Software Engineering Multiple choice Questions & Answers

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Best Software Engineering Objective type Questions and Answers

Dear Readers, Welcome to Software Engineering Objective Questions and Answers have been designed specially to get you acquainted with the nature of questions you may encounter during your Job interview for the subject of Software Engineering Multiple choice Questions. These Objective type Software Engineering are very important for campus placement test and job interviews. As per my experience good interviewers hardly plan to ask any particular question during your Job interview and these model questions are asked in the online technical test and interview of many IT & Non IT Industry.

1. The most important feature of spiral model is | Software Engineering Mcqs

(A) requirement analysis. 

(B) risk management. 

(C) quality management. 

(D) configuration management. 

Ans: B 

Objective Type Questions On Software Engineering

2. The worst type of coupling is | Software Engineering Mcqs 

(A) Data coupling. 

(B) control coupling. 

(C) stamp coupling. 

(D) content coupling. 

 Ans: D 


3 IEEE 830-1993 is a IEEE recommended standard for | Software Engineering Mcqs 

(A) Software requirement specification. 

(B) Software design. 

(C) Testing. 

(D) Both (A) and (B) 

 Ans: A 


4 One of the fault base testing techniques is | Software Engineering Mcqs 

 (A) unit testing. (B) beta testing. 

(C) Stress testing. (D) mutation testing. 

 Ans: D


5 Changes made to an information system to add the desired but not necessarily the required features is called | Software Engineering Mcqs 

(A) Preventative maintenance. 

(B) Adaptive maintenance. 

(C) Corrective maintenance. 

(D) Perfective maintenance. 

Ans: D 


6 All the modules of the system are integrated and tested as complete system in the case of | Software Engineering Mcqs 

(A) Bottom up testing 

(B) Top-down testing

(C) Sandwich testing 

(D) Big-Bang testing 

 Ans: D 


7 If every requirement stated in the Software Requirement Specification (SRS) has only one interpretation, SRS is said to be | Software Engineering Mcqs 

(A) correct. 

(B) unambiguous. 

(C) consistent. 

(D) verifiable. 

Ans: B 


8 A fault simulation testing technique is | Software Engineering Mcqs 


(A) Mutation testing 

(B) Stress testing 

(C) Black box testing 

(D) White box testing

Ans: A 


9 Modules X and Y operate on the same input and output data, then the cohesion is | Software Engineering Mcqs 

(A) Sequential 

(B) Communicational 

(C) Procedural 

(D) Logical 

Ans: B 


10 If the objects focus on the problem domain, then we are concerned with | Software Engineering Mcqs 

(A) Object Oriented Analysis. 

(B) Object Oriented Design 

(C) Object Oriented Analysis & Design 

(D) None of the above 

Ans: A 


11 SRS is also known as specification of | Software Engineering Mcqs 

(A) White box testing 

(B) Stress testing 

(C) Integrated testing 

(D) Black box testing 

Ans: D 


12 The model in which the requirements are implemented by category is | Software Engineering Mcqs 

(A) Evolutionary Development Model 

(B) Waterfall Model 

(C) Prototyping 

(D) Iterative Enhancement Model 

Ans: A 


13 SRD stands for | Software Engineering Mcqs 

(A) Software requirements definition 

(B) Structured requirements definition 

(C) Software requirements diagram 

(D) Structured requirements diagram 

Ans: B 


14 A COCOMO model is | Software Engineering Mcqs 

(A) Common Cost Estimation Model. 

(B) Constructive Cost Estimation Model. 

(C) Complete Cost Estimation Model. 

(D) Comprehensive Cost Estimation Model. 

Ans: B 


15 Which of the following statements is true | Software Engineering Mcqs 

(A) Abstract data types are the same as classes 

(B) Abstract data types do not allow inheritance 

(C) Classes cannot inherit from the same base class 

(D) Object have state and behavior 

 Ans: B 


16 The desired level of coupling is | Software Engineering Mcqs 

(A) No coupling 

(B) Control coupling 

(C) Common coupling 

(D) Data coupling 

Ans: D 


17 In the spiral model ‘risk analysis’ is performed | Software Engineering Mcqs 

(A) In the first loop 

(B) in the first and second loop 

(C) In every loop 

(D) before using spiral model 

Ans: C 


18 For a well understood data processing application it is best to use | Software Engineering Mcqs

(A) The waterfall model 

(B) prototyping model 

(C) the evolutionary model 

(D) the spiral model 

Ans: A 


19 Coupling and cohesion can be represented using a | Software Engineering Mcqs 

(A) cause-effect graph 

(B) dependence matrix 

(C) Structure chart 

(D) SRS 

Ans: B 


20 The symbol represents | Software Engineering Mcqs 

(A) mandatory 1 cardinality 

(B) mandatory many cardinality 

(C) optional 0 or 1 cardinality 

(D) optional zero-many cardinality 

Ans: D 


21 Each time a defect gets detected and fixed, the reliability of a software product 

(A) increases. 

(B) decreases. 

(C) remains constant. 

