Dear Readers, Welcome to SAP FICO Objective Questions have been designed specially to get you acquainted with the nature of questions you may encounter during your Job interview for the subject of SAP FICO. These Objective type SAP FICO Questions are very important for campus placement test and job interviews. As per my experience good interviewers hardly plan to ask any particular question during your Job interview and these model questions are asked in the online technical test and interview of many IT companies.
a. G/L account groups
b. G/L account
c. Chart of accounts
d. None of the above
Ans: C
a. if we have added the company code segment to chart of account segment
b. if we have created both company code segment and chart of account segment centrally
c. if we have created chart of account
d. if we have copied the chart of account segment from other company code
Ans: A
a. the company code segments are same in all company codes
b. the account name and account number is the same in all company codes
c. the currency in company code segment in all company codes is the same
d. the group account number is different in all company codes
Ans: B
a. account group entered in the chart of account segment
b. group account number entered in chart of account segment
c. assignment of group chart of account in chart of account
d. none of the above
Ans: A
a. account number
b. field status
c. chart of account
d. none of the above
Ans: D
a. the match code before creating the new account
b. sensitive dual control
c. switching on automatic duplication check
d. none of the above
Ans: A,C
a. the account types allowed for postings
b. the field status of head text and reference number
c. posting keys
d. none of the above
Ans: A,B
a. posting keys are defined at client level
b. account types allow line item postings based on the posting key
c. field status definition ‘suppressed’ and ‘required’ cannot be combined
d. field status groups are examples of variant principle
Ans: A,C,D
a. due date of the invoice and cash discount
b. due date only
c. cash discount only
d. none of the above
Ans: A
a. data base server only
b. application server only
c. presentation server only
d. all of the above
Ans: D
a. application server
b. database server
c. none of the above
Ans: A,B
a. attributes
b. methods
c. attributes and methods
d. none of the above
Ans: C
a. one
b. three
c. five
d. six
Ans: D
a. year dependent
b. year independent
c. both year dependent and year independent
Ans: C
a. 12 normal periods
b. less than 12 normal periods
c. more than 12 normal periods
Ans: A
a. 12 periods
b. more than 12 periods
c. less than 12 periods
d. should have less than 12 periods
Ans: D
a. one local currency only
b. two local currencies
c. any no. of local currencies
d. none of the above
Ans: A
a. consolidation chart of accounts
b. operative chart of accounts
c. country chart of accounts
d. all of the above
Ans: B
a. specific to company code
b. specific to client
c. specific to chart of accounts
d. none of the above
Ans: C
a. company can use indirect exchange rate only
b. company use direct exchange rate only
c. company can use both direct and indirect exchange rates
Ans: C
a. business areas are company code specific
b. business areas are assigned to company codes
c. business areas are used for reporting across company codes
d. none of the above
Ans: C
a. account group of the G/L account
b. field status group in the chart of accounts segment
c. field status group in the company code segment
d. all of the above
Ans: C
a. company code can have one retained earnings account only
b. company code can have more than one retained earnings account
c. chart of accounts can have more than one retained earnings account
d. chart of accounts can have one retained earnings account only
e. none of the above
Ans: B,C
a. account group controls the document field status
b. account group controls the number range of G/L accounts
c. account group controls the master record field status
d. all of the above
a. the g/l account house bank name shall be the same as in the bank directory
b. the g/l account house bank name need not be the same as the bank’s name in the bank directory
c. the g/l account house bank name is user-definable
d. the g/l account house bank name is defined at the chart of account level
e. the g/l account house bank name is modifiable at the company code segment of the chart of accounts
Ans: C
a. a house bank
b. many house banks
c. one house bank p0lus one account id
d. one house bank plus multiple account ids in the same bank
e. many house banks and many account ids
Ans: A,C
a. account id
b. house bank
c. bank key
d. G/L account
e. Country plus bank key
Ans: A,B
a. one operating COA and many group COAs
b. many operating COAs and one group and one alternate CoA
c. one operating COA and one alternate COA
d. one operating, one group and one alternate COA
Ans: C,D
a. only one account code
b. maximum three account codes
c. many account codes
d. it cannot be mapped
Ans: C
a. only one account code
b. maximum three account codes
c. many account codes
d. it cannot be mapped
Ans: A
a. account currency
b. account group
c. field status group
d. option to state whether it is a balance sheet or profit and loss type account
Ans: B,D
a. chart of account segment
b. general data segment
c. purchase organization segment
d. accounting data segment
e. sales organization data segment
Ans: B,E
a. one to one
b. one to many
c. many to one
d. many to many
e. no relationship
Ans: A,B
a. all company codes in the client
b. all company codes in all the clients
c. only to the company codes to which the business area is assigned to
d. all company codes assigned to the company to which the business area is assigned
Ans: A
a. the control data in COA segment
b. only company code segment data
c. only account control and account management data in company code segment
d. entire master data
Ans: B
a. only company code segment data
b. only COA segment data
c. both COA segment and company code segment data
d. only account control and account management data from company code segment
e. only control data of COA segment
Ans: C
a. from creating in company codes
b. from posting in all company codes
c. from posting in selected company codes
d. cannot be blocked at all
e. if blocked, is blocked for all the purposes in all the company codes
Ans: A,B,C
a. at company code level
b. at client level
c. at controlling area level
d. at company level
Ans: B
a. various account groups can have same no. range
b. one no. range can be allotted only to one account group
c. one account group can have only one no. range
d. one account group can have either external or internal numbering system
e. one account group can have one internal and one external numbering system
Ans: A,C,D
a. from creating in company codes
