Dear Readers, Welcome to Anatomy Objective Questions and Answers have been designed specially to get you acquainted with the nature of questions you may encounter during your Job interview for the subject of Anatomy Multiple choice Questions. These Objective type Anatomy Questions are very important for campus placement test and job interviews. As per my experience good interviewers hardly plan to ask any particular question during your Job interview and these model questions are asked in the online technical test and interview of many Medical Industry.
A. Right bundle branch block in acute anterior myocardial infarction suggests obstruction prior to the first septal branch of the left anterior descending coronary artery
B. the posterior descending artery is usually a branch of the circumflex artery
C. The sinus node is supplied by a branch of the right coronary in over 90% of subjects.
D. The AV node is supplied by the left anterior descending coronary artery.
E. The left main stem is about 4 cm long
Ans: A
A. a reduced brachioradialis reflex
B. inability to abduct the shoulder
C. loss of sensation over the lateral aspect of the arm
D. winging of the scapula
E. weakness of finger flexion
Ans: E
A. left frontal lobe
B. left lateral medulla
C. right corpus striatum
D. right midbrain
E. right pons
Ans: E
A. The aortic valve is tricuspid.
B. The ascending aorta is entirely outside the pericardial sac.
C. The left atrial appendage is identified readily by transthoracic echocardiography.
D. The pulmonary trunk lies anterior to the ascending aorta.
E. The right atrium is posterior to the left atrium.
Ans: A
A. Enophthalmos
B. Constricted pupil
C. Convergent strabismus
D. Increased lacrimation
E. Unreactive pupil to light
Ans: E
A. anterior spinal artery occlusion
B. dorsal meningioma
C. multiple sclerosis
D. subacute combined degeneration of the cord
E. tabes dorsalis
Ans: B
A. optic chiasm lesions characteristically produce a bitemporal hemianopia
B. central scotoma occurs early in papilloedema
C. in cortical blindness pupillary reactions are abnormal
D. optic tract lesions produce an ipsilateral homonymous hemianopia
E. opticokinetic nystagmus is found with bilateral infarction of the parieto-occipital lobes
Ans: A
A. cerebellar ataxia
B. contralateral hemiplegia
C. dysarthria
D. homonymous hemianopia
E. palatal palsy
Ans: D
A. Absent sensory nerve potentials would be expected on examination of the thumb and index finger on the right.
B. A repeat examination 12 months later is likely to reveal rapidly recruited low amplitude short duration motor units in the clinically involved muscle on EMG.
C. Fibrillation potentials would be expected in the right brachioradialis and abductor pollicus brevis.
D. Triceps tendon jerk is likely to be depressed or absent.
E. Voluntary motor unit activity may be absent in the right biceps.
Ans: A
A. optic chiasm lesions characteristically produce a bitemporal hemianopia
B. central scotoma occurs early in papilloedema
C. in cortical blindness pupillary reactions are abnormal
D. optic tract lesions produce an ipsilateral homonymous hemianopia
E. opticokinetic nystagmus is found with bilateral infarction of the parieto-occipital lobes
Ans: A
a) Lateral plantar
b) Medial plantar
c) Posterior tibial ABDOMEN
d) Anterior tibial
a) Pancreatico-splenic nodes
b) Right gastric nodes
c) Left gastric rodes
d) Hepatic nodes
a) Inguinal lymph nodes
b) Ext.iliac lymph nodes
c) Paraaortic Lymph nodes
d) Obturator Lymph nodes
a) Ascending colon
b) Transverse colon
c) Descending colon
d) Sigmoid colon
a) Cricopharynx
b) Esophagogastric junction
c) At the-level of arch of aorta
d) Level of tracheal bifurcation
a) Prostatic utricle
b) Ejaculatory duct
c) Bulbourethral glands
d) Prostatic ducts
a) Quadratus lumborum muscle
b) Sigmoid mesocolon
c) Gonadal vessels
