and B

D. None of the above

Ans: C


37.  What do you need selenium ,with Java to connect to the Database.




D. All of the Above

Ans: B