b. from posting in all company codes
c. from posting in selected company codes
d. cannot be blocked at all
e. if blocked, is blocked for all the purposes in all the company codes
Ans: B,C
a. select open invoice to the paid or collected, and post payment documents
b. post payment documents and print payment media
c. select open invoices to be paid or collected, post payment documents and print payment media
Ans: C
a. there are four steps in payment process: parameters, proposal program run, print
b. once the parameters have been specified, the print program is scheduled to generate the print
Ans: A
a. four
b. six
c. nine
Ans: C
a. through special G/L transaction
b. through normal transaction
c. both of the above
Ans: A
a. only for vendor/customer open items
b. only balance sheet items (G/L items)
c. both of the above
Ans: C
a. through background processing (batch input session)
b. direct FI postings
c. any one of the above
Ans: C
a. field status of transaction fields
b. field status of master fields
c. field status of master fields and number range
d. field status of master fields, number range and whether accounts are p&L or B/S
Ans: C
a. account currency is not maintained
b. account currency is same as local currency of the company code
c. account currency is different from company code currency
d. under all circumstances
Ans: B
a. Multiple retained earnings accounts, automatically
b. Single retained earnings account, automatically
c. Multiple retained earnings accounts, through period end processing
d. Single retained earnings accounts, through period end processing
Ans: C
a. exchange rate maintained for type ‘B’
b. exchange rate maintained for type ‘M’
c. exchange rate maintained for type ‘G’
d. there is no default exchange rate type
Ans: B
a. business area, amount, opposite dr/cr indicator and same entry in fields that
are configured for automatic clearing
b. amount, opposite dr/cr indicator
c. business area, amount and opposite dr/cr indicator
d. amount, opposite dr/cr indicator and same entry in fields that are configured for automatic clearing
Ans: A
a. all accounts
b. all accounts managed on open item basis
c. all accounts managed on open item basis and all accounts with account currency different from local currency
d. accounts managed on open item basis having foreign currency transactions and all accounts with account currency different from local currency
Ans: D
a. account groups
b. sort key
c. worklists
d. totals variant
Ans: C
a. balancing BA level balance sheet for inter business area transactions
b. balancing company code level balance sheet for inter company transactions
c. posting adjustment entries for changed reconciliation accounts
d. posting vendor/customer reclassification at business area level
Ans: A
a. customer and vendor line items
b. G/L line items
c. G/L, customer and vendor line items
d. Invoice receipt against GR
Ans: B
a. sample document
b. account assignment models
c. worklists
d. recurring documents
Ans: B
a. dr/cr indicator, field status of transaction screen, account types
b. dr/cr indicator, account types
c. dr/cr indicator, field status of transaction screen, account types, special G/L applicability
d. dr/cr indicator, field status of transaction screen
Ans: C
a. 2 local currencies, chart of account
b. 3 local currencies, chart of account
c. 2 local currencies, company code
d. 3 local currencies, company code
Ans: D
a. 000198000052100001
b. 980000423600020001
c. 9800005210000199
d. 9800004236000299
Ans: C
a. internal
b. external
c. internal or external
d. manually assigned
Ans: A
a. local currency
b. document currency
c. controlling area currency
d. any currency for which customization is maintained
Ans: D
a. general data, company code data
b. general data, company code data, purchasing data
c. general data, company code data, business area data
d. general data, company code data, business area data, plant data
Ans: B
a. it is a combination of up to three fields based on which open invoices are selected for automatic payment
b. basis for grouping several vendors for balance display
c. basis for classifying vendors for standard reporting
d. it is a combination of up to three fields based on which open invoices are selected for manual payment
Ans: A
a. the main reconciliation account of the vendor or customer
b. the alternative reconciliation account mapped to the main reconciliation account of the vendor/customer
c. the alternative reconciliation account and the main reconciliation account of the vendor/customer
d. offsetting entry to the main reconciliation account of the vendor/customer
Ans: B
a. vendors
b. vendors and customers
c. vendors, customers and G/L accounts
d. vendors and G/L accounts
Ans: B
a. parked document
b. sample document
c. account assignment model
d. recurring document
Ans: A
a. statistical items
b. parked items
c. noted items
d. regular items
Ans: C
a. plant-division combination
b. plant-division-distribution channel combination
c. plant-sales area combination
d. plant-division combination and sales area
Ans: D
a. reclassify where debtors have credit balance and vice versa
b. reclassify open items by remaining life
c. reclassify by changed reconciliation accounts
d. all of the above
Ans: D
a. ranking order of house banks
b. house banks maintained for specific business areas
c. house banks entered in the parameters of the run
d. ranking order and available balance in the accounts
Ans: D
a. release block in MM
b. changing the field entry from the invoice document
c. by reallocating in the payment proposal
d. cannot be removed
Ans: A
a. discounting the bill
b. transfer posting with clearing
c. reversal of contingent liability
d. clearing against outstanding advances from the customers
Ans: C
a. residual payment
b. partial payment
c. charge off difference
d. distribute difference
Ans: B
a. by assigning payment terms to bill of exchange item
b. by assigning due date to the bill of exchange item
c. by assigning payment term to invoice item
d. by assigning due date to invoice item
Ans: B
a. cr Rs.100
b. dr Rs.100
c. cr $100
d. no exchange rate posting
Ans: D
a. customer, vendor, GL
b. customer, vendor, GL, asset, material
c. customer, vendor
d. customer, vendor, asset
Ans: B
a. dunning procedure
b. dunning key
c. dunning clerk
d. dunning area
Ans: D
a. use dunning key to limit the maximum level
b. use dunning block on the vendor master
c. use dunning clerk to block dunning
d. use dunning block on the dunning procedure
Ans: A
a. sort variant
b. totals variant
c. line layout
d. additional fields
Ans: C
a. master data, transaction data, and balance data
b. master data, table data, and user data
c. master data, table data, and transaction data
d. table data, user data and transaction data
e. master data, table data and server data
Ans: C