Dear Readers, Welcome to Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Objective Questions have been designed specially to get you acquainted with the nature of questions you may encounter during your Job interview for the subject of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering MCQs. These objective type Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering questions are very important for campus placement test and job interviews. As per my experience good interviewers hardly plan to ask any particular question during your Job interview and these model questions are asked in the online technical test and interview of many IT & Non IT Industries.
a) glaciers
b) wind
c) water
d) none of the above
a) never be greater than 100 %
b) take values only from 0 % to 100 %
c) be less than 0 %
d) be greater than 100 %
a) loess
b) talus
c) drift
d) dune sand
a) one phase system
b) two phase system with soil and air
c) two phase system with soil and water
d) three phase system
a) S>0
b) S<0
c) 0<S<100
d) 0 < S < 100
a) 18.6 kN/m3
b) 20.0 kN/m3
c) 22.0 kN/m3
d) 23.2 kN/m3
a) air entrained soil
b) partially saturated soil
c) dry soil
d) dehydrated soil
a) 0<n<100
b) 0<n<100
c) n>0
d) n<0
a) Unit weight of dry soil is greater than unit weight of wet soil.
b) For dry soils, dry unit weight is less than total unit weight.
c) Unit weight of soil increases due to submergence in water.
d) Unit weight of soil decreases due to submergence in water.
a) never be greater than unity
b) be zero
c) take any value greater than zero
d) take values between 0 and 1 only
a) 1.0 and 0.0
b) 0.0 and 1.0
c) 0.5 and 1.0
d) 1.0 and 0.5
a) one phase system
b) two phase system with soil and air
c) two phase system with soil and water
d) three phase system
a) ID > 0
b) ID < 0
c) 0 < ID < 1
d) 0 < ID < 1
a) 40%
b) 60%
c) 80%
d) 100%
a) less than specific gravity of soil
b) equal to specific gravity of soil
c) greater than specific gravity of soil
d) independent of specific gravity of soil
a) air content
b) porosity
c) percentage air voids
d) voids ratio
a) 0.4
b) 0.6
c) 0.95
d) 1.20
a) zero
b) 1
c) between 0 and 1
d) greater than 1
a) oven drying method
b) sand bath method
c) calcium carbide method
d) pycnometer method
a) oven drying method
b) sand bath method
c) alcohol method
d) calcium carbide method
a) water content and voids ratio
b) specific gravity and dry density
c) water content and specific gravity
d) voids ratio and dry density
a) less than 0.0002 mm
b) greater than 0.2 mm
c) between 0.2 mm and 0.0002 mm
d) all of the above
a) both meniscus correction and dis¬persing agent correction are additive
b) both meniscus correction and dispers¬ing agent correction are subtractive
c) meniscus correction is additive and dispersing agent correction is subtractive
d) meniscus correction is subtractive and dispersing agent correction is additive
a) the principle of test
b) the method of taking observations
c) the method of preparation of soil suspension
d) all of the above
a) effective size
b) uniformity coefficient
c) coefficient of curvature
d) none of the above
a) Uniformity coefficient represents the shape of the particle size distribution curve.
b) For a well graded soil, both uniformity coefficient and coefficient of curvature are nearly unity.
c) A soil is said to be well graded if it has most of the particles of about the same size
d) none of the above
a) always less than 1
b) always equal to 1
c) equal to or less than 1
d) equal to or gi eater than 1
a) 0 < PI < 7
b) 7<PI< 17
c) 17<PI<27
d) PI>27
a) liquid state
b) plastic state
c) semi-solid state
d) solid state
a) negative
b) zero
c) non-plastic (NP)
d) 1
a) plasticity index to consistency index
b) plasticity index to flow index
c) liquidity index to flow index
d) consistency index to liquidity index
a) sand
b) silt
c) clay
d) clayey silt
a) decrease in liquid limit and increase in plasticity index
b) decrease in liquid limit and no change in plasticity index
c) decrease in both liquid limit and plasticity index
d) increase in both liquid limit and plasticity index
a) A uniform soil has more strength and stability than a non-uniform soil.
