Nutrition Interview Question & Answers

Posted On:December 9, 2018, Posted By: Latest Interview Questions, Views: 7659, Rating :

Nutrition Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers & Experienced

Dear Readers, Welcome to Nutrition Interview Questions have been designed specially to get you acquainted with the nature of questions you may encounter during your Job interview for the subject of Nutrition. These Nutrition Questions are very important for campus placement test and job interviews. As per my experience good interviewers hardly plan to ask any particular questions during your Job interview and these model questions are asked in the online technical test and interview of many Medical Industry.

1. What is the basic nutrition?

Food is essential—it provides vital nutrients for survival, and helps the body function and stay healthy. ... Food also supplies micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) and phytochemicals that don't provide calories but serve a variety of critical functions to ensure the body operates optimally.

Interview Questions on Nutrition

2. What are the 3 types of nutrition?

The three main types of heterotrophic nutrition are:

Holozoic nutrition: the word holozoic is made from two words- holo= whole and zoikos= animals and literally means animals which eat their food whole. Complex food is taken into a specialist digestive system and broken down into small pieces to be absorbed. This consists of 5 stages, ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation and egestion. 

E.g.: human

Saprobiontic/saprotrophic nutrition: Organisms feed on dead organic remains of other organisms.

E.g.: decomposers

Parasitic nutrition: Organisms obtain food from other living organisms (the host), with the host receiving no benefit from the parasite.When a parasite is present inside the body of the host, it is known as an endoparasite. Generally endoparasites attack and live in an intestine of an organism whereas parasites such as mites and leeches attach themselves to the outside of the hosts body. They are known as ectoparasites.They suck and feed on the blood of the host. 


E.g.: tapeworms


3. Why nutrition is so important?

Why nutrition is important. Eating a balanced diet is vital for good health and wellbeing. Food provides our bodies with the energy, protein, essential fats, vitamins and minerals to live, grow and function properly. We need a wide variety of different foods to provide the right amounts of nutrients for good health.

4. How do i convert KCAL to calorie?

KCAL simply means kilocalorie. The prefix "kilo" means 1000. Therefore, a KCAL or kilocalorie is simply 1000 calories.


5. What is braunsweiger?

Pork liver sausage. (although only about 10-20 % of the sausage is actually pork liver). I've seen people refer to duck liver as liverwurst. I've used liverwurst and braunsweiger interchangeably my whole life, but I understand that braunsweiger is the more spreadable form and used primarily in the US.


6. Which vitamins do bananas contain?

Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B9 & C

bananas are a good source of potassium as well, vitamin K, you should eat one every day for good cardiac health.


7. Which meal should be your largest?

Breakfast, most likely, given that you've just gone almost a half day without food. Really though, simply eating good food whenever you're hungry and stopping when you're not, even if that means eating 5 or 6 times a day, isprobably better. People get so caught up chunking their eating times into 3s that they may have an urge to overeat since "it'll be several hours until I can eat again!" Just chose to eat in a way that lets you stay un-hungry all the time without ever overeating.


8. What foods can help you grow?

Aside from normal, healthy foods, it's not as though there are any super foods that will allow you to grow taller than you normally would.


9. nonessinetial amino acids?

Nonessential amino acid is an amino acid which can be synthesized by an organism and thus need not be supplied in the diet.


10.  What is food preservation?

Food preservation is the process of treating and handling food in such a way as to stop or greatly slow down spoilage to prevent food borne illness while maintainingnutritional value, density, texture and flavor.


11. What are things that make you sick when eaten?

 Most household cleaning products have chemicals that will make you vomit when swallowed. This is a safety precaution to prevent you from consuming enough of the product to harm you.


12. What is an example of phagocytosis?

phagocytosis occurs in our body when some foreign particle enters inside it, our white blood cells engulf it, and then digest it. it is also how some microorganisms like ameoba get thier food. Can you drink isopropyl alcohol? You can drink anything, really. YOu can drink gasoline if you want. Although there is probably a great deal of liquids out there you may want to shy away from...


