Assistent Architecture Multiple choice Questions & Answers

Posted On:May 28, 2019, Posted By: Latest Interview Questions, Views: 2195, Rating :

Assistent Architecture Objective type Questions & Answers

Dear readers, these Assistent Architecture Multiple choice Questions have been designed specially to get you acquainted with the nature of questions you may encounter during your Job interview for the subject of Assistent Architecture. As per my experience good interviewers hardly plan to ask any particular question during your Job interview, normally questions start with some basic concept of the subject and later they continue based on further discussion and what you answer:

1. perpendicular offset form the junction of transition curve and curricular curve to the tangent is equal to 

A. shift

B. two times the shift

C. three times the shift

D. four times the shift

Ans: D

Objective Type Questions On Assistent Architecture

2. If the radius of circular curve is five times the length of the transition curve, then the spiral angle is given by 

A. 1/5 radian 

B. 1/10 radian

C. 1/20 radian 

D. 1/40 radian

Ans: D


4. If an upgrade of 1-5% is followed by a downgrade of 0.5% and rate of change of grade is 0.2% per 20m chain, then the length of vertical is 

A. 100m

B. 200m

C. 300m 

D. 400m

Ans: B


5. By plane table surveying 

A. field work alone is possible

B. plotting alone is possible

C. both field work and plotting has are possible simultaneously

D. both field work in the field and plotting on office are possible 

Ans: C


6. The plots intended for residential purposes in a municipal area should not be less than 

A. 80 m2

B. 120m2 

C. 160m2

D. 200m2

Ans: D


7. The plot size in residential layouts in corporation limits for row housing in m2 is 

A. 50-100 

B. 100-150

C. 150-200

D. 200 

Ans: A


8. In the double application of principle of reversion, the apparent error is 

A. equal to true error

B. half the true error

C. two times the true error

D. four times the true error

Ans: D


9. The maximum value of centrifugal ratio on roads and railways respectively are taken as 

A. 1/4 and 1/6 

B.1/6 and 1/8

C. 1/4 and 1/8

D.1/8 and ¼

Ans: C


10. Agonic line is the line joining points having 

A. Zero declination 

B. minimum declination

C. maximum declination

D. declination

Ans: A


11. The difference in elevation of points between a vertical and a tangent is 

A. directly proportional to its horizontal distance from the point of tangency

B. inversely proportional to its horizontal distance from the point of tangency

C. directly proportional to the square of its horizontal distance from the point of tangency

D. inversely proportional to the square of its horizontal distance from the point of tangency

Ans: C


12. The type of pointing in which the mortar is first pressed into the raked joints and then finished off flush with the edges of the bricks or stones, is called 

A. flust pointing 

B. struck pointing

C. V-grooved pointing

D. tuck pointing

Ans: A


13. A block of stone or concrete provided under the end of tie beam to spread the load from the roof over a large area of bearing, is called 

A. gable 

B. hip

C. verge 

D. template

Ans: D


14. The horizontal members of wood or steel used to support the common rafter of a sloping roof, are called 

A. purlins

B. cleats

C. hip rafters

D. valley rafters

Ans: A


15. The type of pointing in which the mortar is first pressed into the raked joint and then finished off flush with the face of the bricks or stones is called 

A. flush pointing 

B. struck pointing

C. V-grooved pointing 

D. tuck pointing

Ans: D


16. The efficiency of a riveted joint is : 

A. Tearing efficiency 

B. Shearing efficiency

C. Crushing efficiency 

D. Least of the above

Ans: B


17. The efficiency of pile group is 

A. always less than one

B. always more than one

C. always equal to one

D. less than, equal to or more than one

Ans: A


18. Read the following two statements and select the correct answer 

i) Shift bisects the transition curve

ii) Transition curve bisects the shift

A. only (i) is correct 

B. only (ii) correct

C. both (i) and (ii) are correct

D. neither (i) nor (ii) is correct

Ans: C


19. A curve tangential to four straight lines and consisting of arcs of different radii is known as 

A. one centered compound curve

B. two centered compound curve

C. three centered compound curve

D. four centered compound curve

Ans: C


20. If the degree of a curve is 10, then radius of the curve is equal to 

A. 5400 m

B. 1720m

C. 123m 

D. m

Ans: B


22. for the computation of areas, which rule is most accurate? 