b) A uniform soil has less strength and stability than a non-uniform soil.
c) Uniformity coefficient does not affect strength and stability.
d) Uniformity coefficient of a poorly graded soil is more than that of a well graded soil.
a) liquid limit
b) plastic limit
c) shrinkage limit
d) plasticity index
a) sand
b) silt
c) clay
d) gravel
a) same shear strength of small magni-tude
b) same shear strength of large magni-tude
c) different shear strengths of small magnitude
d) different shear strengths of large magnitude
a) the liquid limit of soil always increases
b) the liquid limit of soil always decreases
c) the liquid limit of soil may increase
d) the liquid limit of soil may decrease
a) 4.75 mm to 2.00 mm
b) 2.00 mm to 0.425 mm
c) 0.425 mm to 0.075 mm
d) 0.075 mm to 0.002 mm
a) particle size composition
b) plasticity characteristics
c) both particle size composition and plasticity characteristics
d) none of the above
a) MH
b) SL
c) ML
d) CH
a) rock minerals
b) kaolinite
c) illite
d) montmorillonite
a) kaolinite
b) illite
c) montmorillonite
d) none of the above
a) face to face or parallel orientation
b) edge to edge orientation
c) edge to face orientation
d) all of the above
a) the stress at particles contact
b) a physical parameter that can be measured
c) important because it is a function of engineering properties of soil
d) all of the above
a) equal increase in pore water pressure and total stress
b) equal decrease in pore water pressure and total stress
c) increase in pore water pressure but decrease in total stress
d) decrease in pore water pressure but increase in total stress
a) zero and zero
b) 0.5 kg/cm2 and zero
c) 0.5 kg/cm2 and 0.5 kg/cm2
d) 1.0 kg/cm2 and 0.5 kg/cm2
a) effective stress is reduced due to decrease in total stress only but pore water pressure does not change
b) effective stress is reduced due to increase in pore water pressure only but total stress does not change
c) total stress is reduced due to increase in pore water pressure only but effec-tive stress does not change
d) total stress is increased due to de-crease in pore water pressure but effective stress does not change
a) type of sand
b) flow condition occurring in cohesive soils
c) flow condition occurring in cohesionless soils
d) flow condition occurring in both cohesive and cohesionless soils
a) 1.0 m
b) 1.5 m
c) 2.0 m
d) 3 m
a) viscosity only
b) unit weight only
c) both viscosity and unit weight
d) none of the above
a) The greater the viscosity, the greater is permeability.
b) The greater the unit weight, the greater is permeability.
c) The greater the unit weight, the smaller is permeability.
d) Unit weight does not affect per-meability.
a) increases voids ratio and decreases permeability
b) increases both voids ratio and per-meability
c) decreases both voids ratio and per-meability
d) decreases voids ratio and increases permeability
a) gravel
b) sand
c) silt
d) clay
a) constant head method
b) falling head method
c) horizontal permeability test
d) none of the above
a) constant head method
b) falling head method
c) both the above
d) none of the above
a) increases by 25%
b) increases by 50%
c) increases by 33.3%
d) decreases by 33.3%
a) does not depend upon temperature
b) increases with the increase in tempe-rature v
c) increases with the decrease in tempe-rature
d) none of the above
a) parallel to stratification is always greater than that perpendicular to stratification
b) parallel to stratification is always less than that perpendicular to stratifi-cation
c) is always same in both directions
d) parallel to stratification may or may not be greater than that perpendicular to stratification
a) sum of the discharges from individual wells
b) less than the sum of the discharges from individual wells
c) greater than the sum of the discharges from individual wells
d) equal to larger of the two discharges from individual wells
a) 0.00018 nrVsec
b) 0.0045 m3/sec
c) 0.18m3/sec
d) 0.1125m3/sec
a) well ppint system
b) vacuum method
c) deep well system
d) electro-osmosis method
a) 3
b) 6
c) 9
d) 16
a) effective stress with time
b) effective stress with depth
c) pore water pressure with depth
d) pore water pressure with time
a) a gradual increase in neutral pressure and a gradual decrease in effective pressure takes place and sum of the two is constant
b) a gradual decrease in neutral pressure and a gradual increase in effective pressure takes place and sum of the two is constant
c) both neutral pressure and effective pressure decrease
d) both neutral pressure and effective pressure increase
a) 0.028
b) 0.28
c) 036
d) 0.036
a) over-consolidated ciay with a high over-consolidation ratio
b) over-consolidated clay with a low over-consolidation ratio
c) normally consolidated clay
d) under-consolidated clay
a) compressibility
b) permeability
