1. What is the main advantage of impromptu over cognos reportnet?
One of the advantage's of Reportnet, is
1. It is web-based reporting wherein, reports can be easily accessed from anywhere through a browser.
by using ipromptu we can use multidimensional analysis to see the data in diff formates.i.e we have drillup,drilldown features in cognos impromtu,but it is not possible in reportnet.
2. What is the difference between Native SQL and Cognos SQL?
In cognos reportnet
Native SQL is used for the single datasource to import the meta data
Cognos SQL used for multiple datasources to import the metadata
3. What is the Difference between PowerPlay transformer and power play reports?
'Powerplay transformer' is an 'MOLAP' tool using which one can create multi dimensional structure called "CUBE".
'Powerplay for reports' is used to generate report from the cube.Only one report can be generated from one cube.If u want 'n' reports u must create 'n' cubes.
4. Is there any comparison available for Cognos Reportnet Vs Crystal reports?
There is a lot of difference between Crystal reports an Cognos Report net.
1.Crystal report is a product of Business Objects where as Reportnet is of cognos.
2.Cryatal reports is for only low 2 midrange analysis and that to some even says tha they wont use this for analysis used to make proper strategic decision But report net yes it is for high end analysis.
3.In reportnet we can login through web and can create our own desired report through web.
5. How do i allow a dynamic selection of a column for a measure in a chart,without using Variable
You can in do it in this way. first creat a list report in which u have a calculated item in the starting.
Then creat a prompt page with a value prompt.In value prompt creat static choice of which u want to be dynamically displayed.
Let the parameter of value prompt be ?Par1? and the choices as Revenue, Cost.
Now u write the expression of the calculated item in the report page as follows, "If ?Par1?=Revenue then Revenue else Cost.
Here Revenue,Cost should b dragged from the Model Items. So now the calculated item column displays the value of the one selected in the prompt.
Now make a graph using the list report,then place the calculated item on the axis of the chart ,which u wanted to display dynamically based on ur selection.
So now if u select Revenue in the prompt then the grph will take the values for Revenue.And if u select Cost then graph will be with the values of Cost.
6. How do we drill through from a powerplay cube to reportnet?
Setting up drill-through access from PowerPlay Web to ReportNet involves
1. configuring Cognos Series 7 for drill-through access to ReportNet
2. preparing the Transformer model and cube
3. copying the search path of the folder that contains the target report
4. enabling the cube for drill-through access to ReportNet
5. deciding which filters to create in the target report
6. creating the target report
7. disabling the Drill Through Assistant
7. What are versions of reportnet?
In ReprotNet have two vertions
1) ReportNet 1.0
2) ReportNet 1.1 MR1, MR2
8. What is prompt?types of prompts?use of prompts?syntax of prompt?
Prompts act as questions that help users to customize the information in a report to suit their own needs.The different types of Prompt are
Value prompt
Text Prompt
Date prompt
Time prompt
Date and time prompt
Using prompts is faster and easier than repeatedly changing the filter.
Cognos Report Studio provides several ways to create prompts. You can
• use the Build Prompt Page tool
• build your own prompt and prompt page
• create a parameter to produce a prompt
• create a Prompt directly in a report page
9. What is difference between qurry studio and report studio?
Query Studio:
1. Used to create Ad-hoc (or) simple reports.
2. It does not provide any pre-defined report templates.
3. It directly displays data (without running the report) when we insert attributes in the report.
Report Studio:
1. Used to create complex reports.
2. It provides pre-defined report templates.
3. It does not display the data directly in the report. We need to run the report to display the data.
10. What are components of report studio?
A: Componenets of Report Studio:
1. Insertable Objects pane.
2. Properties pane.
3. Explorer bar - Conditional Explorer, Query Explorer, Page Explorer.
4. Report Viewer - Workarea, Report Layout Objects.
11. What are necessary tasks to install reportnet software
You need to do the following for a standard installation process:
(1) Verify your system requirements like RAM Minimum: 512 MB, a Web server installed and started
(2) Review the ReportNet default settings like default ReportNet ports and URI settings.
(3) Create the database for the content store which means you must create the database that is used for the content store using either Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, or DB2 UDB. ReportNet uses this database to store, organize, and retrieve
(4) Install ReportNet: Use the installation wizard to select the components you want to install and the location on your
computer where you want to install them.
(5) Set up the database client for the content store (Oracle and DB2): If you use Oracle or DB2 as the database server for the content store, additional steps are required after you install ReportNet before you can configure ReportNet.
you need to go to the 6th step only when installing on UNIX. For Windows above 5 steps are good.
