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Best ANIMAL BIOTECHNOLOGY Objective Type Questions and Answers

Dear Readers, Welcome to ANIMAL BIOTECHNOLOGY Objective Questions and Answers have been designed specially to get you acquainted with the nature of questions you may encounter during your Job interview for the subject of ANIMAL BIOTECHNOLOGY Multiple choice Questions. These Objective type ANIMAL BIOTECHNOLOGY Questions are very important for campus placement test and job interviews. As per my experience good interviewers hardly plan to ask any particular question during your Job interview and these model questions are asked in the online technical test and interview of many Medical Industry.

1. An odd number of cross overs in inverted region will result into formation of a dicentric chromatid and acentric chromatid at anaphase I incase of

A. pericentric inversion

B. paracentric inversion

C. double inversion

D. none of these

Ans: B


2. The percentage of individual with a given genotype, which exhibits the associated phenotype, is defined as

A. penetrance

B. expressivity

C. inheritance percent

D. environmental influence

Ans: A


3. Diethyl stilbestrol (DES), a synthetic estrogen causes

A. chromosome lagging

B. disruption of mitotic spindle

C. centriole elongation

D. all of the above

Ans: D


4. Bar eye character of Drosophila is due to

A. duplication in region of 16A of X chromosome

B. deletion in region of 16A of X chromosome

C. due to presence of additional X-chromosome

D. due to a point mutation in eye-locus

Ans: A


5. Transmission of a gene from male parent to female child to male grand child is known as

A. holandric inheritance

B. quantitative inheritance

C. criss-cross inheritance

D. maternal inheritance

Ans: C


6. The degree or extent to which a given genotype is expressed phenotypically in a particular individual is defined as

A. penetrance

B. expressivity

C. inheritance strength

D. environmental influence

Ans: B


7. How many chromosomes are there in Caernorhabditis elegans?

A. 3

B. 6

C. 9

D. 12

Ans: B


8. If two genes show 50% recombination

A. they are on different chromosomes

B. they are on same chromosome but far apart

C. both (a) and (b)

D. they are closely located on the same chromosome

Ans: C


9. Which of the following denotes a pair of contrasting characters?

A. Alleles

B. Phenotype

C. Homozygous

D. Genotype

Ans: A


10. A map of chromosomes that utilizes cloned and sequenced DNA fragments rather than genetic markers is known as

A. a physical map

B. a genetic map

C. a cloning map

D. none of these

Ans: A


11. In a dihybrid cross, the progeny of an Fl individual (hetero2ygous for both characters) will show a phenotypic ratio of

A. 1:1:1:1

B. 1:2:2:1

C. 9:3:3:1

D. 3:1:1:3

Ans: A


12. In an organism, the chromosome number is maintained constant because of

A. independent assortment

B. crossing over

C. DNA duplication

D. synapsis

Ans: C


13. How many chromosomes are there in the budding yeast (S. cerevisiae)?

A. 16

B. 17

C. 18

D. 20

Ans: A


14. Which of the following is correct when a character shows continuous variation assuming a normal distribution?

A. It is governed by many genes with small cumulative effect

B. It is not controlled genetically

C. Many of the variation is due to fluctuation of climate

D. None of the above

Ans: A


15. Raphanobrassica is a classical example of

A. aneuploidy

B. nullisomy

C. allopolyploidy

D. None of the above

Ans: C


16. How does dosage compensation in Drosophila occur?

A. Hypertranscription of male X chromosome

B. Hypotranscription of female X chromosome

C. X inactivation in females

D. Chimerism

Ans: A


17. Hairy wing character of Drosophila is due to

A. duplication in region of chromosome

B. deletion in region of chromosome

C. due to presence of additional X-chromosome

D. due to a point mutation

Ans: A


18. A diagram depicting chromosomes of haploid set of an organism ordered in a series of decreasing size is known as

A. zymogram

B. chromogram

C. idiogram

D. karyogram

Ans: C


19. A cross shaped (+) or a ring involving four chromosomes may be formed during metaphase I in case of

A. translocation heterozygote

B. deficiency

C. haploid organism

D. duplication

Ans: A


20. Incase of inversion when the inverted segment of chromosome includes centromere, it is known as

A. paracentric inversion

B. double inversion

C. inverted inversion

D. pericentric inversion

Ans: D


21. Exchange of segments between non homologous chromosomes is best known as

A. translation

B. translocation

C. recombination

D. crossing over

Ans: B