Dear readers, these Adobe Illustrator Multiple choice Questions have been designed specially to get you acquainted with the nature of questions you may encounter during your Job interview for the subject of Adobe Illustrator. As per my experience good interviewers hardly plan to ask any particular question during your Job interview, normally questions start with some basic concept of the subject and later they continue based on further discussion and what you answer:
A. Paint Tool
B. Direct Selection Tool
C. Selection Tool
D. Anchor Tool
Ans: c
A. Selection Tool
B. Paint Tool
C. Direct Selection Tool
D. Anchor Adjustment Tool
Ans: c
A. Anchor Adjustment Tool
B. Selection Tool
C. Direct Selection Tool
D. Paint Tool
Ans: c
a. Triangle
b. Ellipse
c. Star
d. Polygon
Ans: a
a. Click the interior center spot
b. Double click the interior center spot
c. Click the stroke
d. Double click the anchor point
Ans: c
a. Raster
b. Encryption
c. Extrapolation
d. Vector
Ans: d
a. choose the rectangle tool, hold shift, and drag the cursor diagonally.
b. input the square's side dimensions.
c. double click the polygon tool
d. select the square polygon tool and click any open area
Ans: a
a. Live Trace
b. Live Pixels
c. Live Convert
d. Live Paint
Ans: a
a. For approximately 15 seconds.
b. Until the computer is off line.
c. Until the software is shut down.
d. Until another tool is selected.
Ans: d
a. select the color tool and hit return on the keyboard
b. select the object and then a color from the color palette
c. select a brush and paint the color inside the object
d. simply use the paint bucket
Ans: b
a. the selected pen will change to the next one up
b. A vertical, horizontal, and 45 degree line can be drawn
c. A zig-zag line can be drawn.
d. The pen will draw an empty line.
Ans: b
a. Line
b. Gamma Line
c. Path
d. Point Successor
Ans: c
a. The line will stretch
b. The line will change to 45 degrees
c. The line will curve
d. The line will smooth
Ans: c
a. the pen
b. selection tool
c. the eraser
d. direct selection tool
Ans: d
a. Use the "group transform" tool
b. Use the "group division" tool
c. Use the "group selection" tool
d. Can't be done. The group needs to be ungrouped first.
Ans: d
a. Drag the handles of the bounding box while depressing "option"
b. Drag the handles on the bounding box.
c. Drag the handles on the bounding box while depressing "Shift".
d. Drag the handles and hold F4 while dragging
Ans: c
a. Indentation
b. Leading
c. Hyphenation
d. Format
Ans: b
a. format
b. type color
c. leading
d. hyphenation
Ans: c
a. It can't be done.
b. Use the Pathfinder tool
c. Use the Path Type Tool
d. Deselect the Path
Ans: c
a. Open Path
b. Symbol
c. Closed Path
d. Closed Vector
Ans: c
a. picas
b. points
c. inches
d. pixels
Ans: d
a. Click the color in the swatch, then select the stroke tool
b. Stroke color must be selected before creating the object.
c. Click the stroke tool at the bottom of tool box and select a color
d. Click the bounding box and then select a color
Ans: c
a. Command+click the new swatch on the swatches panel
b. Click the new swatch button on the swatches panel
c. Option+click the new swatch on the swatches panel
d. Drag the new swatch to the swatch menu
Ans: a
a. scissors tool
b. knife tool
c. bisect tool
d. transform tool
Ans: a
a. double-click the scaling tool
b. double click off the artboard
c. double-click the hand tool.
d. double-click the magnifying glass tool
Ans: c
a. Combine grouped objects
b. Find a path for type
c. Find a path for stroke size
d. Find a path for rasterization
Ans: a
b. RGB
c. Spot Color
d. Grayscale
Ans: c
a. Show type as having an empty fill
b. Convert type to Outline
c. Click the gradient and select the type while holding shift
d. Convert type using Pathfinder
Ans: b
a. Artwork printing is controlled
b. Artwork outlines are easily seen
c. Artwork sections can be hidden
d. Artwork is protected from change
Ans: b
a. Use the leading pull down menu under "Font"
b. Place the cursor in front of the first line and click the option key
c. Press the up or down arrow key for each point of leading needed
d. Select the paragraph and enter the leading value in the "Character" palette
Ans: d
a. 50% of one color, plus 50% of another color
b. A tint of a PMS Swatch
c. 75% of one color, plus 25% of another color
d. A graduated blend of two or more colors within a closed path
Ans: d
a. Delete the color and then reset it with the swatch selection tool
b. Fill the mesh with the paint bucket tool after selecting a mesh point
c. Fill the mesh with the brush tool after grouping the objects
d. Use the direct selection tool, select a mesh point, then select the color
Ans: d
a. name the layer "Invisible Layer"
b. click on the pencil at the left of the layer name
c. adjust the gamma layer for "Invisible"
d. click off the eye on the left of the layer name
Ans: d
a. Bezier Curve
b. Venus Curve
c. curved vector solution
d. Razerian Curve
Ans: a
a. stroke and shadow
b. fill and stroke
c. history and undo
d. texture and gamma
Ans: b
a. pathway
b. frame
c. path
d. frameset
Ans: c