(6) Update Your Java Environment: Before you can use the cryptographic operations, such as data encryption and key
management, implemented by ReportNet, you must check that the required JAR (Java Archive) files are present in your Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
12. What are components of reportnet?
ReportNet has a three-tier architecture, namely,
(1) Web server (2) Applications and (3) Data.
The tiers are based on business function, and are typically separated by firewalls. ReportNet user interfaces sit above the tiers.ReportNet user interfaces include
(a) Web-based Cognos Connection, Cognos Report Studio, and Query Studio
(b) Windows-based Framework Manager
13. How do we provide security in frame work manager for a query subject?
procedure for providing security for query subject in frame work manager is:
select querysubject -> in properties pane select ->security filters(click on edit)a specify data security wizard appears->click on add groups -> cognosnamesspace(select users and groups wizard opens)
14. I want to display zero when null values coming to report how can I do that?
You can follow this procedure :::
Lets assume revenue is the field in which we have to display null values as 0.
First create a calculated item and
Then write the expression of the cal item using If Then Else construct as
If (Revenue is null) Then ('0') Else(Revenue)
I think u can easily understand this.
Now u can see that the null values r displayed as '0' in the calculated item.
Select the data item in which you want to replace null with 0 .Go to Properties pane, Click Data Format, in this put 0 in Missing value Characters.
15. How can i create prompts in report net
Prompts is mean by the end user can be filter the data.
1. u can open the explore bar and added the new prompts page, And enter the new name.
2. u go to tool menu and track prompts button
3. u select prompts and then ok
16. Difference between filter and conditin
The difference between Filter and Condition:Condition returns true or false Ex: if Country = 'India' then ...Filter will return two types of results1.Detail information which is equal to where clause in SQL statement2.Summary information which is equal to Group by and Having clause in SQL statement
17. Can report net connect multiple datasource at a time in report creation time
Yes it can connect multiple datasources at a time when the frame work manager has the metta data regarding that datasources.
18. How can i test report in reportnet
If we wanna test the report in report net, first we can intially check by validating it in the report page.
After that we can test the out put of the report Using a sql anlyser and sql query.so here we will be comparing the sql analyzer output with the output of the report viewer.
19. What are the various file formats involved in reportnet?
It has six (6) formats in report net. They are HTML, PDF, Excel 2000, Excel 2002, CSV, and XML format. We can see the types of formats in the report viewer on the right side .
20. How to generate IQD file from framework manager
Create a Query Subject, from the properties pane select externalise,there we have 4 options in that select IQD
21. How do we drill through from a powerplay cube to reportnet?
A Setting up drill-through access from PowerPlay Web to ReportNet involves
1.configuring Cognos Series 7 for drill-through access to ReportNet
2.preparing the Transformer model and cube
3.copying the search path of the folder that contains the target report
4.enabling the cube for drill-through access to ReportNet
5.deciding which filters to create in the target report
6 creating the target report
7 disabling the Drill Through Assistant
22. What are versions of reportnet?
In ReprotNet have two vertions
1.ReportNet 1.0
2.ReportNet 1.1 MR1, MR2
23. What is prompt?types of prompts?use of prompts?syntax of prompt?
Prompts act as questions that help users to customize the information in a report to suit their own needs.The different types of Prompt are
1.Value prompt
2.Text Prompt
3.Date prompt
4.Time prompt
Date and time prompt :Using prompts is faster and easier than repeatedly changing the filter.
Cognos Report Studio provides several ways to create prompts. You can
1.use the Build Prompt Page tool
2.build your own prompt and prompt page
3.create a parameter to produce a prompt
4.create a Prompt directly in a report page
24. What is difference between qurry studio and report studio?
1.Query Studio:
1.Used to create Ad-hoc (or) simple reports.
2.It does not provide any pre-defined report templates.
3.It directly displays data (without running the report) when we insert attributes in the report.
2.Report Studio:
1.Used to create complex reports.
2.It provides pre-defined report templates.
3.It does not display the data directly in the report. We need to run the report to display the data.
25. What are components of report studio?
Componenets of Report Studio:
1.Insertable Objects pane.
2.Properties pane.
3.Explorer bar - Conditional Explorer, Query Explorer, Page Explorer.
4.Report Viewer - Workarea, Report Layout Objects.
26. What are necessary tasks to install reportnet software
you need to do the following for a standard installation process:
1.Verify your system requirements like RAM Minimum: 512 MB, a Web server installed and started
2.Review the ReportNet default settings like default ReportNet ports and URI settings.
3.Create the database for the content store which means you must create the database that is used for the content store using either Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, or DB2 UDB. ReportNet uses this database to store, organize, and retrieve information.
4.Install ReportNet: Use the installation wizard to select the components you want to install and the location on your computer where you want to install them.