13. What foods have serotonin?

Serotonin itself isn't in food. It's a neurotransmitterreleased into the synapse and bloodstream. However, certain foods cause serotonin to be released like candy, cereal and pasta. Anything with plenty of carbohydrates will increase serotonin levels. However, the effects won't last long, maybe only 2-3 hours.


14. How many cups are in a can of coca cola?

 8 oz = 1 cup. 12 oz= 1.5 cups.


15. How many meals are recomended to keep healthy?

Even the term "meal" seems a bit unwarranted for most events. If I have a granola bar and a fruit shake around 3pm, is that a "meal"? What if I go browse the web for an hour, then come back and have a sandwich with some milk- is that a continuation of the granola/shake meal, another meal, a snack, are both snacks-is there any reason to care? No. Focus on eating right and eating when you're hungry. The rest should take care of itself.


16. What brand of milk has lactobacilliacidophilus?

Knudsen sells a 2% milk labeled "sweet acidophilus." Other fat-content levels might also be available from that label. The product is available at Albertson's groceries in Southern California.


17. Do Calcium Supplements Interfere With Medications?

Calcium does interact with several medication in different ways like antibiotics, diuretics, laxatives, etc. It will have an effect on the absorption process of medication or vice versa. It is always advisable to take physician advice on its intake and at what duration you can have it.


18. Is It Ok To Replace Medication With Food Supplement Like Replacing Cholesterol Medication With Niacin?

Niacin is B3 vitamin (egg, peanut, milk) which has a tendency to reduce blood cholesterol, but you are already on medication that is reducing cholesterol, you should not replace it with high intake of vitamin B3 or Niacin.


19. What Should A Pku Diet Be?

PKU is a genetic disorder called Phenylketonuria. It lacks the enzyme which converts phenylalanine amino acid into tyrosine amino acid, resulting in accumulation of phenylalanine. Excess phenylalanine causes brain damage, so children who have PKU should avoid protein rich food.


20. Explain What Is The Intake Of Protein In Diabetic?

About 15- 20% of your daily calorie should come from protein. However, a diabetic patient won’t have any difference in their sugar level with high intake of protein, so they can consume food rich protein unless they have CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) related to diabetes.


21. Explain Which Egg Is More Nutritious White Or Brown?

Both eggs has same nutritional value; they are rich in protein, vitamin and most important nutrient choline which is responsible for brain development and function. One egg may provide half of your daily requirement of choline.


22. Explain How Type 2 Diabetes Can Be Avoided?

Type 2 diabetes can be avoided by

Eat snacks and meals throughout the day, and do not go longer without eating

Restrict yourself to the food rich in sodium, fat and sugar

Eat more fibre containing foods like vegetables, fruit and whole grains

Drink water instead of sweetened beverages


23. Do Peach Pit Contain Cyanide?

Peach pit do contain cyanide in the form of cyanogen glycosides, one hundred gram of moist peach seed contain 88 mg of cyanide. So if you eat whole pit you would consume around 9 milligram of cyanide in the form of amygdalin that is less poisonous.


24. What Is Bse And How Can I Prevent Exposure To It?

Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), also called "mad cow disease" is a fatal neurological disease in cows though to be caused by consuming contaminated animal feed. Some countries have included in the feed given to cattle, ground up animal parts including brains and nervous systems of animals killed for food. Some of these animals had early stages BSE, and the infectious agent was passed on to the animals who consumed the feed. There is now evidence that some people who ate the meat from animals infected with BSE became infected themselves. Nearly 100 people have now died from what are now called "transmissible spongiform encephalopathies" (TSEs) believed to have been caused by eating BSE-contaminated beef.


25. Where Is The Best Source Of Bovine Raw Glandulars?

Glandular materials start out as healthy (or unhealthy) as the animals from which they are made. For this reason, all reputable processors of glandular concentrates will use only USDA-inspected animals as the original source. The highest quality glandular materials will be made from animals grown in a healthier environment. New Zealand beef cattle make the best source of bovine glandular concentrates, because they are free-range rather than lot-raised, and fed pasture grasses and hay rather than cattle feed. Additionally, New Zealand is one of the only countries in the world considered completely free of BSE (mad cow disease) and other transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs).


26. What Does Porcine Mean?

Porcine means derived from pig.


