Dear Readers, Welcome to SAP BO Objective Questions have been designed specially to get you acquainted with the nature of questions you may encounter during your Job interview for the subject of SAP BO. These Objective type SAP BO Questions are very important for campus placement test and job interviews. As per my experience good interviewers hardly plan to ask any particular question during your Job interview and these model questions are asked in the online technical test and interview of many IT companies.
a.Select the Field option from the Insert menu.
b.Right-click the area where you want the field object to appear, then select Insert Field Object from the Context menu.
c.Click the field name, drag it to the desired position and release the mouse button to insert.
d.Click the Field button on the Formatting toolbar.
Answer :C
a. Sum ({Orders.Order Amount}, {Orders.Order Date}, "daily") > 5000
b. Sum ({Orders.Order Date}, {Orders.Order Amount}, "daily") > 5000}
c. IF Sum ({Orders.Order Amount}, {Orders.Order Date}, "daily") > 5000 THEN crCondition = "Enabled"
d. IF Sum ({Orders.Order Amount}, {Orders.Order Date}, "daily") > 5000 THEN AlertMessage = "Enabled"
Answer : A
a. IsNumber({Orders.Customer ID})
b. NumberText({Orders.Customer ID})
c. IsNumeric({Orders.Customer ID})
d. NumericText({Orders.Customer ID})
Answer : C, D
a. Move
b. Insert
c. Delete
d. Copy
e. Cut
Answer : D, E
a. Browse Field
b. Repository Explorer
c. Formula Field Search
d. Global Formula Search
Answer : D
a. Save the report using the Report Explorer.
b. From the Main menu, select Save and choose Enterprise.
c. From the Main menu, select Save and choose Web Folders.
d. Save the report using the Repository Explorer.
Answer: B, D
a. Hold down CTRL Spacebar and click on the object.
b. Right-click the object and use the Format Editor.
c. Select the object and use the Formatting toolbar.
d. Drag-and-drop the object to the Formatting toolbar.
Answer: B, C
a. UI Batch Size
b. Database Timeout
c. Maximum LOV Size
d. Maximum Rowset Records
Answer: A, C
a. If no value is entered in the prompt, all values are returned.
b. If no value is entered in the prompt, no values are returned.
c. If the parent prompt is optional, the child prompt must be optional.
d. If the child prompt is optional, the parent prompt must be optional.
Answer: A, C
a. Numbervar x; x = 5;
b. Dim x as Number x = 5
c. Dim x as Number x := 5
d. Numbervar x; x := 5;
Answer: D
a. Insert a group name field.
b. Insert a summary field.
c. Insert a running total field.
d. Insert a formula field.
Answer: B
a. Global NumberVar Array newArray := Array (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
b. Global NumberVar Array newArray := MakeArray (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
c. Global NumberVar Array newArray := CreateArray (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
d. Global NumberVar Array newArray := DefineArray (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
Answer: B
a. When creating conditional Top N reports.
b. When identifying the data source location.
c. When identifying trends in data.
d. When creating dynamic groups.
Answer: D
a. Using the Group Select Expert, create a parameter to set the value of N. Add a conditional formula to view just the Top N countries.
b. After creating a parameter to set the value of N, reference that parameter within the Group Sort Expert. Refresh the report setting the value of N in the parameter to show just the Top N countries.
c. Using the Group Sort Expert, create a parameter to set the value of N. Refresh the report setting the value of N in the parameter to show just the Top N countries.
d. After creating a parameter to set the value of N, refresh the report to view just those countries with a grand total that is greater than N.
Answer: B
a. Local Number x := 1;
b. Local NumberVal x := 1;
c. Local NumberVar x := 1;
d. Local NumberValue x := 1;
Answer : A, B, D
a. Encrypt object packages.
b. Password protect object packages.
c. Assign appropriate permissions to object packages that are published to BusinessObjects Enterprise.
d. Track changes on object packages using the Dependency Checker.
Answer: C
a. Place the chart in the Group Header #1 section and format the section to Underlay Following Sections.
b. Place the chart in the Details section and format the section to suppress if duplicated.
c. Place the chart in the Group Footer #2 section and format the section to Underlay Following Sections.
d. Place the chart in the Group Footer #2 section and format the section to suppress if duplicated.
