Broadcast Multiple choice Questions & Answers

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Best Broadcast Objective type Questions and Answers

Dear Readers, Welcome to Broadcast Objective Questions and Answers have been designed specially to get you acquainted with the nature of questions you may encounter during your Job interview for the subject of Broadcast  Multiple choice Questions. These Objective type Broadcast are very important for campus placement test and job interviews. As per my experience good interviewers hardly plan to ask any particular question during your Job interview and these model questions are asked in the online technical test and interview of many IT & Non IT Industry.


1) The acronym FM stands for


  A. frequency modes

  B. filter modulation

  C. frequency modulation 

  D. filter methodology

  E. future mediocrity

Ans: C

Objective Type Questions On Broadcast

2) According to studies, the quarter of the hour with the largest listening audience is


  A. 0 - 15 min 

  B. 15 - 30 min

  C. 30 - 45 min

  D. 45 - 60 min

Ans: A

3) Which scientist is credited with the discovery the existence of radio waves


  A. Thomas Edison

  B. Heinrich Hertz 

  C. Ben Franklin

  D. Guglielmo Marconi

  E. Albert Einstein


4) Which inventor conducted the first radio transmission in the year 1895


  A. Thomas Edison

  B. Heinrich Hertz

  C. Ben Franklin

  D. Guglielmo Marconi 

  E. Albert Einstein


5) Which single event resulted in global acceptance of 24 hour mandatory use of radio for shipping communications


  A. The 'War of the Worlds' broadcast

  B. The attack on Pearl Harbor

  C. The crash of the Hindenburg Zeppelin

  D. The sinking of the S.S. Titanic 

  E. Hitler's invasion of Poland



6) Morse Code is what form of radio transmission


  A. AM (Amplitude modulation)

  B. FM (Frequency Modulation)

  C. PDM (Pulse Duration Modulation) 

  D. PCS (Personal Communications Services)

  E. PCM (Pulse Code Modulation)



7) FM broadcasts are assigned what radio frequencies by the FCC


  A. 540 kHz - 1630 kHz

  B. 88 MHz - 174 MHz 

  C. 300 MHz - 3000 MHz

  D. 1850 MHz - 1990 MHz

  E. 7.25 gHz - 8.4 gHz



8) Line of sight propagation is defined as


  A. A signal traveling directly from the transmitter antenna to the receiver antenna 

  B. The 'dead area' within the skip zone

  C. A signal refracted, or bent back to the earth by the ionosphere

  D. A signal traveling along the ground following the curve of the earth

  E. None of the above



9) The term 'Picket Fencing' is used to describe


  A. Slats of wood that divide one receiver from another

  B. The actuality of direct and reflecting waves first canceling then reinforcing each other, causing fluttering of the transmission 

  C. The actuality of direct and reflecting waves canceling each other, but not reinforcing, thus causing fluttering of the transmission

  D. None of the above

  E. All of the above (Your Answer)



10) At night, AM transmissions can be received from great distances because


  A. There are fewer stations broadcasting

  B. There is less traffic on the roads to cause interference

  C. The dissipation of the 'D' layer of the ionosphere 

  D. All of the above

  E. None of the above



11) The type of cable used to send a program from the broadcast amplifier to the transmission antenna is called


  A. XLR

  B. TRS

  C. RCA

  D. Coaxial 

  E. TT/Batham



12) Satellite transmissions work on what kind of signal


  A. AM

  B. FM

  C. UHF

  D. VHF

  E. PCM 



13) Lavaliere mics are used widely in TV broadcasting because


  A. They are unidirectional and reject ambient noise

  B. They are dynamic and add no bed noise

  C. They are small and nonintrusive to the video camera's view 

  D. They are unidirectional and reject ambient noise and they are dynamic and add no bed


  E. All of the above



14) Omnidirectional mics are used in field recordings for


  A. Capturing ambiance

  B. They are impervieous to the proximity effect.

  C. Capturing more than one source at a time

  D. All of the above 

  E. None of the above



15) An obstacle of using hand operated 'booms' or 'fish pole' stands is


  A. they are illegal in many states

  B. The operator's arms may tire from long use

  C. They're expensive

  D. Mic can interfere with the camera view if it drops into frame

  E. The operator's arms may tire from long use AND the mic can interfere with the camera

view if it drops into frame 



16) Miking sporting events requires sound pickups from what sources


  A. Announcers

  B. The crowd

  C. The action

  D. All of the above 

  E. None of the above



17) The process of temporarily lowering the volume of a recording (or any source) in order to speak over it is called


  A. A quick fade

  B. A drop out

  C. A donut 

  D. A hole

  E. None of the above



18) What  two factors determine sky-wave propagation between two points?