d) Internal iliac artery
a) Leydig cells
b) Anterior pituitary
c) Adrenal cortex
d) Theca cells
a) Is ectodermal in origin
b) Has its mucous membrane thrown into longitudinal folds
c) Has interureteric crest forming one of the boundaries
d) Lies below and in front of the internal orifice of urethra
a) Marginal artery of Drummond
b) Sigmoidal artery
c) Superior hemorrhoidal artery
d) Middle colic artery
e) Left colic artery
a) Helps in active peristalsis
b) Presents in alimentary canal along with mesentery
c) Present in small intestine
d) Present in rectum
a) Prostatic urethra
b) Membranous urethra
c) Penile urethra
d) Bulbar urethra
a) Ext.iliac Lymph nodes
b) Deep inguinal Lymph nodes
c) Paraaortic Lymph nodes
d) Superior inguinal Lymph nodes
a) Pudendal nerve
b) Internal pudendal nerve
c) Internal pudendal vein
d) Nerve to obturator internus
a) Continues as inferior rectal artery
b) Takes part in formation of marginal artery
c) Arises from coeliac trunk
d) Supplies mid gut
a) Acellular
b) Contains glycoprotein
c) Surrounds morula
d) Surrounds ovum
a) Acquired condition in males
b) Acquired in females
c) Congenital in males
d) Congenital condition in female
e) None of the above
a) Terminal branches of lower intercostal nerves
b) Inferior epigastric artery
c) Lymph vessels
d) Ilio inguinal nerve
a) Is supplied by cystic artery which has an accompanying vein on its left side
b) Is drained by veins into the liver
c) Has a fundus which projects beyond the liver
d) Has an infundibulum which projects downwards joining a pouch
a) Just below public tubercle
b) Below and lateral to pubic tubercle
c) Above and medial to pubic tubercle
d) Just above pubic tubercle
a) Crossed anteriorly by gonadal artery
b) Length of 50 cm
c) Nerve supply from T8-T10
d) Crossed posteriorly by renal artery
a) Broad ligament
b) Mackenrodt's ligament
c) Round ligament
d) Vescicouterine fold
a) Smaller in female
b) Contains femoral vein
c) Inferior epigastric artery lies medially
d) Medial most compartment of femoral sheath
a) Contains pyramidalis
b) Deficient antero superiorly
c) Posterior wall formed by Transversalis fascia
d) Inferior epigastric artery pierces postero-inferiorly
a) Inguinal lymph nodes
b) Ext.iliac nodes
c) Int.iliac nodes
d) Para aortic
e) None of the above
a) Macula densa
b) Smooth muscular cells of afferent arteriole
c) Smooth muscular cells of efferent arteriole
d) Islets of epithelial cells
a) Labia minora
b) Labia majora
c) Uterus
d) Vagina
a) Surrounds the neck of bladder
b) Has an anterior lobe, which hypertrophies in old age
c) Has median lobe between urethra and ejaculatory ducts
d) Has a posterior lobe which is prone to carcinomatous change
a) Sacral plexus
b) Obturator nerve
c) Hypogastric plexus
d) Pudendal nerve
a) Lt. Transverse process of L2 to Rt.sacro iliac joint
b) Rt.transverse process of L2 to Rt.sacro iliac joint
c) Lt.Transverse process of Tl to Rt.sacro iliac joint
d) Rt.transverse process of Tl to Lt.sacro iliac joint
a) Axillary nodes
b) Inguinal nodes
c) A and B
d) Porta hepatis
e) Celiac axis nodes
a) Bordered by interureteric crest
b) Mesoderm in origin
c) Mucus membrane has folds
d) Overlies the median lobe of prostate
a) Bladder and the uterus
b) Bladder and pubic symphysis
c) Bladder and rectum
d) Uterus and rectum
a) Pancreas
b) Submandibular salivary gland
c) Kidney
d) Liver
a) Psoas major
b) Latissimus dorsi
c) Quadratus lumborum
d) Transverse abdominis
a) Aorta
b) Superior mesentric artery
c) Celiac axis
d) Hepatic artery
a) Chorion leave and endometrium
b) Chorion frondosum and decidua basalis
c) Decidua basilis and trophoblast
d) Decidua basalis and amnion
a) Ilioinguinal nerve
b) Genitofemoral nerve
c) Iliohypogastric nerve
d) Pudendal nerve
a) Levator Ani
b) Bulbospongiosus
c) Ischiocavernous
d) Superficial transverse perinei