5.Set up the database client for the content store (Oracle and DB2): If you use Oracle or DB2 as the database server for the content store, additional steps are required after you install ReportNet before you can configure ReportNet.you need to go to the 6th step only when installing on UNIX. For Windows above 5 steps are good.
6.Update Your Java Environment: Before you can use the cryptographic operations, such as data encryption and key management, implemented by ReportNet, you must check that the required JAR (Java Archive) files are present in your Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
27. What are components of reportnet?
ReportNet has a three-tier architecture, namely,
1.Web server
The tiers are based on business function, and are typically separated by firewalls. ReportNet user interfaces sit above the tiers.ReportNet user interfaces include
a.Web-based Cognos Connection, Cognos Report Studio, and Query Studio
b. Windows-based Framework Manager
28. How do we provide security in frame work manager for a query subject?
The procedure for providing security for query subject in frame work manager is:
select querysubject -> in properties pane select ->security filters(click on edit)a specify data security wizard appears->click on add groups -> cognosnamesspace(select users and groups wizard opens)
29. I want to display zero when null values coming to report how can I do that?
You can follow this procedure :
1.Lets assume revenue is the field in which we have to display null values as 0.
2.First create a calculated item and
3.Then write the expression of the cal item using If Then Else construct as
4.If (Revenue is null) Then ('0') Else(Revenue)
5.I think u can easily understand this.
6.Now you can see that the null values r displayed as '0' in the calculated item.
Select the data item in which you want to replace null with 0 .Go to Properties pane, Click Data Format, in this put 0 in Missing value Characters.
30. How can i create prompts in report net
Prompts is mean by the end user can be filter the data.
1.you can open the explore bar and added the new prompts page,and enter the new name.
2.you go to tool menu and track prompts button
3.you select prompts and then ok
31. Difference between filter and conditin
The difference between Filter and Condition:Condition returns true or false Ex: if Country = 'India' then ...Filter will return two types of results1.Detail information which is equal to where clause in SQL statement2.Summary information which is equal to Group by and Having clause in SQL statement.
32. Can report net connect multiple datasource at a time in report creation time
Yes it can connect multiple datasources at a time when the frame work manager has the metta data regarding that datasources.
33. How can i test report in reportnet
If we wanna test the report in report net, first we can intially check by validating it in the report page.After that we can test the out put of the report Using a sql anlyser and sql query.so here we will be comparing the sql analyzer output with the output of the report viewer.
34. What are the various file formats involved in reportnet?
It has six (6) formats in report net. They are HTML, PDF, Excel 2000, Excel 2002, CSV, and XML format. We can see the types of formats in the report viewer on the right side .
35. How to generate IQD file from framework manager
Create a Query Subject, from the properties pane select externalise,there we have 4 options in that select IQD
36. What is meant by Junk Dimension?
The junk dimension is simply a structure that provides a convenient place to store the junk attributes".It's randomly used dimension.
37. what are semi and non additive measures..
1.Semi-Additive: Semi-additive facts are facts that can be summed up for some of the dimensions in the fact table, but not the others.
2.Non-Additive: Non-additive facts are facts that cannot be summed up for any of the dimensions present in the fact table. Current Balance and Profit Margin are the facts.
Current Balance is a semi-additive fact, as it makes sense to add them up for all accounts (what's the total current balance for all accounts in the bank?), but it does not make sense to add them up through time (adding up all current balances for a given account for each day of the month does not give us any useful information). Profit Margin is a non-additive fact, for it does not make sense to add them up for the account level or the day level.
38. What is catalog and types of catalogs in cagonos and which is better?
catalog is a data base and also frient hand data base. types of catalog is 4 tyes
2. secured
39. what is difference between PAGE BREAK and Section Report?
Section-section is eliminate the duplicate recod.but report looking separate bluck.setpagebreak means to display the reports in onepage. eg. suppose u create a list report ordermethod,orderyear,revenue when u create section on ordermethod.it will eliminate the duplicate record.but when u apply the set pagebreakc.report display in onepage.like fax reports in onepage,email reports in another page.this in cognos 8 querystudio.But in report studio you can do using propetispan.
40. use this query i am retriving all years OCt data from 01-10-2004 to 30-10-2007
i need to restrect this query to current date and current year
[gosales_goretailers].[Orders].[Order month]between 01 and to_number(to_char(current_date,'MM'))and [gosales_goretailers].[Orders].[Order month]=to_number(to_char(current_date,'MM'))
pass polar ID
A.You have a function called 'extract' in cognos.
Ex:- extract(month,the dte field). by giving like this you will get month. so you can keep a filter to restrict the rows only for october.