Answer: A
a. You do not have access to the database.
b. The Page Header section is suppressed.
c. A Group layout chart cannot be placed in the Page Header section.
d. You have not saved the report with data.
Answer: C
a.Create a local cache of the data source.
b.Create a connection to the data source.
c.Create a local ODBC resource for the data source.
d.Log in to BusinessObjects Enterprise.
Answer: D
a. If {Orders.Order Amount} < 100 Then"Under $100"ElseIs {Orders.Order Amount} in 100 to 200 Then "Between $100 and $200"
b. If {Orders.order Amount} < 1000 Then "Low" Else "High"
c. If {Orders.Order Amount} < 100 Then formula = "Under $100" ElseIf {Orders.Order Amount} in 100 to 200 Then formula = "Between $100 and $200" EndIf
d. If {Orders.Order Amount} < 200 ThenUnder $200 ElseIf {Orders.Order Amount} in 200 to 300 Then Between $200 and $300
Answer: A, C, D
a. Right-click the area where you want the field object to appear, then select Insert Field Object from the Context menu.
b. Click the field name, drag it to the desired position and release the mouse button to insert.
c. Open the Section Expert and click the Insert button.
d. Click the field name and click the Insert to Report icon at the top of the Field Explorer. Drag the field to the desired position and left-click to insert.
Answer: B, D
a. Set New Page After on for Group Footer #1
b. Conditionally format the New Page After property for Group Footer #1 using the formula "not onlastrecord"
c. Format the New Page After property for Group Header #1 using the formula "not onlastrecord"
d. Set New Page After on for the Report Header section
Answer: B
a. You must select the type of formula and click OK.
b. The Formula Workshop opens with the Formula Editor inactive.
c. You must enter a formula name and click OK.
d. The Formula Workshop opens with the Formula Editor active.
Answer: C
a. Navigation controls
b. Page breaking controls
c. Conditional Page Margin controls
d. Portrait versus Landscape controls
Answer: B, C, D
a. Docked/Stationary Toolbar
b. Export to Microsoft PowerPoint
c. Java DHTML Viewer Exporting
d. Independent Group Tree Scrolling
Answer: A, C, D
a. Configure XML export formats using the Define XML dialog.
b. Configure XML export formats using the Manage XML dialog.
c. Add XML export formats using the Manage XML Exporting Formats dialog.
d. Add XML export formats using the Define XML Exporting Formats dialog.
Answer: C
a. Set Editable to True
b. Set Null Values to True
c. Set Custom Values to True
d. Set Optional Prompt to True
Answer: D
a.You are in Design view.
b.The data was not refreshed.
c.You are in a Drill Down view.
d.The report is missing a summary value.
Answer: C, D
a. When up-to-the-minute, current information must be displayed on the report.
b. When adding one or more selection criteria.
c. When it is important to avoid time delays caused by network traffic during database server connects.
d. When removing one or more existing selection criteria.
Answer: A, D
a. SQL Expression
b. Formula Workshop
c. Preview Sample
d. Record Selection Formula
Answer: D
a. Field Explorer
b. Select Expert
c. Report Explorer
d. Database Expert
Answer : D
a. Use Dynamic Summarized Fields Expert.
b. Use Running Total Expert.
c. Create conditional grouping formulas.
d. Create manual running totals.
Answer: B, D
a. Add-Ins
b. WorkBench
c. Report Options
d. Insert Toolbars
Answer: A
a. Right-click on the Formula Fields category in the Report Explorer and choose the New option.
b. Select the New Formula option from the Insert menu.
c. Select the New Formula option from the Format menu.
d. Right-click on the Formula Fields category in the Field Explorer and choose the New option.
Answer: D
a. Conditionally format the field in the Field Editor.
b. Conditionally format the field in the Section Expert.
c. Conditionally format the field in the Select Expert.
d. Conditionally format the field in the Format Editor.
Answer: D
a) SAP Crystal Reports® software
b) SAP Crystal Server software
c) SAP Crystal Presentation Design software
d) all of the above
Answer: D
a) Decision-making solution
b) For details on all the new features.
c) For an on-demand collaborative
d) None of these
Answer: B
a) Yes
b) No
Answer: A
a) Yes
b) No
Answer: B