c) both compressibility and permeability
d) none of the above
a) directly proportional to time and inversely proportional to drainage path
b) directly proportional to time and inversely proportional to square of drainage path
c) directly proportional to drainage path and inversely proportional to time
d) directly proportional to square of drainage path and inversely propor-tional to time
a) a dimensional parameter
b) directly proportional to permeability of soil
c) inversely proportional to drainage path
d) independent of thickness of clay layer
a) 3 months
b) 6 months
c) 12 months
d) 24 months
a) decreases with increase in liquid limit
b) increases with increase in liquid limit
c) first increases and then decreases with increase in liquid limit
d) remains constant at all liquid limits
a) only in fixed ring type consolido-meter
b) only in floating ring type consolido-meter
c) both (a) and (b)
d) none of the above
a) almost equal to that of clayey soils
b) much greater than that of clayey soils
c) much less than that of clayey soils
d) none of the above
a) coefficient of compressibility of an over-consolidated clay is less than that of a normally consolidated clay
b) coefficient of compressibility of an over-consolidated clay is greater than that of a normally consolidated clay
c) coefficient of compressibility is cons-tant for any clay
d) none of the above
a) constant for any type of soil
b) different for different types of soils and also different for a soil under different states of consolidation
c) different for different types of soils but same for a soil under different states of consolidation
d) independent of type of soil but depends on the stress history of soil
a) decreases with the increase in the initial voids ratio
b) decreases with the decrease in the plastic limit
c) increases with the increase in the initial voids ratio
d) increases with the decrease in the porosity of the soil
a) directly proportional to the voids ratio
b) directly proportional to the compression index
c) inversely proportional to the compression index
d) none of the above
a) 10 mm
b) 20 mm
c) 40 mm
d) none of the above
a) drum roller
b) rubber tyred roller
c) sheep's foot roller
d) vibratory roller
a) optimum water content increases but maximum dry density decreases
b) optimum water content decreases but maximum dry density increases
c) both optimum water content and maximum dry density increase
d) both optimum water content and maximum dry density decrease[ES 93]
a) moisture content only
b) amount of compaction energy only
c) both moisture content and amount of compaction energy
d) none of the above
a) dry of OMC and wet of OMC
b) wet of OMC and dry of OMC
c) wet of OMC and wet of OMC
d) dry of OMC and dry of OMC where OMC is optimum moisture content
a) Effective cohesion of a soil can never have a negative value.
b) Effective angle of internal friction for coarse grained soils is rarely below 30°.
c) Effective angle of internal friction for a soil increases as state of compact-ness increases.
d) Effective angle of internal friction is a complicated function of mineralogy and clay size content.
a) ultimate strength is same and also peak strength is same
b) ultimate strength is different but peak strength is same
c) ultimate strength is same but peak strength of dense sand is greater than that of loose sand
d) ultimate strength is same but peak
a) is directly proportional to the angle of internal friction of the soil
b) is inversely proportional to the angle of internal friction of the soil
c) decreases with increase in normal stress
d) decreases with decrease in normal stress
a) decreases
b) increases
c) remains unchanged
d) first increases and then decreases
a) 1
b) zero
c) between 0 and 1
d) greater than 1 [CS 95]
a) effective stress only
b) total stress only
c) both effective stress and total stress
d) none of the above
a) effective stress increases with depth but water content of soil and un-drained strength decrease with depth
b) effective stress and water content increase with depth but undrained strength decreases with depth
c) effective stress and undrained strength increase with depth but water content decreases with depth
d) effective stress, water content and undrained strength decrease with depth
a) increases as the size of particles increases
b) increases as the soil gradation im-proves
c) is limited to a maximum value of 45°
d) is rarely more than 30° for fine grained soil
a) undrained test
b) drained test
c) consolidated undrained test
d) consolidated drained test
a) 0.5 N/mm2 and 30°
b) 0.05 N/mm2 and 0°
c) 0.2 N/mm2 and 0°
d) 0.05 N/mm2 and 45°
a) cohesion
b) angle of internal friction
c) angle of repose
d) none of the above
a) 90°
b) 45°
c) 22.5°
d) 0°
a) In a direct shear box test, the plane of shear failure is predetermined.