  A. the frequency in use

  B. the level of humidity in the air

  C. the level of ionization

  D. the level of humidity in the air & the level of ionization

  E. the frequency in use & the level of ionization 



19) The highest frequency at which the ionosphere bends radio waves back to Earth is called


  A. air

  B. non-conductive materials

  C. space

  D. all of the above 

  E. none of the above

Ans: D


20) VSWR is a measure of an impedance mismatch between


  A. the antenna and the receiver

  B. the transmission line and its load 

  C. the compressor and the oscillator

  D. the antenna and the receiver & the transmission line and its load

  E. all of the above

Ans: B


21) The optimum standing wave ratio is


  A. 1:1 

  B. 2:1

  C. 3:1

  D. 4:1

  E. 5:1

Ans: A


22) a 'cart' is used in broadcast productions for


  A. P.S.A.'s

  B. sound effects

  C. commercials

  D. all of the above 

  E. none of the above

Ans: D


23) The largest amount of broadcasting air time is dedicated to


  A. sit-coms

  B. news 

  C. commercials

  D. dramas

  E. sporting events

Ans: B


24) A downward 45 degree angle of a D.J.'s vocal mic is used to


  A. help reduce sibilance

  B. help reduce plosives 

  C. help reduce ambient noise

  D. help reduce phase problems from reflected waves

  E. help reduce sibilance & help reduce ambient noise

Ans: B


25) 'Split-Channel' mixers are used primarily for:


  A. Film production

  B. T.V. production

  C. Music production

  D. Radio production

  E. Radio and T.V. broadcasts 

Ans: E


26) DARS brodcast systems use hybrid transmitters known as:


  A. ICBM Systems

  B. POTS Systems

  C. ISDN Systems

  D. Phased Array Systems

  E. IBOC Systems 

Ans: E


27) What frequencies are allocated by the FCC for commercial AM transmitions?


  A. 88Mghz-175Mghz

  B. 275Khz-1750Khz

  C. 106Mghz-1250Mghz

  D. 540Khz-1630Khz 

  E. 160Khz-1900Khz



28) The communication system used between principal production crew members and the talent is called...


  A. IFB: Interruptable Foldback System 

  B. SA: Studio Address System

  C. PL: Private Line System

  D. SMS: Studio Monitor System

  E. CMS: Crew Monitor System

Ans: A


29) XM and Sirius use what type of transmission systems?


  A. AM

  B. FM


  D. S-DARS 


Ans: D


30) The primary purpose of radio is to convey information from one place to another through


  A. air

  B. non-conductive materials

  C. space

  D. all of the above 

  E. none of the above

Ans: D



31) Sometimes a radio manager, seeing a weakness in a rival station, will:


  A. Adopt that station's format, hoping to do it better and lure away listeners 

  B. Exploit the weakness through an aggressive negative-advertising campaign

  C. Avoid using the same music format, fearing that it may be inherently weak

  D. Try to develop a network of spies within the rival station to make it weaker

  E. None of the above

Ans: A


32) Media corporations are said to be seeking synergy when they:


  A. Replace their accounting firms with in-house auditors

  B. Break ground for broadcast stations in new locations

  C. Sell off stations to avoid violating FCC ownership rules

  D. Get into carriage battles with local cable systems

  E. Acquire companies that can work together in creative ways 

Ans: E


33) The TV program credited with (or blamed for) making profitability mandatory in news is:


  A. PBS' McNeil-Lehrer News Hour

  B. CBS' 60 Minutes 

  C. CNN's Anderson Cooper 360

  D. ABC's 20-20

  E. CNBC's The News with Brian Williams

Ans: B


34) Networks and their affiliates have argued over how much a network has to pay a station in:


  A. Licensing fees

  B. Barter minutes

  C. Compensation (comp.) 

  D. Accounting credits

  E. Advertising funds

Ans: C


35) One major breakthrough in the development of the personal computer was the addition of icons and visual links to replace text-based commands in the computer's operating system. This innovation was called:


  A. Pulse Code Modulation

  B. Quantization

  C. Graphic User Interface (GUI) 

  D. Sampling

  E. Data Storage

Ans: C


37) The number of local TV stations in the country from which newscasts flow is about:


  A. 600

  B. 800 

  C. 1,000

  D. 300

  E. None of the Above

Ans: B


38) In order to describe the speed of bits flowing in data streams, engineers refer to "bit rates," which are measured in:


  A. Frequencies

  B. Cycles

  C. Hertz

  D. Bits per Second (bps) 

  E. Bytes (kilo, mega, giga)

Ans: D


39) The term "bit" is formed by compressing two terms; they are:


  A. Binary, Digit 

  B. Binary, Terminal

  C. Basic, Intelligence

  D. Broadcast, Digital

  E. None of the above

Ans: A


40) On average, TV-news salaries are very low, starting at little more than:


  A. $18,000 a year

  B. $700 a week

  C. $20,000 a year 

  D. $1,500 a month

  E. $25,000 a year

Ans: C


41) The Swedish engineer whose design was to rethink analogous waves of energy in terms of dots and dashes was:


  A. Harry Nyquist 

  B. Claude Shannon

  C. Warren Weaver

  D. John Mauchly

  E. J. Presper Eckert

Ans: A


42) Overall, the largest sector of U.S. broadcast journalism today is:


