SAP Security Multiple choice Questions & Answers

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Best SAP Security Objective type Questions and Answers

Dear Readers, Welcome to SAP Security Objective Questions and Answers have been designed specially to get you acquainted with the nature of questions you may encounter during your Job interview for the subject of SAP Security Multiple choice Questions. These Objective type SAP Security are very important for campus placement test and job interviews. As per my experience good interviewers hardly plan to ask any particular question during your Job interview and these model questions are asked in the online technical test and interview of many IT & Non IT Industry.

1. Which of the following SAP tables can help in determining the single roles which are assigned to a given composite role? | SAP Security Mcqs


B. AGR_1016


D. AGR_1252

Ans: C

Objective Type Questions On SAP Security

2. A new single role is created and only one custom transaction code Z123 is added to the role menu. How many authorization objects should be available in the authorization data when a user goes to generate the role? | SAP Security Mcqs


A. At least two authorization objects

B. No authorization object since this is a custom transaction code

C. At least one authorization object

D. None of the above

Ans: C


3. Which of the following actions are not present in user action field for authorization object S_PROGRAM? | SAP Security Mcqs






Ans: A,B


4. What reports/programs can be used to regenerate SAP_ALL profile? | SAP Security Mcqs





Ans: A,C


5. Old Security audit logs can be deleted using tcode: | SAP Security Mcqs


A. SM20

B. SM22

C. SM19

D. SM18

Ans: D


6. Transaction code text can be displayed using table: | SAP Security Mcqs





Ans: A

7. Default password for SAP standard user SAP* is : | SAP Security Mcqs

A. 06071995

B. 06071992

C. 06081992

D. None of the above

Ans: B

8. RFC ABAP Type 3 is created between two systems using transaction code SM59. During RFC call, what authorization object will be checked in the source system? | SAP Security Mcqs





D. None of the above

Ans: C


9. Which of the following is false? | SAP Security Mcqs

A. Programs are cross-client data

B. A table may be client specific

C. Tcode RZ11 is used to maintain the profile parameters

D. None of the above

Ans: C


10. As per the options given below, please select the one which is checked second when a user executes a transaction code? | SAP Security Mcqs


A. Check to see if the tcode exists in the SAP system or not 

B. Check to see if the tcode is locked or not

C. Check in the user buffer to see if the user has necessary authorization objects with necessary field values as per the “Authority-Check” statements

D. Check in the user buffer to see if the authorization object S_TCODE contains the executed transaction code

Ans: B


11. The user buffer can be displayed using transaction code: | SAP Security Mcqs

A. AL11

B. SU56

C. AL08

D. SU53

Ans: B


12. A role contains several profiles. Which of the following tables can fetch that list? | SAP Security Mcqs


A. agr_prof

B. agr_1016

C. agr_1250

D. agr_define

Ans: B


13. The AS ABAP categorizes users into several types for different purposes. Which of the following are NOT valid user types in AS ABAP. | SAP Security Mcqs


 A. Service 

 B. Reference 

 C. Guest  

D.  System 

Ans: C


14. Security Java security roles on the AS Java can be defined either globally or locally. Which of the following are globally defined security roles in AS Java? | SAP Security Mcqs 


A. Guest  

B. All  

C. System 

D. KeystoreViewCreator  

Ans: D


15. The As ABAP communicates with its communication partners using various protocols. Each of these protocols use a specific security mechanism. which of the following protocols are matched up correctly with the security mechanism? | SAP Security Mcqs





Ans: D


16. With reference to the LDAP directory, and the UME, which of the following are true? | SAP Security Mcqs


A. The LDAP directory can either be connected as a read-only data source or as a writeable data source 

B. The UME can support Users as a tree or a Flat hierarchy 

C. The Distinguished Names (DNs) of user and group objects must not be longer than 240 characters. 

D. If you are using an LDAP directory with a deep hierarchy, you can assign users or groups as members of another group using the UME user administration tools.

Ans: A


17. You have a mixed system landscape including both SAP and non-SAP systems, or you have an existing corporate LDAP directory in your system landscape. User management data is stored in a combination of an LDAP server and a database. Which of the following data is written to and read from the IDAP server? | SAP Security Mcqs

A. Additional data (for example, information about when a user was last changed)

B. Other principal types (for example, roles)

C. Groups (displayname, description, uniquename, and the group members) 

D. User accounts (logonid, password, ID of the assigned user) 

Ans: C


18. The LDAP Connector is called using ABAP functions and communicates with the directory server using the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). The connection with the directory server can be created with various analysis methods, such as simple binding or anonymously.

The above statement is: | SAP Security Mcqs

A. True 

B. False

Ans: A


19. The User Management Engine (UME) allows you to define a security policy, with reference to this, which of the following statements are true? | SAP Security Mcqs

A. The number of failed logon attempts after which a user is locked, is defined in the security policy. 

B. The UME security policy is independent of the security policy of the UME data source

C. You can define a security policy for the UME that is the same or stronger than the corresponding security policy in the backend system. 

Ans: B



20. What are the best practices for establishing a connection type Establishing Trust for Server-Sideauthentication? | SAP Security Mcqs

A. Generate the key pair on the server component. 

B. Use a public-key certificate that is signed and issued by a CA 

C. Make sure the client components trust the issuing CA. 

D. It is necessary for the server to verify the identity of the client component

Ans: A,B,C