b) Better control is achieved on the drainage of the soil in a triaxial com-pression test.
c) Stress distribution on the failure plane in the case of triaxial compression test is uniform.
d) Unconfined compression test can be carried out on all types of soils.
a) 45°
b) 90°
c) 135°
d) 225°
a) horizontal plane only
b) vertical plane only
c) both horizontal and vertical planes
d) all planes except horizontal and vertical planes
a) consolidated drained test
b) consolidated undrained test
c) unconsolidated drained test
d) unconsolidated undrained test
a) 0.5
b) -0.5
c) 2.0
d) - 2.0
a) percentage of volume change of soil under saturated condition
b) ratio of compressive strength of unconfined undisturbed soil to that of soil in a remoulded state
c) ratio of volume of voids to volume of solids
d) none of the above
a) plane and smooth
b) plane and rough
c) vertical and smooth
d) vertical and rough
a) 1/3
b) 3
c) 1
d) 1/2
a) vertical if the soil is in an active state of plastic equilibrium
b) vertical if the soil is in a passive state of plastic equilibrium
c) inclined at 45° to the vertical plane
d) none of the above
a) reduce both the active earth pressure intensity and passive earth pressure intensity
b) increase both the active earth pressure intensity and passive earth pressure intensity
c) reduce the active earth pressure in-tensity but to increase the passive earth pressure intensity
d) increase the active earth pressure in-tensity but to reduce the passive earth pressure intensity [GATE 99]
a) 7°
b) 10°
c) 12°
d) 17°
a) less than active earth pressure but greater than passive earth pressure
b) greater than active earth pressure but less than passive earth pressure
c) greater than both the active earth pressure and passive earth pressure
d) less than both the active and passive earth pressures
a) is more conservative
b) neglects the effect of forces acting on the sides of the slices
c) assumes the slip surface as an arc of a circle
d) all of the above
a) allowable settlement only
b) ultimate bearing capacity of soil only
c) both allowable settlement and ultimate bearing capacity
d) none of above
a) cohesion and effective angle of shearing resistance
b) cohesion and effective unit weight of soil
c) effective unit weight of soil and effective angle of shearing resistance
d) effective angle of shearing resistance
(C Nc + y D Nq + 0.5 Y NTB) gives
a) safe bearing capacity
b) net safe bearing capacity
c) ultimate bearing capacity
d) net ultimate bearing capacity where C = unit cohesion
Y =unit weight of soil D = depth of foundation B = width of foundation N„ Nq, NY = bearing capacity factors
a) cohesion only
b) angle of internal friction only
c) both cohesion and angle of internal friction
d) none of the above
a) less than 300 mm
b) between 300 mm and 750 mm
c) between 750 mm and 1 m
d) greater than 1 m
a) Bearing capacity of a soil depends upon the amount and direction of load.
b) Bearing capacity of a soil depends on the type of soil.
c) Bearing capacity of a soil depends upon shape and size of footing.
d) Bearing capacity of a soil is indepen-dent of rate of loading.
a) 15 mm
b) between 15 mm and 25 mm
c) 25 mm
d) greater than 25 mm
a) 15 mm
b) 30 mm
c) 50 mm
d) 167 mm
a) 25%
b) 50%
c) 75%
d) 90%
a) less at edges compared to middle
b) more at edges compared to middle
c) uniform throughout
d) none of the above
a) 600 mm and 700 mm
b) 800 mm and 900 mm
c) 1 m and 800 mm
d) 1 m and 1.2 m