Nuclear Power Plant Lab VIVA Questions & Answers

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Best Nuclear Power Plant Lab VIVA Questions and Answers

Dear Readers, Welcome to Nuclear Power Plant LAB VIVA Questions and Answers have been designed specially to get you acquainted with the nature of questions you may encounter during your Job interview for the subject of Nuclear Power Plant VIVA Questions. These Nuclear Power Plant LAB VIVA Questions are very important for campus placement test and job interviews. As per my experience good interviewers hardly plan to ask any particular questions during your Job interview and these model questions are asked in the online technical test and interview of many IT & Non IT Industries. 

Nuclear Power Plant Lab VIVA Questions:

Lab VIVA Questions on Nuclear Power Plant

1. Energy derived from the fission of the nuclei of heavy elements (uranium or thorium), or from the fusion of the nuclei of light elements(deuterium or tritium).

2. Reaction caused by changes in the electron structure surrounding the nucleus.

3. Reaction which occurs when the particles making up the nucleus of an atom are rearranged.

4. Theoretically, the irreducible constituents of the material world.

5. Except for the electron and proton, all the fundamental particles are …..i

6. Electrons emitted by radio-active atoms.

7. It is identical to the nucleus of the hydrogen atom.

8. It has a mass approximately equal to that of the proton.

9. It can’t be detected by subjecting it to electric or magnetic fields, nor can its presence be shown by its passage through cloud chambers.

10. The basic unit of any chemical element.

11. The number of electrons associated with an atom determines its

12. Elements which have identical chemical characteristics but different atomic weights.

13 _____ has three isotopes.

14. The work required to disintegrate an atom completely into protons and neutrons.

15. An unstable nucleus undergoes atomic disintegration by emitting a, ji, ji+, y or X-ray electromagnetic radiation.

16. The alpha particle is identical with nucleus of a _____atom.

17. A particle whose mass is the same as that of an electron and whose charge is equal in magnitude but opposite in sign.

18. A technique used to determine the molecular and crystalline structure of materials.

19. A heat source which requires no oxygen.

20. Those isotopes of uranium and plutonium which fission upon interaction with thermal neutrons.

21. Those isotopes of uranium and plutonium which have even atomic weights.

22. Materials capable of reducing neutron energy very rapidly.

23. A technique used to determine the molecular and crystalline structure of materials.

24. Most widely used and planned power reactor.

25. A nuclear reactor that produces more fissionable material than it consumes.

26. Unmoderated liquid-metal-cooled reactors operating at extremely high power density.

27. Those isotopes of uranium and plutonium which fission on integration with thermal neutrons.

28. Those isotopes of uranium and plutonium which fission upon interaction with thermal neutrons.

29. Materials capable of reducing neutron energy very rapidly.

30. Materials having high cross section for absorption of neutrons.

31. The main objective of reactor design during reactor operation.

32. The ratio (of number of fissile nuclides produced by the capture of neutrons by the fertile nuclides to the number of fissile nuclides) being greater than unity.

33. Tolerance radiation level.

34. Device for direct conversion of solar radiation into electricity.


Nuclear Power Plant LAB VIVA Questions & Answers:

1. nuclear energy

2. chemical reaction

3. nuclear reaction

4. fundamental particles

5. unstable

6. beta rays

7. proton

8. neutron

9. neutron

10. atom

11. chemical characteristics

12. isotopes

13. hydrogen

14. binding energy

15. radioactivity

16. helium

17. positron

18. neutron diffratrometry

19. nuclear reactor

20. fissionable materials

21. fertile materials

22. moderating materials

23. neutron diffractrometry

24. water cooled reactor

25. breeder reactor

26. fast breeder reactor

27. fissionable materials

28. fertile materials

29. moderating materials

30. control materials

31. to achieve neutron balance

32. breeding ratio

33. 103 particles/cm2/s

34. photo voltaic cell