Dear Readers, Welcome to Homeopathy Objective Questions and Answers have been designed specially to get you acquainted with the nature of questions you may encounter during your Job interview for the subject of Homeopathy Multiple choice Questions. These Objective type Homeopathy are very important for campus placement test and job interviews. As per my experience good interviewers hardly plan to ask any particular question during your Job interview and these model questions are asked in the online technical test and interview of many IT & Non IT Industry.
A. Identify the prover of a remedy
B. Identify symptoms associated with a remedy
C. Identify remedies associated with a symptom
D. Identify the animal, botanical, or mineral source of a remedy
Ans: C
A. Sensations
B. Extensions
C. Locations
D. Assumptions
Ans: D
A. Remedy
B. Symptom
C. Chronological date remedy was proven
D. Alphabetical name of contributing author
Ans: B
4. What is a rubric? | Homeopathy Questions
A. A slang term for a remedy kit
B. An entry in a material medica text about a specific range of action of a remedy
C. A textbook describing symptoms resulting from provings
D. A symptom in the repertory with the remedies shown to affect that symptom
Ans: D
5. Which of the following is not a section in Kent's Repertory? | Homeopathy Questions
A. Mind
B. Heart
C. Extremities
D. Vertigo
Ans: B
6. Which kinds of homeopathic symptoms are included in repertories? | Homeopathy Questions
A. Proving and clinical symptoms
B. Only proving symptoms
C. Only clinical symptoms
D. Only cured symptoms
Ans: A
7. The different typefaces (plain, italic, and bold) used for remedies listed in repertories denote low, medium, or high "grade." This grade indicates which of the following? | Homeopathy Questions
A. That there's a high likelihood that the remedy is indicated in the case you are analyzing
B. The degree of intensity of the symptom as experienced by the provers
C. The commonality of the symptom among the provers
D. Whether the symptom was identified by a proving, clinical use, or both
Ans: C
8. Homeopathic medicines are regulated by the FDA as: | Homeopathy Questions
A. Drugs
B. Foods
C. Dietary supplements
D. Herbal supplements
E. Vitamins
Ans: A
9. Can you take homeopathic medicines along with other drugs, supplements or herbs? | Homeopathy Questions
A. Yes
B. No
Ans: A
10. Can you apply a Arnica gel or cream on open wounds?
A. Yes
B. No
Ans: B
11. According to the Principle of Similars, which of these homeopathic medicines is most likely to relieve nausea and vertigo? | Homeopathy Questions
A. Allium cepa (homeopathic medicine from the onion)
B. Belladonna (homeopathic medicine from the Deadly nightshade)
C. Histaminum (homeopathic medicine from Histamine)
D. Tabacum (homeopathic medicine from Tobacco)
Ans: D
12. Low dilutions (such as 6C) are more appropriate for: | Homeopathy Questions
A. Local symptoms
B. General symptoms
C. Symptoms affecting behavior
D. Children and elderly
Ans: A
13. High dilutions (such as 30C) are more appropriate for: | Homeopathy Questions
A. Chronic conditions
B. Acute conditions
Ans: A
14. According to the Principle of Similars, which of these homeopathic medicines is most likely to relieve sleeplessness: | Homeopathy Questions
A. Arnica montana
B. Coffea (homeopathic medicine from the coffee bean)
C. Belladonna
D. Apis mellifica (homeopathic medicine from the honey bee)
Ans: B
15. Which one is NOT an advantage of homeopathic medicines? | Homeopathy Questions
A. Safe
B. Do not interact with other drugs, herbs or supplements
C. Mask symptoms
D. No contra-indications
Ans: C
16. The more acute the condition the more frequently you take the homeopathic medicine | Homeopathy Questions
A. True
B. False
Ans: A
17. What is the English name for the plant Arnica Montana originates from? | Homeopathy Questions
A. The Mountain Daisy
B. The Garden Marigold
C. Ragweed
D. The Bitter Apple
Ans: A
18. All homeopathic medicines are made from herbs | Homeopathy Questions
A. True
B. False
Ans: B
19. Homeopathic medicines are used in how many countries : | Homeopathy Questions
A. <12
B. 20
C. 45
D. >75
Ans: D
20. As for any other medicine, you should give smaller doses of homeopathic medicines to children: | Homeopathy Questions
A. True
B. False
Ans: B
21. Who is known as the father of homeopathy ?
A. Aristotle
B. Hahnemann
C. Hippocrates
D. Kent
Ans: B
22. Which of these is used to prepare homeopathic preparations?
A. Animals
B. Plants
C. Chemicals
D. All of these
Ans: D
23. Which is the authoritative work which explains the principles of homeopathy?
A. Repertory of Medicine
B. Organon of Medicine
C. Materia Medica Pura
D. None of the above
Ans: B
24. Homeopathy uses preparations known as nosodes. What are they ?
A. Animal extracts
B. Extracts from minerals
C. Plant extracts
D. Disease extracts
Ans: D
25. Who discovered the homeopathic preparation 'Lachesis' ?
A. Hering
B. Clarke
C. Kent
D. Boenninghausen
Ans: A
26. Which of the following is a high potency preparation used in homeopathy ?
A. 6c
B. 30c
C. 6x
D. 6M
Ans: D
27. A variation of homeopathy is another system known as 'Biochemic remedies' or 'Tissue salts'. Which of the following preparations is a biochemic remedy?
