Computational Fluid Dynamics Seminar PPT and PDF Report Download

Posted On:October 27, 2021, Posted By: Latest Interview Questions, Views: 223, Rating :


Computational Fluid Dynamics Seminar :-

Grids :

  • Structured Grid
    +all nodes have the same number of elements around it

-only for simple domains

  • Unstructured Grid
    + for all geometries

– irregular data structure

  • Block Structured Grid

Applications :

  1. Car safety thermal imaging using CFD
  2. Heat exchanger imaging
  3. Imaging of missile prototypes

CFD Advantages :

  • Relatively low cost.
  • It is are relatively low cost, and costs are likely to reduce as computers become more powerful.
  • CFD simulations can be accomplished in a short period of time.
  • Ability to simulate real conditions.
  • CFD provides the ability to theoretically simulate any physical condition.
  • Comprehensive information.
  • CFD allows the analyst to inspect a large number of locations in the region of interest, and produce an inclusive set of flow parameters for examination.

CFD Limitations :

  • The CFD solutions can only be as specific as the physical models on which they are based.
  • Solving equations on a computer invariably introduces numerical errors.
  • Round-off error: due to finite word size available on the computer. Round-off errors will always exist (though they can be small in most cases).
  • Truncation error: due to approximations in the numerical models. Truncation errors will go to zero as the grid is refined. Mesh refinement is one way to deal with truncation error.
  • Boundary conditions.
  • As with physical models, the accuracy of the CFD solution is only as good as the initial/boundary conditions provided to the numerical model.

Content of the Seminar and pdf report for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) :

  • What is Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)?
  • Why and where use CFD?
  • Physics of Fluid
  • Grids
  • Boundary Conditions
  • Numerical Staff
  • Applications
  • Advantage
  • Limitation
  • Reference