27. What Makes Amino Acid Chelated Minerals Better Than Other Types Of Minerals?

In order to be absorbed, minerals, whether from foods or in supplements, have to be combined with a "carrier" molecule. When this molecule is a fragment of protein (an amino acid), and the mineral-amino acid compound forms a stable molecule, it is referred to as an amino acid chelate. Because the body is very efficient at absorbing amino acids, chelated minerals are more easily transported across the intestinal wall than are non-chelated minerals.


28. What Is The Glycemic Index?

The glycemic index (GI) is a ranking of foods on a scale from 0 to 100 according to the extent to which they raise blood sugar levels after eating. Glucose is given a relative number of 100 to provide a baseline to which all others can be compared. For example, an apple has a glycemic index of 38 which is less than half that of glucose, but higher than soybeans (which have a glycemic index of 18). Other common foods and their corresponding glycemic indices are Corn Flakes (84), dark rye bread (80), and bananas (54).


29. What Is Msm?

Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is a highly biologically valuable source of sulfur. Sulfur is important for joint tissue support, however, other nutrients are also supportive of joint health. Along with MSM there are a number of supportive nutrients including glucosamine, chondroitin, vitamins C and E, and specific amino acids. While optimal joint support must start with a healthy and varied diet, nutritional supplements may be useful. However, it is important that your healthcare provider be aware of ALL supplements, herbs or medicines you are taking.


30. What Is Myo-inositol, And How Does It Differ From Regular Inositol?

Myo-inositol is one of eight naturally occurring forms that make up the nutrient inositol. Each one has a slightly different shape and are individually referred to as isomers. The myo-inositol isomer is the most abundant form found in the central nervous system, where it can be converted into phosphatidyl inositol, a second messenger neurotransmitters. Inositol is the term used to describe the entire group of isomers together.


31. What Are Colloidal Minerals?

A "colloid" is a chemical description of a gel-like suspension. Therefore, colloidal minerals would be a blend of minerals found in some form of suspension or solution. Generally, commercially-available colloidal minerals are produced from mining ancient sea beds, and then mixing the mined minerals with water or other fluid to hold them in solution. While these products provide a large number of minerals, there is no credible scientific evidence to support marketing claims for superior absorption or bioavailability. They may even contain relatively high levels of unwanted minerals such as aluminum, lead or mercury (which of course are naturally occurring), or of other contaminants.


32. What Vitamins, Minerals Or Herbs Might Be Recommended For Anxiety?

Many nutrients have been shown to be helpful during times of anxiety, both to help you cope with anxiety and also to offset the increased nutritional demands on your body due to stress. The first place to begin is to make sure your diet has plenty of vegetables and fruit, preferably fresh. (These provide high nutritional value with low calories.) Beyond that, herbs such as St. John's Wort have been shown in scientific research to be helpful, but before you take any herbs or vitamins for anxiety, be sure and discuss them with your healthcare provider.


33. Should An Infant Take Acidophilus? I Have Heard They Should Only Take Bifidus?

While it is true that bifidobacterium lactis is commonly found in the digestive tract of healthy infants, remember that there are hundreds of different bacteria strains in a healthy digestive tract. Different strains such as Lactobacillus acidophilus may provide specific and desired health benefits and could be part of your healthcare provider's strategy. Be sure and discuss this with your nutritionally-oriented health care practitioner.


34. When Should A Child Take Vitamins?

Both children and adults should always strive to eat a healthy diet, full of various different naturally colorful vegetables and fruits (it is the substances that give color to our food that often contain the greatest value!) A nutritional supplement should be taken to improve the overall value of the diet, not to replace the necessity of healthy dietary choices. But because in our hectic lifestyle many people cannot, or do not make the healthiest choices, a basic nutritional supplement targeted towards children's increased nutritional needs makes good nutritional "insurance."


35. What If I Find A Tablet In My Stool?

That means that the tablet did not break down during the digestive process, and the nutrients in the tablet were not absorbed. A well-manufactured tablet should break down within 20 or 30 minutes after you swallow it. Reputable companies routinely perform disintegration tests on tablets during manufacturing to ensure they meet appropriate standards.