  A. Public-Radio News

  B. Syndicated Radio News

  C. Network TV News

  D. Local TV news 

  E. Local Radio News

Ans: D


43) The only true broadcasters in the U.S. system are:


  A. Fiber-Optics Webs

  B. Broadcast Networks

  C. Cable Systems

  D. Local Stations 

  E. Internet Sites

Ans: D


44) One tool that many radio stations use to analyze the timing and competitiveness of their programs is the:


  A. Music Chart

  B. Hot Clock 

  C. Playlist

  D. Computer

  E. Newsletter

Ans: B


45) A fundamental change from the 1970's is that big-time television today no longer has:


  A. News divisions as "loss leaders" 

  B. African-American correspondents

  C. Assignment desks

  D. Labor unions

  E. Foreign bureaus

Ans: A


46) The broadcast industry rests on a three-legged stool of these economic factors:


  A. Station, Station Group, Network

  B. Broadcaster, Producer, Advertiser

  C. Revenue, Payroll, Profit

  D. Researcher, Producer, Marketer

  E. Broadcaster, Audience, Advertiser 

Ans: E


47) This part of the personal computer is important because it translates software applications for the CPU.


  A. Operating System (OS) 

  B. Storage Memory

  C. Random Access Memory (RAM)

  D. Floppy Disk Drive

  E. Mouse

Ans: A


48) In the basic transaction in commercial broadcasting,


  A. Consumers buy programs directly from networks

  B. Advertisers sell their products to audiences

  C. Advertisers buy shows from production companies

  D. Networks buy programs from affiliated stations

  E. Broadcasters sell their audiences to advertisers 

Ans: E


49) Unlike most countries, the United States began early to allow broadcasting to operate as:


  A. A national treasure

  B. Private enterprise 

  C. An arm of government

  D. The chief entertainer

  E. None of the above

Ans: B


50) If a TV network broadcasts a female-oriented sitcom when its top rival is airing a pro football game, that's usually called:


  A. Evasive Action

  B. Audience Raiding

  C. Hammocking

  D. Block Tentpoling

  E. Counterprogramming 

Ans: E


 51) Which advertising medium has the advantage of low costs, flexibility, and effectiveness?

  A. Radio  

  B. Television

  C. CD-ROMs

  D. Video



52) What advertising medium typically runs for four to six minutes and is used to showcase a property to prospects before they visit?

  A. Radio

  B. Television

  C. CD-ROMs

  D. Video


53) What type of advertisement is most successful when it is visual, grabs attention, and has an identity all of its own?


  A. Radio

  B. Television  

  C. CD-ROMs

  D. Video



54) Broadcast faxing is:


  A. an excellent saturation medium that can enhance a message with visuals.

  B. used to get a message to a number of prospects at the same time.

         C. a system in which the hospitality firm gives selected travel intermediaries or other target markets a special fax number they may call to receive its latest information at any time.

  D. a high-quality presence that can quickly provide new information to consumers.

Ans: B


55) Which of the following is an advantage of Internet advertising?


  A. High saturation

  B. Long shelf life

  C. Quick updates  

  D. Highly targeted

Ans: C


56) Video brochures have a higher storage capacity than CD-ROMs.

  A. True

  B. False



57) Travel services on the Internet serve as an online directory of properties.


  A. True  

  B. False


58) Television advertising is expensive as hotels must pay for both airtime and production.


  A. True 


  B. False


59) It is important to determine audience demographics and develop targeted ads when advertising on television.


  A. True 

  B. False

Ans: A

60) The Internet is an inherently interactive medium, so it isn’t necessary for a property Website to build in interactivity.

A. True

  B. False

Ans: B

61) __________ is the measurement of the opening in a lens of a camera that allows a specific amount of light to be let in.


  A. composition

  B. aperture 

  C. diffusion

  D. focal length

Ans: B


62) _______ is the term for removing and dismantling sets after a production.


  A. cleanup

  B. strike

  C. break down 

  D. load out

Ans: C


63) What do the letters C.C.D stand for?


  A. charge coupled device 

  B. crispy creme donuts

  C. charge current distribution

  D. common cathode disc


Ans: A


64) Dimmer is part of a camera.


  A. True

  B. False 

Ans: B


65) Switcher is part of lighting.


  A. True

  B. False 

Ans: B


66) F-Stop can be found on the camera.


  A. True 

  B. False

Ans: A


67) Match cuts are found in editing.


  A. True 

  B. False

Ans: A


68) What is the correct kelvin temperature of indoor videography?


  A. 5600 Degrees

  B. 7200 Degrees

  C. 1200 Degrees

  D. 3200 Degrees 

Ans: D


69) What is the correct exterior kelvin temperature for daytime exterior videography?


  A. 5600 Degrees 

  B. 3200 Degrees

  C. 7200 Degrees

  D. 1200 Degrees

Ans: A


70) What does RGB signify?


  A. Rig, Ballast, Grid

  B. Right, Bright, Great

  C. Ring, Bing, Gring

  D. Red, Blue, Green 

Ans: D