(D) cannot say anything. 

Ans: A 


22 Output comparators are used in 

(A) static testing of single module 

(B) dynamic testing of single module 

(C) static testing of single and multiple module 

(D) dynamic testing of single and multiple module 

 Ans: D 


23 The feature of the object oriented paradigm which helps code reuse is 

(A) object. 

(B) class. 

(C) inheritance. 

(D) aggregation. 

Ans: C 


24 The level at which the software uses scarce resources is 

(A) reliability 

(B) efficiency 

(C) portability 

(D) all of the above 

Ans: B 


25 If every requirement can be checked by a cost-effective process, then the SRS is 

(A) verifiable 

(B) traceable 

(C) modifiable 

(D) complete 

Ans: A 


26 Modifying the software to match changes in the ever changing environment is called 

(A) adaptive maintenance 

(B) corrective maintenance 

(C) perfective maintenance 

(D) preventive maintenance 

Ans: A 


27 All activities lying on critical path have slack time equal to 

(A) 0 

(B) 1 

(C) 2 

(D) None of above 

Ans: A 


28 Alpha and Beta Testing are forms of 

(A) Acceptance testing 

(B) Integration testing 

(C) System Testing 

(D) Unit testing 

Ans: A 


29 An object encapsulates 

(A) Data 

(B) Behaviour 

(C) State 

(D) Both Data and behaviour 

Ans: D 


30 In function point analysis, number of general system characteristics used to rate the system are 

(A) 10 

(B) 14 

(C) 20 

(D) 12 

Ans: B 


31 Aggregation represents 

(A) is_a relationship 

(B) part_of relationship 

(C) composed_of relationship 

(D) none of above 

 Ans: C 


32 If P is risk probability, L is loss, then Risk Exposure (RE) is computed as 

(A) RE = P/L 

(B) RE = P + L 

(C) RE = P*L 

(D) RE = 2* P *L 

Ans: C 


33 Number of clauses used in ISO 9001 to specify quality system requirements are: 

(A) 15 

(B) 20 

(C) 25 

(D) 28 

Ans: B 


34 ER model shows the 

(A) Static view. 

(B) Functional view. 

(C) Dynamic view. 

(D) All the above. 

Ans: A 


35 The tools that support different stages of software development life cycle are called: 

(A) CASE Tools 

(B) CAME tools 

(C) CAQE tools 

(D) CARE tools 

Ans: A 


36 Changes made to the system to reduce the future system failure chances is called 

(A) Preventive Maintenance 

(B) Adaptive Maintenance 

(C) Corrective Maintenance 

(D) Perfective Maintenance 

Ans: A 


37 Requirements can be refined using 

(A) The waterfall model 

(B) prototyping model 

(C) the evolutionary model 

(D) the spiral model 

Ans: B 


38 The model that assumes that effort and development time are functions of product size alone is 

(A) Basic COCOMO model 

(B) Intermediate COCOMO model 

(C) Detailed COCOMO model 

(D) All the three COCOMO models 

Ans: A 


39 Structured charts are a product of 

(A) requirements gathering 

(B) requirements analysis 

(C) design 

(D) coding 

Ans: C 


40 The problem that threatens the success of a project but which has not yet happened is 

(A) bug 

(B) error 

(C) risk 

(D) failure 

 Ans: C 


41 The main purpose of integration testing is to find 

(A) design errors 

(B) analysis errors 

(C) procedure errors 

(D) interface errors 

Ans: D 


42 Pseudocode can replace 

(A) flowcharts 

(B) structure charts 

(C) decision tables 

(D) cause-effect graphs 

 Ans: A 


43 If a program in its functioning has not met user requirements is some way, then it is 

(A) an error. 

(B) a failure. 

(C) a fault. 

(D) a defect. 

Ans: D 


44 The testing that focuses on the variables is called 

(A) black box testing 

(B) white box testing 

(C) data variable testing 

(D) data flow testing 

 Ans: A 


45 CASE Tool is 

(A) Computer Aided Software Engineering 

(B) Component Aided Software Engineering 

(C) Constructive Aided Software Engineering 

(D) Computer Analysis Software Engineering 

Ans: A 


46 Software consists of 

(A) Set of instructions + operating procedures 

(B) Programs + documentation + operating procedures 

(C) Programs + hardware manuals 

(D) Set of programs 

 Ans: B 


47 Which is the most important feature of spiral model? 

(A) Quality management 

(B) Risk management 

(C) Performance management 

(D) Efficiency management 

Ans: B 


48 Which phase is not available in software life cycle? 

(A) Coding 

(B) Testing 

(C) Maintenance 

(D) Abstraction 

Ans: D 


49 Which is not a step of requirement engineering? 

(A) Requirements elicitation 

(B) Requirements analysis 

(C) Requirements design 

(D) Requirements documentation 

Ans: C 


50 FAST stands for 

(A) Functional Application Specification Technique 

(B) Fast Application Specification Technique 

(C) Facilitated Application Specification Technique 

(D) None of the above 

Ans: C