A. Silica
B. Kali Bich
C. Arnica montana
D. Plumbum met
Ans: A
28. A homeopathic remedy becomes stronger:
A. the less diluted it is
B. the more diluted it is
C. when mixed with other homeopathic remedies
D. after you swallow it
Ans: B
29. Traditionally, homeopaths prefer to use:
A. only one homeopathic medicine at a time
B. a combination of substances
C. homeopathic remedies and aspirin
D. no medicines at all
Ans: A
30. Homeopaths may be:
A. medical doctors, chiropractors, osteopaths or nurses
B. naturopathic physicians
C. lay people with some training
D. any of the above
Ans: D
31. The U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires homeopathic medicine to include which of the following on the label:
A. expiration date
B. alcohol percentage
C. ingredients list
D. safety warnings
Ans: C
32. The philosophy of homeopathic care involves all of the following except:
A. restoration and maintenance of health
B. promotion of healing by stimulating your own natural healing mechanisms
C. controlling illness through drugs or surgery
D. a natural, noninvasive approach to health care
Ans: C
33. Homeopathy is slow acting and cannot be used in acute cases of diarrhea, fever, cough, cold, etC.
A. Correct
B. Incorrect (Correct Answer)
Ans: B
34. Homeopathic medicines are only sugar pills which act more as placebos and have no medicinal value as such.
A. Correct
B. Incorrect (Correct Answer)
Ans: B
35. Homeopathic medicines have steroids in them.
A. Correct
B. Incorrect (Correct Answer)
Ans: B
36. One has to follow strict dietary restrictions while on homeopathic treatment.
A. Correct (Correct Answer)
B. Incorrect
Ans: A
37. Homeopathy cannot be used in diabetic patients -
A. Correct
B. Incorrect (Correct Answer)
Ans: B
38. Homoeopathy can only be used for chronic ailments
A. Correct
B. Incorrect (Correct Answer)
Ans: B
39. Most used medicine for hard/(cauliflower type) warts and corns is
A. Thuja
B. Apis Mellificea
C. Uranium
D. Antimonium Crudum
Ans: D
40. Which medicine is considered as Homeopathy Knife
A. Myristica
B. Yucca Filamentosa
C. Belladonna
D. Sulphur
Ans: A
41. Red streak down the middle of tongue, indicates
A. Veratrum Virdie
B. Phosphoricum Acidum
C. Coffea Cruda
D. Polyporus Pinicola
Ans: A
42. In which edition of Organon the concept of wet dose is introduced?
A. 3 rd edition
B. 4 th edition
C. 5 th edition
D. 6 th edition
Ans: C
43. Fat, Perspiring, Cold and Sour (sour taste) indicates
A. Uva Ursi
B. Ovi Tosta
C. Baryta Iodata
D. Calcarea Carbonia
Ans: D
44. Fat, Chilly and Constipative applies to
A. Fucus
B. Kalmia Latifolia
C. Sulphur
D. Graphites
Ans: D
45. What is the scale of dilution of \\\'X\\\' potency?
A. 1:10
B. 1:50
C. 1:100
D. 1:50000
Ans: A
46. Which of the following is hot, burning, itchy. Made worse by heat of beD.
A. Picricum Acidum
B. Sulphur
C. Gettysburg Water
D. Magnesium Sulphuricum (magnesia Sulphurica)
Ans: B
47. Most used medicine for spongy warts(tags) and corns
A. Thuja
B. Alumina
C. Arsenum Album
D. Antimony Crudum
Ans: A
48. Remedy for persistently irritating and corrosive discharges (from nose or eyes etc)
A. Arsinum Iodatum
B. Arsenum Album
C. Tellurium
D. Veratrum Album
Ans: A
49. A remedy for traumatic injuries and septic conditions
A. Iridium Metallicum (iridium)
B. Arnica Montana
C. Daphne Indica
D. Nuphar Luteum
Ans: B
50. A remedy for haemorrhagic tendencies and septic states
A. Taxus Baccata
B. Calendula
C. Thyroidinum
D. Lachesis
Ans: D