Immune Response Interview Questions & Answers

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Best Immune Response Interview Questions and Answers

Dear Readers, Welcome to Immune Response Objective Questions and Answers have been designed specially to get you acquainted with the nature of questions you may encounter during your Job interview for the subject of Immune Response Multiple choice Questions. These Objective type Immune Response Questions are very important for campus placement test and job interviews. As per my experience good interviewers hardly plan to ask any particular question during your Job interview and these model questions are asked in the online technical test and interview of many Medical Industry.

1. Which of the following immune cells would have an especially low count in a patient with advanced AIDS?

A. Killer T lymphocytes

B. Helper T lymphocyte

C. B lymphocytes

D. None of these

Answer: B

Interview Questions on Immune Response

2. In cellular immunity, T lymphocytes are responsible for the recognition and killing of foreign invaders. The cells are

A. cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL)

B. killer T cells

C. both (a) and (b)

D. none of the above

Answer: C


3. Plasma cells produce thousands of __________ that are released into the bloodstream.

A. antigens

B. antibodies

C. helper T cells

D. virus fragments

Answer: B


4. If a person is vaccinated against a disease sometime in the past, which of the following is currently in your body?

A. The disease organism itself and antigens for the disease organism

B. A very high level of antibodies against the disease antigens

C. Memory B lymphocytes for the antigen of this disease organism

D. All of the above

Answer: D


5. What is a protein produced by host cells infected by viruses?

A. Interferon

B. Histamine

C. Antiserum

D. Vaccine

Answer: A


6. Polysaccharides on the surface of infecting microorganisms can also activate complement directly in the absence of

A. antibody via the alternative pathway

B. antigen via the alternative pathway

C. antibody via metabolic pathway

D. none of the above

Answer: A


7. Antibodies bound to an invading microorganism activate the complement system via

A. classical pathway

B. metabolic pathway

C. Embden Meyerhof pathway

D. Entner-Doudoroff pathway

Answer: A


8. The immune response to a booster vaccine is called a(n)

A. cellular response

B. innate response

C. primary response

D. secondary response

Answer: D


9. Immunological memory is due to

A. short lived macrophage that can recognize specific pathogens

B. long lived B cells that secrete a specific antibody

C. long lived B cells that secrete a specific antigen

D. short lived helper T cells that signal macrophage to divide

Answer: B


11. What are the solutions prepared from weakened or dead microorganisms, viruses, or toxins that provide some immunity from diseases?

A. Vaccines

B. Histamines

C. Drugs

D. Antibiotics

Answer: A


12. During exposure to a foreign invader, there are more __________ present in the vertebrate body than before exposure

A. antibodies

B. lymphocytes

C. macrophages and antigens

D. all of these

Answer: D


13. To elicit the best antibodies to mouse MHC I, it should be injected into a

A. goat

B. mouse of the same genetic background (strain)

C. mouse of a different strain

D. rat

Answer: A


14. To detect a humoral immune response to influenza virus, it is possible to measure

A. cytotoxicity of virus-infected cells in tissue culture

B. dividing T cells in the draining lymph nodes

C. plasma cytokine levels

D. serum antibody titer

Answer: D


15. Which of the following is in the lymph nodes of a person battling a cold virus?

A. Huge numbers of white blood cells

B. Trapped viruses that have been roaming the body

C. Lymph ducts that enter and exit the nodes and Lymph fluid

D. All of the above

Answer: D


16. Immunogenicity

A. depends on the ability of the native antigen to be presented by MHC

B. is usually a property of self antigens such as eye tissue

C. is not a property of antibodies

D. is not a property of haptens

Answer: D