A. Mid-ordinate rule 

B. Average Ordinate rule

C. Trapezoidal rule

D. Simpson's rule

Ans: D


23. A pantograph is used for 

A. Measuring 

B. measuring distances on maps

C. reproducing, enlarging or reducing the maps

D. Measuring vertical angles

Ans: C


24. The apparent movement of the image of the staff relative to the cross hairs is known as

A. shift 

B. slint

C. parallax error 

D. sight error

Ans: C


25. A working profile gives 

A. ground levels only

B. formation levels only

C. difference in ground levels & formation levels

D. all of the above

Ans: D


26. The error in the staff readings due to curvature of the earth when the length of sight is 1 Km is 

A. -0.0785 m 

B. +0.0785 m 

C. -0.0667 m 

D. +0.0667 m

Ans: A


27. The vertical distance between the upper surface of the successive treads is known as 'going of step' 

A. true

B. false

Ans: B


28. The brick flooring is used in 

A. workshops

B. godowns

C. verandahs 

D. none of these

Ans: B


29. The flooring made with small pieces of broken tiles of china glazed or of marble arranged in different pattern, is known as 

A. asphalt flooring

B. mosaic flooring

C. terrazo flooring

D. granolithic flooring

Ans: B


30. In stairs, the flier is 

A. a vertical portion of a step providing a support to the tread

B. a straight step having a parallel width of tread

C. the under surface of a stair

D. the angle which the line of nosing of the stair makes with the horizontal

Ans: B


31. The maximum velocity of flow is limited to about 3 m/sec, though in practice it should preferably not exceed 

A. 2 m/sec

B. 2.25 m/sec

C. 2.5m/sec

D. 3 m/sec

Ans: B


32. The circular section of a sewer is very common but it is best suitable when diamter is up to 

A. 0.75 m 

B. 1.25m

C. 1.5m 

D. 3m

Ans: D


33. While designing a sewerage system, the span of design period is generally taken as 

A. one year 

B. 5 years

C. 10 years

D. 20 years

Ans: D


35. The longest time without unreasonable delay, the would be required for a drop of water to flow from the upper limit of the drainage area to the point where concentration or the maximum effect of flood considered, is known as 

A. inlet time 

B. time of flow 

C. time of concentration

D. time-intensity

Ans: C


36. The time required for first drops of rain water to flow from the distant points of water shed to the head of the sewer or drain is known as 

A. inlet time 

B. time of flow 

C. time of concentration

D. time intensity

Ans: A


37. In question no.89 the R.L of last point 

A. is greater than R.L of first point

B. is same As R.L of first point

C. is smaller than R.L of first point

D. cannot be determined from the given data

Ans: C


40. The distance between centre to centre of two adjacent rivet holes should not be less than 

A. 1.5 times the diameter of rivet hole 

B. 1.5 times the diameter of rivet

C. 1.5 times the diameter of rivet head

D. 2.5 times the diameter of rivet

Ans: D


41. If an up grade of +1% on first class railway is followed by a down grade of -2%, then the length of vertical curve will be 

A. 20 chains 

B. 40 chains

C. 50 chains 

D. 80 chains

Ans: C


42. An outline or -------- should never by used as a dimension line 

A. inner line

B. centre line

C. outer line 

D. Perpendicular

Ans: B


43. Mutual crossing of dimension lines and dimensioning between ---------- should be avoided 

A. dotted line 

B. straight line

C. curved line

D. dashed line

Ans: D


44. The recommended rate of change of grade for second class railways per 20-m distance at sages is 

A. 0.12% 

B. 0.1%

C. 0.8% 

D. 0.06%

Ans: D


45. The distance between centre to centre of any two adjacent rivets shall not exceed by ____ when the rivets do not lie in the direction of stresses 

A. 12xthickness of the thinnest plate

B. 16x thickness of the thinnest plate

C. 32xthickness of the thinnest plate

D. 32xdiameter of the rivet used

Ans: C


46. A surveyor's chain is made of 

A. cast iron 

B. stainless steel

C. aluminium 

D. galvanized mild steel

Ans: B


47. If a chain is found to be short, it can be adjusted by 

A. straightening the bent links

B. removing one or more circular rings

C. closing the joints that have opened out

D. any of the above

Ans: A


48. A telescope is said to be inverted if its 

A. vertical circle is to its right and the bubble of the telescope is down

B. vertical circle is to its right and the bubble of the telescope is up

C. vertical circle is to its left and the bubble of the telescope is down

D. vertical circle is to its left and the bubble of the telescope is up

Ans: A


49. The cross hairs in the surveying telescope are placed 

A. midway between eye piece and objective lens

B. much closer to the eye piece than to the ob jective lens

C. much closer to the objective lens than to the eye piece

D. anywhere between eye piece and objective lens

Ans: B


50. The foundation in a building is provided to

A. distribute the load over a large area

B. increase overall stability of the structure

C. transmit load to the bearing surface (sub soil) at a uniform rate 

D. all of the above

Ans: D